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"Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your Azure credentials" when passing Azure context to Start-Job #9448

arpparker opened this issue Jun 18, 2019 · 48 comments
Azure PS Team bug This issue requires a change to an existing behavior in the product in order to be resolved. P0


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arpparker commented Jun 18, 2019


This issue is very similar to several previous issues here, here, and here. When passing the current Azure context to the Start-Job command, the first job that completes will often fail with the error message, "Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your Azure credentials". Subsequent commands complete successfully.

Steps to reproduce

Finding a way to consistently reproduce this has nearly drove me mad. I fully realize the steps below may seem oddly specific, but what I've outlined is the only way I've been able to reliably and consistently reproduce the issue. There may very well be a better way to reproduce it (or a way with fewer steps), but this method will work for me every time.

  1. Pass the Azure context being used to a Start-Job command that executes an Az command (a Start-Job similar to what's below for example).
  2. Wait 24 hours.
  3. Restart computer where running PowerShell commands.
  4. Open PowerShell session and clear Azure context (Clear-AzContext). Close PowerShell session.
  5. Open PowerShell session, login to Azure, and set context (Add-AzAccount, Set-AzSubscription).
  6. Run the below script.
$Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$DebugPreference = 'Continue'

$AzContext = Get-AzContext

Start-Job -ArgumentList $AzContext -ScriptBlock {
	$DebugPreference = 'Continue'
	Get-AzVm -AzContext $AzContext

Start-Job -ArgumentList $AzContext -ScriptBlock {

    $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
	Get-AzVm -AzContext $AzContext
  1. Wait for both jobs to complete. Receive both jobs and observe that one job will fail (whichever ends up getting submitted first) and the other job will succeed.

PS C:\Scripts> Get-Job

Id     Name            PSJobTypeName   State         HasMoreData     Location             Command
--     ----            -------------   -----         -----------     --------             -------
1      Job1            BackgroundJob   Completed     True            localhost            ...
3      Job3            BackgroundJob   Completed     True            localhost            ...

Receive-Job 1
#Normal Get-AzVm data is returned

Receive-Job 3
Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your Azure credentials.
At line:1 char:1
+ Receive-Job 3
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [Set-AzVMExtension], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.SetAzureVMExtensionCommand
    + PSComputerName        : localhost

Environment data

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.14393.2969
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.14393.2969
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

