Patara. A city in Lycia on the southwest coast of Asia Minor where Paul's ship made a stop on his journey to Jerusalem.
Other information about Patara:
NT Distribution of References
- References: Acts: 1
Key References for Patara: ACT 21:1.
In the New Testament (BSB), words representing “Patara” are translated as Patara (1x).
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- Patara (ACT 21:1)
- ACT 21:1
- settlement
VizBible: City
ACAI: seaport
- lat 36.27471787; lon 29.31863783
Recogito: lat 36.26018; lon 29.314279
VizBible: lat 36.26018; lon 29.314279
Biblica Maps: lat 36.26097; lon 29.3145