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125 lines (107 loc) · 4.36 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (107 loc) · 4.36 KB

Mia Zip (Inspired by Miu)

Note: Please disable Windows Real-Time Protection before running the program. Otherwise, the program will be blocked for the iteration of files.


This program will create a windows context menu action for ease of zipping. This will follow the naming format with the name being mia_zip. Otherwise, you may use the mia command in the terminal.

Thank you for using!

GitHub release (with filter) GitHub release (by tag)


  • Download the latest release from here
  • Extract the zip file
  • Run mia.bat
  • Follow the instructions on the screen (If any)
  • Open a new terminal and run mia to start the program


mia create <path> [name] [options]

Creates a zip file of the given path with the given name. If no name is given, mia_zip will be used.


  • -v --verbose - Verbose output
  • -o <path> --out <path> - Set the output path for the current creation
  • -d --default-output - Set the output path to the default output path rather than the config value
  • -e <file name/folder name/extension> --exclude <file name/folder name/extension> - Exclude a file/folder/extension from the zip file
  • -i <file name/folder name/extension> --include <file name/folder name/extension> - Include a file/folder/extension from the zip file
mia config <set/add/remove/list> <key> <value>

Change config values.


Use set

  • naming - Naming scheme for the zip file :name :date
  • output_dir - Default output path for the zip file

Use add/remove

  • blacklisted_file_names - Blacklisted file names
  • blacklisted_folder_names - Blacklisted folder names
  • blacklisted_file_extensions - Blacklisted file extensions (Do not include the .)
mia update [version]

Update the program to the latest version. If a version is given, it will update to that version.

mia version

Get the current version of the program.


mia create D:\code\fizzbuzz fizzbuzz -v
#Output: Zipped 18 files in 1850ms (222 lines)
mia create D:\code\fizzbuzz fizzbuzz -v -o D:\code
#Zipping: ""
#Output: "D:\\code\\"
#Excluding: [["zip", "pdf"], [], [".git", "bin", "obj", ".idea", ".vs", "target", "node_modules", ".idea", ".next"], []] (Use --exclude or -e)
#Including: [] (Use --include or -i)
#[FILE] + ".eslintrc.json" (3 lines)
#[DIR] / "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\.git"
#[FILE] + ".gitignore" (28 lines)
#[DIR] / "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\.idea"
#[DIR] / "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\.next"
#[FILE] + "next-env.d.ts" (4 lines)
#[FILE] + "next.config.js" (5 lines)
#[DIR] / "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\node_modules"
#[FILE] + "package-lock.json" (4341 lines)
#[FILE] + "package.json" (27 lines)
#[FILE] + "postcss.config.js" (6 lines)
#[FILE] + "public\\favicon.ico"
#[FILE] + "public\\next.svg" (1 lines)
#[FILE] + "public\\vercel.svg" (1 lines)
#[DIR] + "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\public"
#[FILE] + "" (25 lines)
#[FILE] + "src\\pages\\api\\hello.ts" (11 lines)
#[DIR] + "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\src\\pages\\api"
#[FILE] + "src\\pages\\index.tsx" (111 lines)
#[FILE] + "src\\pages\\_app.tsx" (5 lines)
#[FILE] + "src\\pages\\_document.tsx" (12 lines)
#[DIR] + "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\src\\pages"
#[FILE] + "src\\styles\\globals.css" (24 lines)
#[DIR] + "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\src\\styles"
#[DIR] + "D:\\code\\nextjs\\revolv\\src"
#[FILE] + "tailwind.config.ts" (19 lines)
#[FILE] + "tsconfig.json" (22 lines)
#Zipped 18 files in 20ms (222 lines)
#TypeScript: 162 lines (72.97%)
#Other: 4423 lines
#CSS: 24 lines (10.81%)
#JavaScript: 11 lines (4.95%)
#Markdown: 25 lines (11.26%)
mia create C:\code\fizzbuzz fizzbuzz -v -o C:\code -e exe -e fizzbuzz -e fizzbuzz2
#Output: Similar to above
mia config set naming :name
#Output: Successfully changed key `naming` to `:name`