Module versions

    Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     1.5.2      Az.Accounts                         {Disable-AzDataCollection, Disable-AzContextAutosave, Enable-AzDataCollection, Enable-AzContextAutosave...}
Script     1.0.1      Az.Aks                              {Get-AzAks, New-AzAks, Remove-AzAks, Import-AzAksCredential...}
Script     1.1.0      Az.AnalysisServices                 {Resume-AzAnalysisServicesServer, Suspend-AzAnalysisServicesServer, Get-AzAnalysisServicesServer, Remove-AzAnaly...
Script     1.1.0      Az.ApiManagement                    {Add-AzApiManagementApiToProduct, Add-AzApiManagementProductToGroup, Add-AzApiManagementRegion, Add-AzApiManagem...
Script     1.0.0      Az.ApplicationInsights              {Get-AzApplicationInsights, New-AzApplicationInsights, Remove-AzApplicationInsights, Set-AzApplicationInsightsPr...
Script     1.2.2      Az.Automation                       {Get-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup, Remove-AzAutomationHybridWorkerGroup, Get-AzAutomationJobOutputRecord, Impor...
Script     1.1.0      Az.Batch                            {Remove-AzBatchAccount, Get-AzBatchAccount, Get-AzBatchAccountKey, New-AzBatchAccount...}
Script     1.0.0      Az.Billing                          {Get-AzBillingInvoice, Get-AzBillingPeriod, Get-AzEnrollmentAccount, Get-AzConsumptionBudget...}
Script     1.3.0      Az.Cdn                              {Get-AzCdnProfile, Get-AzCdnProfileSsoUrl, New-AzCdnProfile, Remove-AzCdnProfile...}
Script     1.1.1      Az.CognitiveServices                {Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccount, Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccountKey, Get-AzCognitiveServicesAccountSku, Get-AzCog...
Script     2.2.0      Az.Compute                          {Remove-AzAvailabilitySet, Get-AzAvailabilitySet, New-AzAvailabilitySet, Update-AzAvailabilitySet...}
Script     1.0.1      Az.ContainerInstance                {New-AzContainerGroup, Get-AzContainerGroup, Remove-AzContainerGroup, Get-AzContainerInstanceLog}
Script     1.0.1      Az.ContainerRegistry                {New-AzContainerRegistry, Get-AzContainerRegistry, Update-AzContainerRegistry, Remove-AzContainerRegistry...}
Script     1.1.1      Az.DataFactory                      {Set-AzDataFactoryV2, Update-AzDataFactoryV2, Get-AzDataFactoryV2, Remove-AzDataFactoryV2...}
Script     1.0.0      Az.DataLakeAnalytics                {Get-AzDataLakeAnalyticsDataSource, New-AzDataLakeAnalyticsCatalogCredential, Remove-AzDataLakeAnalyticsCatalogC...
Script     1.2.1      Az.DataLakeStore                    {Get-AzDataLakeStoreTrustedIdProvider, Remove-AzDataLakeStoreTrustedIdProvider, Remove-AzDataLakeStoreFirewallRu...
Script     1.0.0      Az.DeploymentManager                {Get-AzDeploymentManagerArtifactSource, New-AzDeploymentManagerArtifactSource, Set-AzDeploymentManagerArtifactSo...
Script     1.0.0      Az.DevTestLabs                      {Get-AzDtlAllowedVMSizesPolicy, Get-AzDtlAutoShutdownPolicy, Get-AzDtlAutoStartPolicy, Get-AzDtlVMsPerLabPolicy...}
Script     1.1.0      Az.Dns                              {Get-AzDnsRecordSet, New-AzDnsRecordConfig, Remove-AzDnsRecordSet, Set-AzDnsRecordSet...}
Script     1.1.1      Az.EventGrid                        {New-AzEventGridTopic, Get-AzEventGridTopic, Set-AzEventGridTopic, New-AzEventGridTopicKey...}
Script     1.2.0      Az.EventHub                         {New-AzEventHubNamespace, Get-AzEventHubNamespace, Set-AzEventHubNamespace, Remove-AzEventHubNamespace...}
Script     1.0.0      Az.FrontDoor                        {New-AzFrontDoor, Get-AzFrontDoor, Set-AzFrontDoor, Remove-AzFrontDoor...}
Script     2.0.0      Az.HDInsight                        {Get-AzHDInsightJob, New-AzHDInsightSqoopJobDefinition, Wait-AzHDInsightJob, New-AzHDInsightStreamingMapReduceJo...
Script     1.1.0      Az.IotHub                           {Add-AzIotHubKey, Get-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup, Get-AzIotHubConnectionString, Get-AzIotHubJob...}
Script     1.2.0      Az.KeyVault                         {Add-AzKeyVaultCertificate, Update-AzKeyVaultCertificate, Stop-AzKeyVaultCertificateOperation, Get-AzKeyVaultCer...
Script     1.2.1      Az.LogicApp                         {Get-AzIntegrationAccountAgreement, Get-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly, Get-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration...
Script     1.1.0      Az.MachineLearning                  {Move-AzMlCommitmentAssociation, Get-AzMlCommitmentAssociation, Get-AzMlCommitmentPlanUsageHistory, Remove-AzMlC...
Script     1.0.0      Az.MarketplaceOrdering              {Get-AzMarketplaceTerms, Set-AzMarketplaceTerms}
Script     1.1.0      Az.Media                            {Sync-AzMediaServiceStorageKey, Set-AzMediaServiceKey, Get-AzMediaServiceKey, Get-AzMediaServiceNameAvailability...
Script     1.2.1      Az.Monitor                          {Get-AzMetricDefinition, Get-AzMetric, Remove-AzLogProfile, Get-AzLogProfile...}
Script     1.9.0      Az.Network                          {Add-AzApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificate, Get-AzApplicationGatewayAuthenticationCertificate, New-AzApp...
Script     1.1.0      Az.NotificationHubs                 {Get-AzNotificationHub, Get-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule, Get-AzNotificationHubListKey, Get-AzNotification...
Script     1.2.0      Az.OperationalInsights              {New-AzOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource, New-AzOperationalInsightsCustomLogDataSource, Disable-AzOp...
Script     1.1.1      Az.PolicyInsights                   {Get-AzPolicyEvent, Get-AzPolicyState, Get-AzPolicyStateSummary, Get-AzPolicyRemediation...}
Script     1.1.0      Az.PowerBIEmbedded                  {Remove-AzPowerBIWorkspaceCollection, Get-AzPowerBIWorkspaceCollection, Get-AzPowerBIWorkspaceCollectionAccessKe...
Script     1.4.1      Az.RecoveryServices                 {Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProperty, Get-AzRecoveryServicesVault, Get-AzRecoveryServicesVaultSettingsFile, New...
Script     1.1.0      Az.RedisCache                       {Remove-AzRedisCachePatchSchedule, New-AzRedisCacheScheduleEntry, Get-AzRedisCachePatchSchedule, New-AzRedisCach...
Script     1.0.1      Az.Relay                            {New-AzRelayNamespace, Get-AzRelayNamespace, Set-AzRelayNamespace, Remove-AzRelayNamespace...}
Script     1.4.0      Az.Resources                        {Get-AzProviderOperation, Remove-AzRoleAssignment, Get-AzRoleAssignment, New-AzRoleAssignment...}
Script     1.2.0      Az.ServiceBus                       {New-AzServiceBusNamespace, Get-AzServiceBusNamespace, Set-AzServiceBusNamespace, Remove-AzServiceBusNamespace...}
Script     1.1.0      Az.ServiceFabric                    {Add-AzServiceFabricApplicationCertificate, Add-AzServiceFabricClientCertificate, Add-AzServiceFabricClusterCert...
Script     1.0.2      Az.SignalR                          {New-AzSignalR, Get-AzSignalR, Get-AzSignalRKey, New-AzSignalRKey...}
Script     1.11.0     Az.Sql                              {Get-AzSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryption, Get-AzSqlDatabaseTransparentDataEncryptionActivity, Set-AzSqlDataba...
Script     1.3.0      Az.Storage                          {Get-AzStorageAccount, Get-AzStorageAccountKey, New-AzStorageAccount, New-AzStorageAccountKey...}
Script     1.0.0      Az.StreamAnalytics                  {Get-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction, Get-AzStreamAnalyticsDefaultFunctionDefinition, New-AzStreamAnalyticsFunction, R...
Script     1.0.1      Az.TrafficManager                   {Add-AzTrafficManagerCustomHeaderToEndpoint, Remove-AzTrafficManagerCustomHeaderFromEndpoint, Add-AzTrafficManag...
Script     1.2.2      Az.Websites                         {Get-AzAppServicePlan, Set-AzAppServicePlan, New-AzAppServicePlan, Remove-AzAppServicePlan...}
Script     1.0.1      Microsoft.PowerShell.Operation.V... {Get-OperationValidation, Invoke-OperationValidation}
Binary    PackageManagement                   {Find-Package, Get-Package, Get-PackageProvider, Get-PackageSource...}
Script     3.4.0      Pester                              {Describe, Context, It, Should...}
Script    PowerShellGet                       {Install-Module, Find-Module, Save-Module, Update-Module...}
Script     1.2        PSReadline                          {Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler, Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler, Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler, Get-PSReadlineOption...}

