The goal of this session is to create a "Hello World" Streamlit interface that will be deployed on GCP. The first step is to create a Docker image that will contain the Streamlit application. You need to have Docker installed on your machine.
A. Create and Test the Streamlit App Locally
cd exercices/tp_1/
streamlit run
# Open the URL given in localhost
B. Edit the Streamlit App
- Create two buttons:
- Language: English, French
- Gender: Man, Woman
- Adapt the input sentence to ask for the name of the person.
- Adapt the output sentence:
- For a man in English: "Hello Mr. [name]"
- For a woman in French: "Bonjour madame [name]"
- ...
- Use
- Refer to the Streamlit documentation
C. Test the App Locally
streamlit run
# Open the URL given in localhost
D. Build the Docker Image
Open and edit the Dockerfile
as required to match the port exposed below. We create a Docker image that will contain the Streamlit app. The Dockerfile is already created in the root folder. Refer to the docker build
and docker run
documentation. We use Docker because it is mandatory to deploy an app on GCP.
docker build -t streamlit:latest .
docker run --name my_container -p 8080:8080 streamlit:latest
# Open the URL given
Once it works, you can use the following commands:
docker stop <my_container>
docker rm <my_container>
# Then you can rerun docker run -p 8080:8080 streamlit:latest without any problems
# If you have an "already in use" error, do the previous steps before rerunning
gcloud init # Use your email and project settings
gcloud auth application-default login # Authenticate on GCP with admin account
# Docker authentication
gcloud auth configure-docker
# Replace <my-docker-image-name> and <my-app-name> with your initials + -streamlit
# Example: Florian Bastin -> <my-docker-image-name>=fb-streamlit
# Replace docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 with docker build -t if it does not work
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 --push -t<my-project-id>/<my-registry-name>/<my-docker-image-name>:latest -f Dockerfile .
gcloud run deploy <my-app-name> \<my-project-id>/<my-registry-name>/<my-docker-image-name>:latest \
--platform=managed \
--region=europe-west1 \
# Open the URL given
Congratulations! You have deployed your first Streamlit app on GCP!
Our goal now will be to create a chatbot in GCP. Instead of the Hello World, we will create a bot that can answer questions from private documentation.