Ecbatana. The capital city of the province of Media, where a scroll containing the decrees of King Darius were found (Ezra 6). Other forms include: Achmetha.
Other information about Ecbatana:
- Is located within the following region(s): Media.
OT Distribution of References
- References: Ezra: 1
Key References for Ecbatana: EZR 6:2.
In the Old Testament (BSB), words representing “Ecbatana” are translated as Ecbatana in (1x).
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- Ecbatana in (EZR 6:2)
- EZR 6:2
- settlement
ACAI: city
- lat 34.798311; lon 48.514966
Recogito: lat 34.80523; lon 48.51696
VizBible: lat 34.798311; lon 48.514966
Biblica Maps: lat 34.79929; lon 48.51221