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36 lines (35 loc) · 6.72 KB

File metadata and controls

36 lines (35 loc) · 6.72 KB

ESLint Rules

Rule Function
array-bracket-newline Requires line breaks if there are line breaks inside elements or between elements
array-bracket-spacing Disallows spaces inside array brackets
array-element-newline Doesn't care if there are new lines in an array
block-spacing Requires one or more spaces after the opening curly brace of a code block, if the code is on the same line
brace-style The opening brace of a block must be placed on the same line as its corresponding statement or declaration
comma-dangle Adds trailing comma when last item in list is on a new line
constructor-super Constructors of derived classes must call super()
curly Forces brace-less if, else if, else, for, while, or do if their body contains only one single-line statement
dot-location When splitting a chained function call between lines, the dot will be on the new line with the chained function call
eqeqeq Forces all comparisons to use triple equals, which checks type in addition to value
func-call-spacing Disallows space between the function name and the opening parenthesis
import-quotes/import-quotes Imports must use single quotes
indent Changes all indentations to tabs
jsx-quotes Disallows double quotes in JSX attributes
no-extra-bind Avoids unnecessary use of bind() and warns whenever an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) is using bind() and doesn’t have an appropriate this value
no-extra-parens Disallows unnecessary parentheses around any non-jsx expression
no-multi-spaces Disallows multiple whitespace around logical expressions, conditional expressions, declarations, array elements, object properties, sequences and function parameters
no-multiple-empty-lines Allows one empty line between lines of code, and one empty line at the end of the file
no-trailing-spaces Disallows spaces at the end of a line
no-unneeded-ternary Disallows unnecessary ternary conditional statements if they can be simplified
no-var Disallows use of var when declaring variables in favor of let and const
object-shorthand Allows you to use { property } instead of { property: property } when defining object properties with pre-defined variables
prefer-arrow-callback Enforces use of arrow function for any function expression for which the result would not change
prefer-const Enforces use of const when no modification is detected
prefer-template Changes any string concatenation to a template literal
quotes Changes all quotes to back-ticks except in import statements
react-hooks/exhaustive-deps Automatically sets dependencies for the useEffect() hook
react-hooks/rules-of-hooks Enforces react hooks rules
semi Gets rid of unnecessary semicolons
spaced-comment Enforces a whitespace character at the beginning of all comments
template-curly-spacing Prevents spaces in template literal breakouts
yoda Forces literals to come after variable when comparing them