    Directory: C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Manifest    AppBackgroundTask                   {Disable-AppBackgroundTaskDiagnosticLog, Enable-AppBackgroundTaskDiagnosticLog, Set-AppBackgroundTaskResourcePol...
Manifest    AppLocker                           {Get-AppLockerFileInformation, Get-AppLockerPolicy, New-AppLockerPolicy, Set-AppLockerPolicy...}
Manifest    AppvClient                          {Add-AppvClientConnectionGroup, Add-AppvClientPackage, Add-AppvPublishingServer, Disable-Appv...}
Manifest    Appx                                {Add-AppxPackage, Get-AppxPackage, Get-AppxPackageManifest, Remove-AppxPackage...}
Script    AssignedAccess                      {Clear-AssignedAccess, Get-AssignedAccess, Set-AssignedAccess}
Manifest   1.0        BestPractices                       {Get-BpaModel, Get-BpaResult, Invoke-BpaModel, Set-BpaResult}
Manifest    BitLocker                           {Unlock-BitLocker, Suspend-BitLocker, Resume-BitLocker, Remove-BitLockerKeyProtector...}
Manifest    BitsTransfer                        {Add-BitsFile, Complete-BitsTransfer, Get-BitsTransfer, Remove-BitsTransfer...}
Manifest    BranchCache                         {Add-BCDataCacheExtension, Clear-BCCache, Disable-BC, Disable-BCDowngrading...}
Manifest    CimCmdlets                          {Get-CimAssociatedInstance, Get-CimClass, Get-CimInstance, Get-CimSession...}
Manifest   1.0        ConfigCI                            {Get-SystemDriver, New-CIPolicyRule, New-CIPolicy, Get-CIPolicy...}
Manifest   1.0        Defender                            {Get-MpPreference, Set-MpPreference, Add-MpPreference, Remove-MpPreference...}
Binary    DFSR                                {New-DfsReplicationGroup, Get-DfsReplicationGroup, Set-DfsReplicationGroup, Remove-DfsReplicationGroup...}
Manifest    DirectAccessClientComponents        {Disable-DAManualEntryPointSelection, Enable-DAManualEntryPointSelection, Get-DAClientExperienceConfiguration, G...
Script     3.0        Dism                                {Add-AppxProvisionedPackage, Add-WindowsDriver, Add-WindowsCapability, Add-WindowsImage...}
Manifest    DnsClient                           {Resolve-DnsName, Clear-DnsClientCache, Get-DnsClient, Get-DnsClientCache...}
Manifest    EventTracingManagement              {New-EtwTraceSession, Get-EtwTraceSession, Set-EtwTraceSession, Send-EtwTraceSession...}
Manifest    International                       {Get-WinDefaultInputMethodOverride, Set-WinDefaultInputMethodOverride, Get-WinHomeLocation, Set-WinHomeLocation...}
Manifest    iSCSI                               {Get-IscsiTargetPortal, New-IscsiTargetPortal, Remove-IscsiTargetPortal, Update-IscsiTargetPortal...}
Manifest    IscsiTarget                         {Add-ClusteriSCSITargetServerRole, Add-IscsiVirtualDiskTargetMapping, Checkpoint-IscsiVirtualDisk, Convert-Iscsi...
Script    ISE                                 {New-IseSnippet, Import-IseSnippet, Get-IseSnippet}
Manifest    Kds                                 {Add-KdsRootKey, Get-KdsRootKey, Test-KdsRootKey, Set-KdsConfiguration...}
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive        {Compress-Archive, Expand-Archive}
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics    {Get-WinEvent, Get-Counter, Import-Counter, Export-Counter...}
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Host           {Start-Transcript, Stop-Transcript}
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts  {Add-LocalGroupMember, Disable-LocalUser, Enable-LocalUser, Get-LocalGroup...}
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management     {Add-Content, Clear-Content, Clear-ItemProperty, Join-Path...}
Script     1.0        Microsoft.PowerShell.ODataUtils     Export-ODataEndpointProxy
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Security       {Get-Acl, Set-Acl, Get-PfxCertificate, Get-Credential...}
Manifest    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility        {Format-List, Format-Custom, Format-Table, Format-Wide...}
Manifest    Microsoft.WSMan.Management          {Disable-WSManCredSSP, Enable-WSManCredSSP, Get-WSManCredSSP, Set-WSManQuickConfig...}
Manifest   1.0        MMAgent                             {Disable-MMAgent, Enable-MMAgent, Set-MMAgent, Get-MMAgent...}
Manifest    MsDtc                               {New-DtcDiagnosticTransaction, Complete-DtcDiagnosticTransaction, Join-DtcDiagnosticResourceManager, Receive-Dtc...
Manifest    NetAdapter                          {Disable-NetAdapter, Disable-NetAdapterBinding, Disable-NetAdapterChecksumOffload, Disable-NetAdapterEncapsulate...
Manifest    NetConnection                       {Get-NetConnectionProfile, Set-NetConnectionProfile}
Manifest    NetEventPacketCapture               {New-NetEventSession, Remove-NetEventSession, Get-NetEventSession, Set-NetEventSession...}
Manifest    NetLbfo                             {Add-NetLbfoTeamMember, Add-NetLbfoTeamNic, Get-NetLbfoTeam, Get-NetLbfoTeamMember...}
Manifest    NetNat                              {Get-NetNat, Get-NetNatExternalAddress, Get-NetNatStaticMapping, Get-NetNatSession...}
Manifest    NetQos                              {Get-NetQosPolicy, Set-NetQosPolicy, Remove-NetQosPolicy, New-NetQosPolicy}
