Tob. A town or territory east of the northern Jordan River. Other forms include: Ish-Tob, men of Tob. Tob is also referred to as: Tob (Group).
OT Distribution of References
- References: Judges: 2; 2 Samuel: 4
Key References for Tob: JDG 11:3, 2SA 10:6.
In the Old Testament (BSB), words representing “Tob” are translated as of Tob (2x), men (1x), men from Tob (1x), thousand (1x), and the men of Tob (1x).
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of Tob (JDG 11:3; JDG 11:5)
men (2SA 10:6)
men from Tob (2SA 10:6)
thousand (2SA 10:6)
and the men of Tob (2SA 10:8)
- JDG 11:3; JDG 11:5; 2SA 10:6; 2SA 10:8
- settlement
ACAI: town, province
- lat 32.561735; lon 36.240494
Recogito: lat 42.29846; lon -2.81399
VizBible: lat 32.561735; lon 36.240494