import os
import copy
import inspect

configurations = os.path.realpath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())) # this file
configurations = os.path.dirname(configurations) # ggH2016
configurations = os.path.dirname(configurations) # Differential
configurations = os.path.dirname(configurations) # Configurations
configurations = os.path.dirname(configurations) # Configurations

#aliases = {}

mc = [skey for skey in samples if skey not in ('Fake', 'DATA')]


# gen-matching to prompt only (GenLepMatch2l matches to *any* gen lepton)
aliases['PromptGenLepMatch2l'] = {
    'expr': 'Alt$(Lepton_promptgenmatched[0]*Lepton_promptgenmatched[1], 0)',
    'samples': mc

aliases['Top_pTrw'] = {
    'expr': 'isTTbar * (TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Exp(0.0615 - 0.0005 * topGenPtOTF) * TMath::Exp(0.0615 - 0.0005 * antitopGenPtOTF))) + isSingleTop',
    'samples': ['top']

# data/MC scale factors
aliases['SFweight'] = {
    'expr': ' * '.join(['SFweight2l', 'LepSF2l__ele_' + eleWP + '__mu_' + muWP, 'LepWPCut', 'btagSF','PUJetIdSF']),
    'samples': mc