Manifest    NetSecurity                         {Get-DAPolicyChange, New-NetIPsecAuthProposal, New-NetIPsecMainModeCryptoProposal, New-NetIPsecQuickModeCryptoPr...
Manifest    NetSwitchTeam                       {New-NetSwitchTeam, Remove-NetSwitchTeam, Get-NetSwitchTeam, Rename-NetSwitchTeam...}
Manifest    NetTCPIP                            {Get-NetIPAddress, Get-NetIPInterface, Get-NetIPv4Protocol, Get-NetIPv6Protocol...}
Manifest    NetworkConnectivityStatus           {Get-DAConnectionStatus, Get-NCSIPolicyConfiguration, Reset-NCSIPolicyConfiguration, Set-NCSIPolicyConfiguration}
Manifest    NetworkSwitchManager                {Disable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort, Enable-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort, Get-NetworkSwitchEthernetPort, Remove-Netw...
Manifest    NetworkTransition                   {Add-NetIPHttpsCertBinding, Disable-NetDnsTransitionConfiguration, Disable-NetIPHttpsProfile, Disable-NetNatTran...
Manifest   1.0        NFS                                 {Get-NfsMappedIdentity, Get-NfsNetgroup, Install-NfsMappingStore, New-NfsMappedIdentity...}
Manifest    PcsvDevice                          {Get-PcsvDevice, Start-PcsvDevice, Stop-PcsvDevice, Restart-PcsvDevice...}
Manifest    PKI                                 {Add-CertificateEnrollmentPolicyServer, Export-Certificate, Export-PfxCertificate, Get-CertificateAutoEnrollment...
Manifest    PlatformIdentifier                  Get-PlatformIdentifier
Manifest    PnpDevice                           {Get-PnpDevice, Get-PnpDeviceProperty, Enable-PnpDevice, Disable-PnpDevice}
Manifest   1.1        PrintManagement                     {Add-Printer, Add-PrinterDriver, Add-PrinterPort, Get-PrintConfiguration...}
Manifest   1.1        PSDesiredStateConfiguration         {Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager, Start-DscConfiguration, Test-DscConfiguration, Publish-DscConfiguration...}
Script    PSDiagnostics                       {Disable-PSTrace, Disable-PSWSManCombinedTrace, Disable-WSManTrace, Enable-PSTrace...}
Binary    PSScheduledJob                      {New-JobTrigger, Add-JobTrigger, Remove-JobTrigger, Get-JobTrigger...}
Manifest    PSWorkflow                          {New-PSWorkflowExecutionOption, New-PSWorkflowSession, nwsn}
Manifest    PSWorkflowUtility                   Invoke-AsWorkflow
Manifest    RemoteDesktop                       {Get-RDCertificate, Set-RDCertificate, New-RDCertificate, New-RDVirtualDesktopDeployment...}
Manifest    ScheduledTasks                      {Get-ScheduledTask, Set-ScheduledTask, Register-ScheduledTask, Unregister-ScheduledTask...}
Manifest    SecureBoot                          {Confirm-SecureBootUEFI, Set-SecureBootUEFI, Get-SecureBootUEFI, Format-SecureBootUEFI...}
Manifest    SecurityCmdlets                     {Backup-SecurityPolicy, Restore-SecurityPolicy, Backup-AuditPolicy, Restore-AuditPolicy}
Script    ServerCore                          {Get-DisplayResolution, Set-DisplayResolution}
Script    ServerManager                       {Get-WindowsFeature, Install-WindowsFeature, Uninstall-WindowsFeature, Enable-ServerManagerStandardUserRemoting...}
Cim    ServerManagerTasks                  {Get-SMCounterSample, Get-SMPerformanceCollector, Start-SMPerformanceCollector, Stop-SMPerformanceCollector...}
Manifest    SmbShare                            {Get-SmbShare, Remove-SmbShare, Set-SmbShare, Block-SmbShareAccess...}
Manifest    SmbWitness                          {Get-SmbWitnessClient, Move-SmbWitnessClient, gsmbw, msmbw...}
Manifest    SoftwareInventoryLogging            {Get-SilComputer, Get-SilComputerIdentity, Get-SilSoftware, Get-SilWindowsUpdate...}
Manifest    StartLayout                         {Export-StartLayout, Import-StartLayout, Get-StartApps}
Manifest    Storage                             {Add-InitiatorIdToMaskingSet, Add-PartitionAccessPath, Add-PhysicalDisk, Add-TargetPortToMaskingSet...}
Manifest    TLS                                 {New-TlsSessionTicketKey, Enable-TlsSessionTicketKey, Disable-TlsSessionTicketKey, Export-TlsSessionTicketKey...}
Manifest    TroubleshootingPack                 {Get-TroubleshootingPack, Invoke-TroubleshootingPack}
Manifest    TrustedPlatformModule               {Get-Tpm, Initialize-Tpm, Clear-Tpm, Unblock-Tpm...}
Binary     2.1.639.0  UEV                                 {Clear-UevConfiguration, Clear-UevAppxPackage, Restore-UevBackup, Set-UevTemplateProfile...}
Manifest    UserAccessLogging                   {Enable-Ual, Disable-Ual, Get-Ual, Get-UalDns...}
Manifest    VpnClient                           {Add-VpnConnection, Set-VpnConnection, Remove-VpnConnection, Get-VpnConnection...}
Manifest    Wdac                                {Get-OdbcDriver, Set-OdbcDriver, Get-OdbcDsn, Add-OdbcDsn...}
Manifest    Whea                                {Get-WheaMemoryPolicy, Set-WheaMemoryPolicy}
Manifest    WindowsDeveloperLicense             {Get-WindowsDeveloperLicense, Unregister-WindowsDeveloperLicense, Show-WindowsDeveloperLicenseRegistration}
Script     1.0        WindowsErrorReporting               {Enable-WindowsErrorReporting, Disable-WindowsErrorReporting, Get-WindowsErrorReporting}
Manifest    WindowsSearch                       {Get-WindowsSearchSetting, Set-WindowsSearchSetting}
Manifest    WindowsUpdate                       Get-WindowsUpdateLog

