Challenge 1: PowerShell: Configure PowerShell for Azure Administration & Create a VM Using PowerShell.
- Which PowerShell modules to download for Azure administration
- How to update the modules as version updates will happen.
- Use help with -examples to speed your coding through code snippets
- Deploy your first Azure VM using code.
Open PowerShell as administrator and execute:
Install-Module Az
Press 'Y' and allow the installation of the latest Nuget Package Provider:
NuGet provider is required to continue
PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to interact with NuGet-based repositories. The NuGet
provider must be available in 'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies' or
'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies'. You can also install the NuGet provider by
running 'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force'. Do you want PowerShellGet to install
and import the NuGet provider now?
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
Press 'A' to make the PowerShell Gallery a trusted code repository - this is the Code source for the Azure Az modules:
Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its
InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"): a
The installation will take a while. After install you can query the modules and it's versions using:
get-module Az* -ListAvailable
Output will be something like:
Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Script 1.4.0 Az.Accounts {Disable-AzDataCollection, Disable-AzContextAutosave, Enab...
Script 1.0.1 Az.Aks {Get-AzAks, New-AzAks, Remove-AzAks, Import-AzAksCredentia...
Script 1.0.2 Az.AnalysisServices {Resume-AzAnalysisServicesServer, Suspend-AzAnalysisServic...
Script 1.0.0 Az.ApiManagement {Add-AzApiManagementRegion, Get-AzApiManagementSsoToken, N...
Script 1.0.0 Az.ApplicationInsights {Get-AzApplicationInsights, New-AzApplicationInsights, Rem...
Script 1.2.0 Az.Automation {Get-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup, Remove-AzAutomationHyb...
Script 1.0.0 Az.Batch {Remove-AzBatchAccount, Get-AzBatchAccount, Get-AzBatchAcc...
Script 1.0.0 Az.Billing {Get-AzBillingInvoice, Get-AzBillingPeriod, Get-AzEnrollme...
Script 1.1.0 Az.Cdn {Get-AzCdnProfile, Get-AzCdnProfileSsoUrl, New-AzCdnProfil...
Script 1.0.1 Az.CognitiveServices {Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccount, Get-AzCognitiveServicesAc...
Script 1.6.0 Az.Compute {Remove-AzAvailabilitySet, Get-AzAvailabilitySet, New-AzAv...
Script 1.0.0 Az.ContainerInstance {New-AzContainerGroup, Get-AzContainerGroup, Remove-AzCont...
Script 1.0.1 Az.ContainerRegistry {New-AzContainerRegistry, Get-AzContainerRegistry, Update-...
To Login open PowerShell and execute:
List the available Azure subscriptions:
Output will be something like:
Name Id TenantId State
---- -- -------- -----
Azure Pass - Sponsorship 79021c9b-147b-4dc0-ab8c-a3de94905f3f c097c15f-e692-4b72-8f72-490b95209f57 Enabled
To select a specific subscription as target for further deployments you might want to ask the user:
Get-AzSubscription | Out-GridView -PassThru | Set-AzContext
Now after the context has been set you can query subscription specific details e.g. the available VM sizes in a specific region:
Get-AzVMSize -Location 'west europe'
Output should be something like:
Name NumberOfCores MemoryInMB MaxDataDiskCount OSDiskSizeInMB ResourceDiskSizeInMB
---- ------------- ---------- ---------------- -------------- --------------------
Standard_A0 1 768 1 1047552 20480
Standard_A1 1 1792 2 1047552 71680
Standard_A2 2 3584 4 1047552 138240
Standard_A3 4 7168 8 1047552 291840
Note: Azure resources (e.g. a virtual machine's hard disk) are provided through so called Azure Resource Providers.
In order to create a specific resource (e.g. a VM) you have to talk to the correct resource provider (e.g. Microsoft.Compute).
These resource providers implement the feature (e.g. a VM) in a specific region. You don't have to learn whom to talk to and where which resource providers are available - because the PowerShell Az modules you just installed do this for you.
The Az modules are sort of aligned to Azure Resource Providers, i.e.
What do you want to create | Responsible Azure Resource Provider | PowerShell Module to use |
Create a VM | Microsoft.Compute | Az.Compute |
Create a virtual network | Microsoft.Network | Az.Network |
... | ... | ... |
So the commands for creating a VM are 'hidden' in Az.Compute. Execute:
Get-Command -Module Az.Compute
delivers e.g.:
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Invoke-AzVMRunCommand 3.0.0 Az.Compute
Cmdlet Invoke-AzVmssVMRunCommand 3.0.0 Az.Compute
Cmdlet New-AzVM 3.0.0 Az.Compute
Cmdlet New-AzVMConfig 3.0.0 Az.Compute
Cmdlet New-AzVMDataDisk 3.0.0 Az.Compute
Cmdlet New-AzVMSqlServerAutoBackupConfig 3.0.0 Az.Compute
Now let's create a vm using PowerShell. But we are lazy and want to be fast so we copy example code from PowerShell help:
help New-AzVM -Examples | clip
copies the example code to the clipboard. Open PowerShell ISE and do a CTRL-V to paste the code into a editor window. Please choose example 3 and remove the rest:
Now it's your turn: e.g. remove errors - (superflous line breaks), use variables, implement the resource group creation, add login-azaccount, subscription selection...
Does it run? If yes, watch in the portal what happens. What is missing | outdated?
After a successful run. Cleanup e.g. by deleting the resource group with the vm using the portal