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105 lines (70 loc) · 3.41 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (70 loc) · 3.41 KB

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FaceIt Products

This project is mostly generated with:

  • Yeoman - THE Awesome generator

The development tools are:

  • NodeJs - THE JS core
  • Git - version control manager
  • Grunt - Task runner
  • Bower - client-side libraries manager
  • Karma - Test Executer
  • Jasmine - Test Writer
  • NgDoc - Documentation Generator

The client-side libraries are:

  • Angular - MVC JS Framework
  • JQuery - JS Librarie
  • Bootstrap - CSS Librarie


The environment is composed of a task runner (Grunt), in order to process all development process tasks (integrity/test/build/doc).

The client-side libraries are Handled by a package manager (Bower).

The application has been generated following MVC design pattern (AngularJS).

Test cases are written in behaviour-driven JavaScript (Jasmine).

The angular application allow CRUD on a product list. It's composed of:

  • 2 View: Main and About.
  • 2 Controllers: Handling the 2 views.
  • 1 Directive: to display/edit a product.
  • 1 Factory: to retrieve dummy data from a JSON file.

Documentation is generated from application comments (NgDocs).

The project is under version control and available here (GitHub).


  1. Prerequisites:

       NodeJS v0.10.x+ and NPM v2.1.0+ installed
  2. Clone the Git Repository

       git clone
  3. Install dependencies

       npm install
       bower install
  4. Run Grunt


Deploy Build & development

Run the following command in the project root folder:

	  grunt build - build the project for development.
	  grunt build:dist - build the project for release.

	  grunt serve - preview in development.
	  grunt serve:dist - preview for release.

Run Tests

Run the following command in the project root folder:

	  grunt test - Execute all Jasmine tests.

Generate Documentation

Run the following command in the project root folder:

	  grunt docs - Build the api documentation (accessible in /docs)