Debug output

NOTE Any potentially private information has been blanked out with 'xxx'. If any thing that was blanked out is needed, please contact me privately.

DEBUG: 8:27:06 AM - GetAzureVMCommand begin processing with ParameterSet 'DefaultParamSet'.
DEBUG: 8:27:06 AM - using account id 'xxx'...
DEBUG: [Common.Authentication]: Authenticating using Account: 'xxx', environment: 'AzureCloud', tenant: 'xxx'
DEBUG: [Common.Authentication]: Authenticating using configuration values: Domain: 'xxx', Endpoint:
'', ClientId: 'xxx', ClientRedirect: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', ResourceClientUri:
'', ValidateAuthority: 'True'
DEBUG: [Common.Authentication]: Acquiring token using context with Authority '', CorrelationId:
'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', ValidateAuthority: 'True'
DEBUG: [Common.Authentication]: Acquiring token using AdalConfiguration with Domain: 'xxx', AdEndpoint:
'', ClientId: 'xxx', ClientRedirectUri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.7061450Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: ADAL PCL.Desktop with assembly version '',
file version '3.19.50302.0130' and informational version '2a8bec6c4c76d0c1ef819b55bdc3cda2d2605056' is running...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.7061450Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: ADAL PCL.Desktop with assembly version '',
file version '3.19.50302.0130' and informational version '2a8bec6c4c76d0c1ef819b55bdc3cda2d2605056' is running...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.7061450Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: === Token Acquisition started:
 CacheType: null
 Authentication Target: User
 , Authority Host:
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.7061450Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: === Token Acquisition started:
 ClientId: xxx
 CacheType: null
 Authentication Target: User

DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.7998850Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Loading from cache.
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.7998850Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Loading from cache.
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No token matching arguments found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: No token matching arguments found in the cache
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Error: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs: Exception type:
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalSilentTokenAcquisitionException, ErrorCode: failed_to_acquire_token_silently
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenSilentHandler.SendTokenRequestAsync()
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<CheckAndAcquireTokenUsingBrokerAsync>d__59.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<RunAsync>d__57.MoveNext()
DEBUG: [ADAL]: Error: 2019-06-18T12:27:06.8155456Z: 5a1f9fe1-e013-4740-ab7b-67d764c79c23 - LoggerBase.cs:
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalSilentTokenAcquisitionException: Failed to acquire token silently as no token was found in the cache. Call method
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenSilentHandler.SendTokenRequestAsync()
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<CheckAndAcquireTokenUsingBrokerAsync>d__59.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<RunAsync>d__57.MoveNext()
 ErrorCode: failed_to_acquire_token_silently
DEBUG: [Common.Authentication]: Received exception Failed to acquire token silently as no token was found in the cache. Call method AcquireToken, while authenticating.
Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your Azure credentials.
At line:1 char:1
+ Receive-Job 3
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : CloseError: (:) [Get-AzVM], ArgumentException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.GetAzureVMCommand
    + PSComputerName        : localhost

Error output

   HistoryId: -1

Message        : Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your Azure credentials.
StackTrace     :
Exception      : System.Management.Automation.RemoteException
InvocationInfo : {}
Line           : Receive-Job 3
Position       : At line:1 char:1
                 + Receive-Job 3
                 + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
HistoryId      : -1
Copy link

I am unable to reproduce this, but I did experience this some time ago (maybe a year), but found a workaround, using -DefaultProfile, (I turned off some of the debug output, and changed it so that I only get an error back (if any)

This was mostly in Azure Function App that uses runspaces, so your mileage may vary.

I actually just yesterday wanted to write a blogpost on this and found that I did not need to use -DefaultProfile anymore. I did a loop of 50 iterations queuing 5 jobs in each, and got this error 2-5 times each.

I worked with runspaces the entire day and did not see this error once.

Try below out and see if that makes a difference.

$Global:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

$AzContext = Get-AzContext

$Jobs = @()

$Jobs += Start-Job -ArgumentList $AzContext -ScriptBlock {
	# $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
	try {
        $null = Get-AzVm -DefaultProfile $AzContext
    catch {

$Jobs += Start-Job -ArgumentList $AzContext -ScriptBlock {

    # $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
	try {
        $null = Get-AzVm -DefaultProfile $AzContext
    catch {

$Jobs | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

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arpparker commented Jun 18, 2019

@spaelling I actually am using -DefaultProfile (technically -AzContext, but that is an alias for -DefaultProfile) in the actual script that I observed this issue on and it still fails in the same way. I can consistently reproduce this issue both in my actual production script and in my example script above. My steps for reproduction are just a simpler way to illustrate what I'm doing in the actual script (which is using Set-AzVmExtension to join a VM to a domain).

EDIT: Looking at this again, since I am using -DefaultProfile in my actual script, it was an oversight leaving it out in my reproduction steps above. So much so, it's pointless passing in $AzContext if I'm not referencing it anywhere! :) I'm going to try reproducing this again using -DefaultProfile, but I suspect the results will be the same since I can reproduce the same issue in my actual production script (which already uses -DefaultProfile).

EDIT2: I've added -AzContext to the Get-AzVm commands in the reproduction steps above.

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spaelling commented Jun 18, 2019

@spaelling I actually am using -DefaultProfile (technically -AzContext, but that is an alias for -DefaultProfile) in the actual script that I observed this issue on and it still fails in the same way. I can consistently reproduce this issue both in my actual production script and in my example script above. My steps for reproduction are just a simpler way to illustrate what I'm doing in the actual script (which is using Set-AzVmExtension to join a VM to a domain).

EDIT: Looking at this again, since I am using -DefaultProfile in my actual script, it was an oversight leaving it out in my reproduction steps above. So much so, it's pointless passing in $AzContext if I'm not referencing it anywhere! :) I'm going to try reproducing this again using -DefaultProfile, but I suspect the results will be the same since I can reproduce the same issue in my actual production script (which already uses -DefaultProfile).

EDIT2: I've added -AzContext to the Get-AzVm commands in the reproduction steps above.

