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-- Draft --

Active Transportation Plan Data Development

Create a consolidated, Regional Bike Network dataset conflated to the Travel Model II network, which include all bike facilities collected from the 9-Bay Area Congestion Management Agencies (CMAs) and the 3 largest Bay Area Cities - San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland.

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Data Sources

Source Organizations

Source Type Website
City of Oakland Department of Transportation City
Alameda County Transportation Authority CMA
City/County Association of Governments San Mateo CMA
Contra Costa Transportation Authority CMA
Napa Valley Transportation Authority CMA
San Francisco County Transportation Authority CMA
Solano Transportation Authority CMA
Sonoma County Transportation Authority CMA
Transportation Authority of Marin CMA
Valley Transportation Authority CMA
Bay Area Trails Collaborative Non-Profit / Advocacy
California Department of Transportation District 4 State

Analysis Parameters

Expected Regional Bikeway Network Schema

Column Column Alias Type Description Domain
shstReferenceId Shared Street Reference Id text SharedStreets References (SSR) are directional edges in a road network. Two-way streets have two SSRs, one for each direction of travel, while one-way streets only have one SSR.
shstGeometryId Shared Street Geometry Id text SharedStreets Geometries are street centerline data derived from the basemap used to produce SharedStreets References. A single geometry is shared by each reference id.
fromIntersectionId Shared Street From Intersection Id text
toIntersectionId Shared Street To Intersection Id text
{data_source_abbrv}_ex_cl Existing Class numeric Existing bicycle facility class value 0;1;2;3;4;999
{data_source_abbrv}_pl_cl Planned Class numeric Planned or proposed bicycle class value 0;1;2;3;4;999
{data_source_abbrv}_source Source text Indicates shst matching calculation applied to match a bike facility or its segment to a shst roadway segment
mtc_facility_id MTC Facility ID text Unique identifier assigned to each bicycle facility by MTC

Columns with a {data_source_abbrev} are prefixed with abbreviations of the data source. For example, the city of Oakland would have the following column names:

  • oak_ex_cl
  • oak_pl_cl
  • oak_source

The consolidated, regional bike facilities dataset should include a class column with facilities classified as follows:

Highway Design Manual Bicycle Transportation Design

  • Class 0: Unpaved, or dirt bike facility. This classification only used for Contra Costa County.
  • Class 1: Off-Street Shared-Use Path - A bikeway physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or barrier. Pedestrians, skaters, wheelchair users, joggers, and other non-motorized users typically use shared-use paths.
  • Class 2: Bike Lane - Portion of the roadway that has been designated by striping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycles. Some cities and counties also define wide shoulders as bike lanes. Always ride about 4 feet from parked cars to avoid the door zone.
  • Class 3: On-Street Bike Route - Any road or street designated for bicycle travel. These routes are not for the exclusive use of cyclists. Often, routes include residential streets with low auto volumes and speeds.
  • Class 4: Separated Bike Lanes - Separated bike lanes, also known as cycle tracks or protected bike lanes, are a dedicated bikeway that combines the user experience of a multi-use path but are located on a street. They are physically distinct from the sidewalk and separated from motor vehicle traffic by a physical object such as parking, a curb, or posts.
  • Class 999: The classification was unknown or not yet determined.


The consolidated, Regional Bike Facilities dataset was created through a mix of manual updates to the facility geometries using ArcGIS Pro desktop editing tools, as well as a scripted processes in python jupyter notebooks. State, City, and Non-Profit Advocacy Bike Facility datasets also underwent processing to standardize the schema and values to match the expected columns and attribute values as indicated in the Regional Bikeway Network Schema. Each of these datasets were then conflated with the Travel Model II Network, leveraging the Shared Streets Python Library. The results of this work are a series of datasets by source, modeled after the Regional Bikeway Network Schema above.

Processing Steps:

  1. Project each bike network dataset to NAD1983 UTM Z 10N, or EPSG 26910
  2. Review facilities that cross jurisdictional boundaries, edit line ends to connect to facilities in adjacent jurisdictions
  3. Map class attributes from jurisdiction class to a standardized classification using only numeric values. If class stored in a single column, separate class into existing or planned class columns based on a status column if present. Otherwise if an existing and planned / proposed class column already exists, add those values to the existing and planned class columns. (See Regional Bikeway Network Schema)
  4. Assign a unique identifier to each bike network dataset feature, and export as a geojson in preparation for conflation.
  5. Conflate each bike facility dataset with Travel Model II Network, and perform post-processing cleanup on datasets. For more information on Shared Streets Referencing, check out their documentation here


Bike Network Conflation Match Results

Bike Network Source Total Network Links Match Link Count Unmatched Link Count Match Percentage Unmatched Percentage
Alameda County Transportation Authority 52061 45519 6542 87.43% 14.37%
Bay Area Trails Collaborative 21148 20077 1071 94.94% 5.33%
California Department of Transportation District 4 4571 4557 14 99.69% 0.31%
City of Oakland Department of Transportation 11443 11375 68 99.41% 0.60%
City of San Jose 25571 25459 112 99.56% 0.44%
City/County Association of Governments San Mateo 25827 25121 706 97.27% 2.81%
Contra Costa Transportation Authority 25387 24969 418 98.35% 1.67%
Napa Valley Transportation Authority 6864 6730 134 98.05% 1.99%
San Francisco County Transportation Authority 10297 9243 1054 89.76% 11.40%
Solano Transportation Authority 13462 12180 1282 90.48% 10.53%
Sonoma County Transportation Authority 20004 19486 518 97.41% 2.66%
Transportation Authority of Marin 8559 8364 195 97.72% 2.33%
Valley Transportation Authority 36883 26943 9940 73.05% 36.89%

