- Missing error message when invalid ACBL player number entered into debug selectbox.
- Find where score_NS_1 and score_EW_1 have creeped into df.
- Don't let prompt create new columns. Check that dataframe results are all in results columns.
- regex in commands.sql not working. SD_Prob_Take_[0-9]+ not excluded.
- What to do with (tournament) sections not containing user's acbl_number? concat all sections by rows? concat may be correct if other sections' results are included in matchpoint calculations.
- Default API should be selected from json file, if exists.
- Change of player number is causing error.
- Neil's Instant Game errored out without sidebar. Find similar.
- Add game percentage to about.
- Kerry Feb tournament produced scores_l error.
- Missing error message when .streamlit, .streamlit/secrets.toml are missing or toml doesn't contain two secrets.
- show timestamps of data files.
- Does chat understand overtricks, justmade, undertricks? Or should result be used?
- Document SD_[Score,ParScore,Matchpoints,Pct][Max][Diff].
- Any interesting stats to grab from https://stats.lovebridge.com/statistics/lb_02_107602 ?
- Is there some way that logo url can be using file:///assets/...?
- Show list of acbl numbers, debug mode only, in landing page?
- Create .json or .toml file for settings. Use settings to turn off any debug output.
- Implement Checkbox for Debug Output in Advanced Settings. Use setting to turn off any debug output.
- Setting to disable single dummy calculations (avoid delay)?
- Don't perform string replacements on quoted prompts. Use as SQL.
- ACBL Individuals
- ACBL Teams
- Other online bridge services.
- Further reduce autosizing of columns. Dataframes doesn't look minimized although reportlab does.
- Show max SD contract NS, EW. If contract went down, is it a better expected value than letting opponents have bid?
- Implement downloading of chat session or perhaps output as markdown.
- Show rankings of declarers by parscore, sd, sd max, dd, dd max, actual.
- Show rankings of declarers by number of doubles, pct of hands doubled, pct making, pct beating par score (successful sacrifice).
- Show rankings of declarers by bidding of penalty double, success rate.
- Show rankings of declarers by bidding of sacrifice, success rate.
- Check if ACBL online games are in my DB.
- Howell movements.
- Write dataframe/SQL to in-memory SQL database? Perform queries on in-memory database instead of dataframe?
- What is the interaction between doubling and not doubling?
- Show rankings of declarers by successful contracts, unsuccessful contracts, successful doubles, unsuccessful doubles, successful sacrifices, unsuccessful sacrifices.
- Show BBO bidding, both ACBL human and BBO robot.
- Separate Release Notes from Project Notes?
- Speed up single dummy. write to file or sql database?.
- Highlight columns used in ORDER BY? Requires parsing of SQL statement.
- Experiment with charts. Use ChartAI?
- Flesh out README.md
- In default.favorites.json file, implement ability to specify a "help" for each "prompt" instead of just top one. Useful for NS, EW prompts.
- Show unlikely scores because out of range for contract. e.g. 3N wrong direction.
- Check each prompt for missing statistics. Make list of minimum statistics.
- Have expert review terminology used in prompts.
- Underbid means par or sd score is higher than either a double or pass out.
- Overbid means your contract result will be lower than parscore or sd score. although you might be able to make a higher contract in another strain.
- Overbid prompt uses score < sd score. Should be making contract score < sd score. e.g. 2N < 129 is False.
- Overbid prompt doubled contract looks like SD Contract Max is doubled too. Doesn't seem right.
- Overbid prompt should use Declarer DD Score?
- Implement list of best bids at any point in auction. It was done in 7NT.info?
- actual, parscore, dd, sd, sd max -- need matrix of pcts and score diffs.
- Show percentages loss/gain for in categories: gift, fix, luck, unlucky, ...
- Develop prompt to show variance between actual scores, DD, and SD for same contract.
- Distinguish underbids as contract mistakes if double dummy score < parscore and double dummy score < sd score.
- Use emojis in prompts? 🥸
- implement rankings. can this be done using a prompt or must webpage be scrapped?
- Overall and directional rankings. Or can this be done using a prompt?
- Historical Data: Calculate STDev of dealer DD, SD, Parscore, SD Max.
- Show list of prompts in Help tab.
- Create a single dataframe for DD, SD, SD Max, Par, and Actual instead of separate dataframes.
- Does low SD Max correlate to bad bidding/contract?
- What does low SD but high Pct say about a declarer?
- Show partnership declarer pct when showing declarer rankings.
- Show par score pct and sd pcts for boards played by partnership.
- Rename any column names?
- Drop useless columns.
- What is the distinction between game_id and event_id? Are they currently used in the correct way?
- What to do with BBO* columns?
- Show historical data. Similar to 7NT.info.
- Show pct lost/gained for each category: gift, fix, luck, unlucky, ...
- What can be shown using LoTT? Can some type of matchpoint pct be shown?
- What can be shown using Declarer_DD_SL_Diff (how much variance between DD and trump length?). Can some type of matchpoint pct be shown?
- Ouput expert commentary about each board. Tag each board with flat, lucky, gift, fix, unlucky in preparation for commentary.
- Rewrite using Polars? Need example of Polars using SQL.
- Implement audio, avatar, video.
- Analyze opening leads; nth longest, top of sequence, top of nothing, etc. Probably requires DD analysis of opening lead.
- Show deal's cards, dd, sd, par using graphical output? Maybe not because ACBL link seems adequate enough.
- Allow inputting of PBN file and its analysis.
- Create command line interface which can read prompts (internal or external) and output report.
- Implement play engine for analysis of play.
- Implement bidding engine for analysis of bidding.
- How many simultaneous users can be supported?
- Verify mlBridgeLib.Lott is correct for all callers: Morty, 7NT, board_results.ipynb.
- What's the diff between acbl_tournament_player_history and acbl_tournament_sessions?
- Delete tournaments/players directory. Only use players and tournaments/sessions?
- Looks like passed out hands are disappearing (row is dropped from results). Game ID 868296.
- Pct (ChatGPT 3.5 but happened once in 4)
- Unique boards
Experimental prompts: "Rankings": { "title": "Rankings", "help": "Show rankings by matchpoint percentage for pairs in your section and direction.", "prompts": [ "Show distinct strat_rank_NS, final_standing_NS, strat_NS, section, strat_type_NS, player_name_n, player_name_s sort by strat_rank_NS ascending, final_standing_NS descending, strat_NS ascending, section ascending", "Show distinct strat_rank_EW, final_standing_EW, strat_EW, section, strat_type_EW, player_name_e, player_name_w sort by strat_rank_EW ascending, final_standing_EW descending, strat_EW ascending, section ascending" ] },