I would assume that if -DefaultProfile is not explicitely specified in the call it will do the equivalent of Get-AzContext, which may be what then fails, ie. no context is available inside the job.
But again, I am seeing the same as you, although rarely (<2% of calls) when using Start-Job or equivalent.

Maybe someone has an idea on how to troubleshoot this. Can you reproduce on a vanilla VM (some Windows image from Azure marketplace)

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petehauge commented Jun 19, 2019

I have a repro for this I think... Here's my code:
$scriptBlock = { $jobs = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) { $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock { $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup).Count if (-not $rg) { Write-Error "Hit an issue..." } else { Write-Output "No problem..." } } } if($jobs.Count -ne 0) { Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete" foreach ($job in $jobs){ $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait Write-Output $result } Remove-Job -Job $jobs } } $jobs = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) { $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock } if($jobs.Count -ne 0) { Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete" foreach ($job in $jobs){ $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait Write-Output $result } Remove-Job -Job $jobs }

When I run that code - I get the following results:


It basically means that there is some intermittent issue in retrieving the profile. I'm seeing this running Pester tests in parallel (with Start-Job) that rely on the Az module. Anytime I use "-AsJob" in a commandlet I see intermittent failures.

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Can't seem to get my code formatted correctly in the prior comment, so attaching it here...

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spaelling commented Jun 20, 2019

Put the code within
code here

$scriptBlock = {
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

So what you are doing is basically this

(1..5 | % {Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
    (1..10 | % {Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
        $null = Get-AzResourceGroup -ErrorAction Stop
    }}) | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
}}) | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

That is nesting jobs in jobs. Above is testing the same 50 times, so that fits fairly well with my observed error rate of 2%, ie. 1 in 50 will fail.

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You can get a debug trace from when it fails like this

(1..5 | % {Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
    (1..10 | % {Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
        $DebugPreference = 'Continue'
        $Path = "$($env:TEMP)\20062019_$([guid]::NewGuid().Guid).txt"
        try {
            $null = Get-AzResourceGroup -ErrorAction Stop 5>&1 > $Path
            # Remove file if it did not fail
            Remove-Item $Path
        catch {
            Write-Host "Failed, written debug to $Path. Error was $_"
            notepad $Path
        $DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    }}) | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
}}) | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

Maybe it is just me, but it seems to fail more often when done like this. The debug trace I am getting is this

7:48:28 AM - GetAzureResourceGroupCmdlet begin processing with ParameterSet 'GetByResourceGroupName'.
7:48:28 AM - using account id '*******************'...
[Common.Authentication]: Authenticating using Account: '*******************', environment: 'AzureCloud', tenant: '************************'
[Common.Authentication]: Authenticating using configuration values: Domain: '************************', Endpoint: 
'', ClientId: '1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2', ClientRedirect: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', ResourceClientUri: 
'', ValidateAuthority: 'True'
[Common.Authentication]: Acquiring token using context with Authority '************************/', 
CorrelationId: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', ValidateAuthority: 'True'
[Common.Authentication]: Acquiring token using AdalConfiguration with Domain: '************************', AdEndpoint: 
'', ClientId: '1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2', ClientRedirectUri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:28.9565452Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: ADAL PCL.Desktop with assembly version '', 
file version '3.19.50302.0130' and informational version '2a8bec6c4c76d0c1ef819b55bdc3cda2d2605056' is running...9

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:28.9565452Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: ADAL PCL.Desktop with assembly version '', 
file version '3.19.50302.0130' and informational version '2a8bec6c4c76d0c1ef819b55bdc3cda2d2605056' is running...

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:28.9575461Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: === Token Acquisition started: 
	CacheType: null
	Authentication Target: User
	, Authority Host:

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:28.9575461Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: === Token Acquisition started:
	ClientId: 1950a258-227b-4e31-a9cf-717495945fc2
	CacheType: null
	Authentication Target: User

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.6175446Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Loading from cache.

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.6175446Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Loading from cache.

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.6435470Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.6445464Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7415426Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7415426Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7415426Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7415426Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7425438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7425438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7425438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7425438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7425438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7425438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7475447Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7475447Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7475447Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7475447Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7475447Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7475447Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7475447Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7485438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7485438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7485438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Looking up cache for a token...

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7485438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Information: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7485438Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No matching token was found in the cache

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7615453Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No token matching arguments found in the cache

[ADAL]: Verbose: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7625477Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: No token matching arguments found in the cache

[ADAL]: Error: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7725451Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: Exception type: 
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalSilentTokenAcquisitionException, ErrorCode: failed_to_acquire_token_silently
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenSilentHandler.SendTokenRequestAsync()
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<CheckAndAcquireTokenUsingBrokerAsync>d__59.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<RunAsync>d__57.MoveNext()

[ADAL]: Error: 2019-06-20T05:48:30.7725451Z: 45b5b5a9-4b53-4036-94a8-d695213153bb - LoggerBase.cs: 
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AdalSilentTokenAcquisitionException: Failed to acquire token silently as no token was found in the cache. Call 
method AcquireToken
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenSilentHandler.SendTokenRequestAsync()
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<CheckAndAcquireTokenUsingBrokerAsync>d__59.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.Internal.Flows.AcquireTokenHandlerBase.<RunAsync>d__57.MoveNext()
	ErrorCode: failed_to_acquire_token_silently

[Common.Authentication]: Received exception Failed to acquire token silently as no token was found in the cache. Call method AcquireToken, while 

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Can't seem to get my code formatted correctly in the prior comment, so attaching it here...

This is fantastic, I can reproduce the issue with this consistently as well. I did modify it slightly to include passing the context as a parameter to the job, and then passing the context to the Get-AzResourceGroup command. This matches how I was encountering the issue originally, but I can get it to fail both ways, so it may not be important. I've included the full code below with my changes for reference.

But overall, this is absolutely perfect--this is definitely the best way to reproduce this issue at this point. Seems my suspicion it was time-related is unfounded. I do find it interesting though that I would generally encounter it on the first job of the day after having not run anything for 24-48 hours. Seems immaterial now, but I do find it odd.

