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4. Ingest Your Data into a Cloud SQL Database

The goal of this session is to ingest our knowledge base into a Cloud SQL database. The data are the Gen AI Dauphine Tunis Google Slides.

We will skip the following steps:

  • Creating a Cloud SQL database
  • Inserting data into the Cloud SQL database
  • Creating a PG vector extension in the Cloud SQL database

This tutorial will help you complete this exercise.

I. Read and Download Files from Google Cloud Storage

  • Open tp_4/gcs_to_cloudsql.ipynb and fill in the TODOs of I.

II. Test Locally the Streamlit App and the API

  • Open tp_4/gcs_to_cloudsql.ipynb and fill in the TODOs of II.
    • Add the merged document to a table in the Cloud SQL database


TP 4.1

The created table should look like this:

TP 4.2

III. Create a Python File to Automate the Process

Create a Python file to automate the process of ingesting the data into Cloud SQL.

  1. Open the file exercices/tp_4/ and create the following functions:

    • List all the files in the bucket
    • Download a file locally
    • Load the content of the file with unstructured
    • Merge the content of the file by page
    • Create a table if the table doesn't exist
    • Get embeddings methods
    • Ingest the data into the table
    • Create a store instance
  2. Open the file exercices/tp_4/ and create the following functions:

    • Perform a similarity search

To verify the correctness of your code, you can run the following commands:


IV. Edit the API to Perform a Similarity Search

  • Open tp_4/ and fill in the TODOs.

Hint: You can use the tests in and to edit

You need to:

  • Create a Cloud SQL connection
  • Perform a similarity search from a user query
  • Edit the root get_sources API route function to return the relevant documents

V. Test the API

  • Open tp_4/ and fill in the TODOs.

VI. Test Locally

  • Launch the API: uvicorn api:app --host --port 8181
  • Set the HOST in
  • Launch the app: streamlit run

Here we just display the relevant documents from a user query. We don't ask the LLM to answer from these documents.

VII. Deploy the API

  • Deploy the FastAPI app:
# May change depending on your platform
# Replace <my-docker-image-name> and <my-app-name> with your initials + _api
# Example: Florian Bastin -> <my-docker-image-name>fb_api
# Replace docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 with docker build -t if it does not work
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --push -t<my-docker-name>:latest -f Dockerfile_api .

# Be careful, the default port is 8080 for Cloud Run.
# If you encounter an error, edit the default Cloud Run port on the interface or via command line
gcloud run deploy <my-app-name> \
    --image=<my-region><my-project-id>/<my-registry-name>/<my-docker-name>:latest \
    --platform=managed \
    --region=<my-region> \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --port 8181

# Note that a SECRET KEY like this should be provided by GOOGLE SECRET MANAGER for more safety.
# For simplicity, we will use the env variable here.
  • Change the HOST in your Streamlit to the URL of the FastAPI: Example: HOST = ""

  • Deploy the Streamlit app:

# May change depending on your platform
# Replace <my-docker-image-name> and <my-app-name> with your initials + _streamlit
# Example: Florian Bastin -> <my-docker-image-name>fb_streamlit
# Replace docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 with docker build -t if it does not work
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --push -t<my-docker-name>:latest -f Dockerfile .

gcloud run deploy <initials>-streamlit \<initials>-streamlit:latest \
    --platform=managed \
    --region=europe-west1 \
    --allow-unauthenticated \
    --port 8080