Conflated Bike Network Datasets

The bicycle network conflation results can be accessed via Box as follows:

Within each of these directories, there are 3 sub folders:

Sub Folder Name Description
matched Contains de-duplicated JSON files of links that matched to travel model links. These files join to the Travel Model NW See Active Transportation ERD
unmatched Contains GeoJSON files of unmatched results, which is a subset of data collected from each source containing original columns as well as columns added during steps 1-3 above
raw_matched Contains sub-folder, nammed following the applied match rules see conflation script docs. Each sub-folder contains raw GeoJSON files of bike network links that matched to travel model links.
travel_model_nw Contains Travel Model 2 network link attributes as a JSON file, and spatial data as a GeoJSON file. Matched output joins to these datasets See Active Transportation ERD

Conflated Bike Network Schema

Column Column Alias Type Description Domain
shstReferenceId Shared Street Reference Id text SharedStreets References (SSR) are directional edges in a road network. Two-way streets have two SSRs, one for each direction of travel, while one-way streets only have one SSR.
shstGeometryId Shared Street Geometry Id text SharedStreets Geometries are street centerline data derived from the basemap used to produce SharedStreets References. A single geometry is shared by each reference id.
fromIntersectionId Shared Street From Intersection Id text
toIntersectionId Shared Street To Intersection Id text
{data_source_abbrv}_ex_cl Existing Class numeric Existing bicycle facility class value 0;1;2;3;4;999
{data_source_abbrv}_pl_cl Planned Class numeric Planned or proposed bicycle class value 0;1;2;3;4;999
{data_source_abbrv}_source Source text Indicates shst matching calculation applied to match a bike facility or its segment to a shst roadway segment
mtc_facility_id MTC Facility ID text Unique identifier assigned to each bicycle facility by MTC

Columns with a {data_source_abbrev} are prefixed with abbreviations of the data source. For example, the city of Oakland would have the following column names:

  • oak_ex_cl
  • oak_pl_cl
  • oak_source

Travel Model Network Link Schema

Column Column Alias Type Description
model_link_id Travel Model Link ID numeric Unique ID used by the travel model
id Travel Model Link Shape ID text ID representing the geometry (not unique)
shape_id Link shape ID numeric ID generaged during network creation
shstGeometryId Shared Street Geometry Id text SharedStreets ID for the geometry (not unique, e.g., two-way roads can have the same geometry in each direction)
shstReferenceId Shared Street Reference Id text SharedStreets References (SSR) are directional edges in a road network. Two-way streets have two SSRs, one for each direction of travel, while one-way streets only have one SSR.
fromIntersectionId Shared Street From Intersection ID text SharedStreets "from" node ID
toIntersectionId Shared Street To Intersection ID text SharedStreets "to" node ID
A From Node ID numeric Travel model “from” node ID
B To Node ID numeric Travel model “to” node ID
access Roadway Access Type text OSM variable for roadway access (e.g., non-public roads)
bike_access Bike Access boolean Is the link in the bike network?
drive_access Drive Access boolean Travel model indicator if automobiles may traverse the link
walk_access Walk Access boolean Travel model indicator if pedestrians may traverse the link
transit_access Transit Access boolean Is the link in the transit network?
lanes Lanes numeric Number of lanes
maxspeed Max Speed numeric Speed limit
name Name text Name of the transportation asset (roadway only)
oneWay One Way boolean If the roadway is uni-directionary
ref Reference text Roadway reference
roadway Roadway text Travel model roadway and connector types
u u numeric OSM “from” node ID
v v numeric OSM “to” node ID
wayId Way ID numeric Corresponding OSM link ID
county County text The county where a link is located
rail_traveltime Rail Travel Time numeric
rail_only Rail Only boolean If the link is a rail link only
locationReferences Location References text SharedStreets-style location references
ft_cal numeric
ft Facility Type numeric Travel model facility type code
useclass Use Class numeric Travle model roadway use class: 0 (everyone), 2 (HOV 2+), 3 (HOV 3+), 4 (no combination trucks)
assignable_cal numeric
assignable Assignable numeric Is link used in assignment in travel model
transit Transit numeric Is transit-only link
tollbooth Toll Booth numeric Bridge and express lane toll codes
bus_only Bus Only boolean Is bus-only link
managed Managed numeric Is it a managed lane facility
segment_id Segment ID numeric Managed facility id
ML_tollbooth numeric
ML_tollseg numeric
tollseg Toll Segment numeric Express lane toll codes

Travel Model Network Shape Schema

Column Column Alias Type Description
id Travel Model Link Shape ID text ID representing the geometry (not unique)
shape_id Link shape ID numeric ID generaged during network creation
forwardReferenceId Forward Reference ID text SharedStreetsReferenceId representing the direction along a shape
backReferenceId Back Reference ID text SharedStreetsReferenceId representing the opposite direction along a shape of a two-way link
fromIntersectionId Shared Street From Intersection ID text SharedStreets "from" node ID
toIntersectionId Shared Street To Intersection ID text SharedStreets "to" node ID
geometry Geometry geometry Geometry of link shape

Active Transportation ERD


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