Should I replace my reproduction steps in the original post with the code @petehauge has provided?

As referenced above, here's the full code with my small modifications:

$AzContext = Get-AzContext
$scriptBlock = {
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ArgumentList $AzContext -ScriptBlock {
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup -AzContext $AzContext).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

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Can't seem to get my code formatted correctly in the prior comment, so attaching it here...

This is fantastic, I can reproduce the issue with this consistently as well. I did modify it slightly to include passing the context as a parameter to the job, and then passing the context to the Get-AzResourceGroup command. This matches how I was encountering the issue originally, but I can get it to fail both ways, so it may not be important. I've included the full code below with my changes for reference.

But overall, this is absolutely perfect--this is definitely the best way to reproduce this issue at this point. Seems my suspicion it was time-related is unfounded. I do find it interesting though that I would generally encounter it on the first job of the day after having not run anything for 24-48 hours. Seems immaterial now, but I do find it odd.

Should I replace my reproduction steps in the original post with the code @petehauge has provided?

As referenced above, here's the full code with my small modifications:

$AzContext = Get-AzContext
$scriptBlock = {
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ArgumentList $AzContext -ScriptBlock {
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup -AzContext $AzContext).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

The code I provided shows the debug trace, but they will read the entire thread and work from that. Maybe @markcowl or @cormacpayne can comment on this?

And just to repeat a comment I made earlier, this seems not to be a problem when using runspaces, but perhaps similar testing should be done before clearing runspaces entirely.

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bingbing8 commented Jul 8, 2019

I see the repro randomly in my code.
We connect-AzAccount from powershell azure funcitons. Here are what I am doing in our ps azure function:

  1. Invoke Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process before doing anything with Az. In Functions, profile.ps1.
  2. Invoke Connect-AzAccount with subscriptionID and save the result in a local variable in ps azure function.
  3. Pass the object returned from above step 2 to every further invocation of Az cmdlets as a DefaultProfile (alias AzureRmContext) parameter.

We randomly see below error at step 3. The error is gone when rerun the function.

Your Azure credentials have not been set up or have expired, please run Connect-AzAccount to set up your Azure credentials

Before it get fixed, is there any workaround for this error?

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@bingbing8 @spaelling @arpparker The likely culprit here is an issue with the type converter in the job. The type converter is used in this case because the type of the cmdlet parameter is IAzureContextContainer, rather than IAzureContext

To work around the issue, you can pass in an IAzureContextContainer. In a tpical azure environment, this would mean passint the results of running Connect-AzAccount rather than of running Get-AzContext


$context = Connect-AzAccount -Subscription "My Subscription" -Tenant xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-yyyyy
$job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $context -ScriptBlock {param($AzContext) Get-AzVm -AzContext $AzContext ...}

@markcowl markcowl modified the milestones: 2019-07-02, 2019-07-30 Jul 11, 2019
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bingbing8 commented Jul 12, 2019

@markcowl, below is the code we run. I didn't pass in the result of Get-AzContext. It fails randomly.

$appSecret = RetrieveSecretFromKV -SecretName $SPNId -KeyVaultName $KeyVaultName
$kvSecretBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($appSecret)
$certificate=[System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($kvSecretBytes, $null, [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags]::MachineKeySet)
Install-Certificate -Certificate $certificate -StorePath "Cert:\CurrentUser\My"
Write-Host "Connect-AzAccount..."
$Script:AzContext = Connect-AzAccount -CertificateThumbprint $thumbprint -ApplicationId $SPNID -Tenant $TenantID -ServicePrincipal -Environment $AzureEnvironmentName -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId
get-AzVM -DefaultProfile $Script:AzContext

Note that when run this concurrently in multiple instances of queue triggered azure ps function, it randomly failed. Most time, the first trigger fail (either after pushed new changes or did not run it for long time, like 24 hours), the second time after the first failures would work fine no matter how many instances are running.

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@bingbing8 @spaelling @arpparker The likely culprit here is an issue with the type converter in the job. The type converter is used in this case because the type of the cmdlet parameter is IAzureContextContainer, rather than IAzureContext

To work around the issue, you can pass in an IAzureContextContainer. In a tpical azure environment, this would mean passint the results of running Connect-AzAccount rather than of running Get-AzContext


$context = Connect-AzAccount -Subscription "My Subscription" -Tenant xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-yyyyy
$job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $context -ScriptBlock {param($AzContext) Get-AzVm -AzContext $AzContext ...}

I tried this with running 5 jobs, each with 10 nested jobs, and still got an error. I think even more than usual, but could just be coincidental.

$AzContext = Connect-AzAccount -Tenant 'TENANTID' -Subscription 'SUBSCRIPTIONID'
$scriptBlock = {
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ArgumentList $AzContext -ScriptBlock {
            # make sure this is not $null (will then grab from Get-AzContext)
            if($null -eq $AzContext)
                throw "Azure context is '`$null'"
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup -AzContext $AzContext).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs (NESTED) to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $AzContext

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

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@bingbing8 @spaelling @arpparker The likely culprit here is an issue with the type converter in the job. The type converter is used in this case because the type of the cmdlet parameter is IAzureContextContainer, rather than IAzureContext
To work around the issue, you can pass in an IAzureContextContainer. In a tpical azure environment, this would mean passint the results of running Connect-AzAccount rather than of running Get-AzContext

$context = Connect-AzAccount -Subscription "My Subscription" -Tenant xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-yyyyy
$job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $context -ScriptBlock {param($AzContext) Get-AzVm -AzContext $AzContext ...}

I tried this with running 5 jobs, each with 10 nested jobs, and still got an error. I think even more than usual, but could just be coincidental.

Ha, you beat me to this by like 10 minutes! :) Was just coming to post the same, I'm getting the same results. I think I have found a way workaround though based on one that was posted in a similar issue that I linked in the original post. More to come in a few minutes...

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The following, based essentially completely from this post, has worked 100% of the time for me:

Save-AzContext -Path "C:\Temp\AzContext.json" -Force

$scriptBlock = {
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
            #Clear-AzContext -Force | Out-Null
            Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null
            Import-AzContext -Path "C:\Temp\AzContext-Empty.json" | Out-Null
            Import-AzContext -Path "C:\Temp\AzContext.json" | Out-Null
            $AzContext = Get-AzContext
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup -AzContext $AzContext).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

A couple notes:

  • The Clear-AzContext doesn't seem to be required (at least for this particular issue)
  • If Disable-AzContextAutosave isn't present, the error "The process cannot access the file 'C:...\TokenCache.dat' because it is being used by another process." appears multiple times.
  • An empty context file can be created by saving the context when there is no context (also mentioned in the post I linked above).

I don't really understand why this works, but it does seem to work. What are the potential security implications of saving the context to disk?

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Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null

The following, based essentially completely from this post, has worked 100% of the time for me:

Save-AzContext -Path "C:\Temp\AzContext.json" -Force

$scriptBlock = {
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
            #Clear-AzContext -Force | Out-Null
            Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null
            Import-AzContext -Path "C:\Temp\AzContext-Empty.json" | Out-Null
            Import-AzContext -Path "C:\Temp\AzContext.json" | Out-Null
            $AzContext = Get-AzContext
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup -AzContext $AzContext).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

A couple notes:

* The Clear-AzContext doesn't seem to be required (at least for this particular issue)

* If Disable-AzContextAutosave isn't present, the error "The process cannot access the file 'C:...\TokenCache.dat' because it is being used by another process." appears multiple times.

* An empty context file can be created by saving the context when there is no context (also mentioned in the post I linked above).

I don't really understand why this works, but it does seem to work. What are the potential security implications of saving the context to disk?

The implication is that you are committing the access-token to disk. That can be problematic as someone could potentially elevate their access in Azure by having access to this file.

I find it odd that you have to import an empty context. I have done the same as you, but passing the access-token and an accountid along. But this still fails, which is odd. It should be pretty equivalent of logging in as a service principal.

Get cachec access token

Get cachec access token

An example

This will fail if multiple accounts are logged in (to the same tenant?), check with Get-AzContext -ListAvailable, there should be only one listed
Remove accounts using Disconnect-AzAccount

function Get-AzCachedAccessToken()
    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    if(-not (Get-Module Az.Accounts)) {
        Import-Module Az.Accounts
    $azProfile = [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.AzureRmProfileProvider]::Instance.Profile
    if(-not $azProfile.Accounts.Count) {
        Write-Error "Ensure you have logged in before calling this function."    
    $currentAzureContext = Get-AzContext
    $profileClient = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ResourceManager.Common.RMProfileClient($azProfile)
    Write-Debug ("Getting access token for tenant" + $currentAzureContext.Tenant.TenantId)
    $token = $profileClient.AcquireAccessToken($currentAzureContext.Tenant.TenantId)

$Token = Get-AzCachedAccessToken
$AccountId = (Get-AzContext).Account.Id
#Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken $Token -AccountId $AccountId

$scriptBlock = {
    param($Token, $AccountId)
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ArgumentList $Token, $AccountId -ScriptBlock {
            param($Token, $AccountId)
            Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null
            $AzContext = Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken $Token -AccountId $AccountId -Scope Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if($null -eq $Token -or $null -eq $AzContext)
                throw "Azure Token/Context is '`$null'"
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup -AzContext $AzContext -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs (NESTED) to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $Token, $AccountId

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

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bingbing8 commented Jul 12, 2019

@spaelling, it looks like your workaround works when the login in different jobs are same context so you can write/read the context from disk. For my case, we login to different tenant with different subscription in different function. It does not work that way.

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iamshital commented Jul 26, 2019

I tried all the workarounds mentioned here, but doesn't seem to be working anything..
I will try to revert to older version of Az powershell and will update here...

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WP0 commented Sep 16, 2019

I've been struggling with this for a week trying to upgrade our existing deployment scripts from AzureRM to Az. None of the workarounds posted here are working for us. Neither exporting/importing the context to a file nor passing the context to the scriptblock works. We make multiple calls to azure endpoints within the scriptblocks in parallel and we won't be able to finish migrating to Az until this works.

@erich-wang erich-wang self-assigned this Sep 18, 2019
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isra-fel commented Jun 9, 2020

The foreach-object -parallel issue was fixed in #12041 and the fix will be in our next release, but the original issue seemed to have a different root cause. Still digging into it.

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@arpparker , could you check if the latest Az can reproduce the problem?

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@dingmeng-xue - I just upgraded to the latest version of Azure Powershell with this command (admin window):
Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Force

And retried my repro from above and still see the same issue.


Here's the code:

$scriptBlock = {
    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

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arpparker commented Jun 23, 2020

@arpparker , could you check if the latest Az can reproduce the problem?

I'll give my reproduction steps a go tomorrow morning. But I can confirm that reproduction steps from @petehauge do indeed still fail for me. If I recall correctly, we aren't passing the Azure context into the script block in quite the same way though, so I'll definitely see if I can reproduce using my original steps. Stay tuned.

EDIT: Also, just to confirm, the latest version of the Az module should be v4.3.0, correct? That's what I'm seeing after running the Update-Module command for Az.

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@arpparker , could you check if the latest Az can reproduce the problem?

@dingmeng-xue, unfortunately the issue is not resolved. I was able to replicate the problem again using both my reproduction steps above and in the original script where I first discovered the issue.

As mentioned above, the version of Az installed is v4.3.

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I believe this might be related to locks. Some of the jobs cannot get access to the token cache file, so they fall back to in-memory mode, which of course is empty and contains no access tokens, hence the error.
And the reason why some jobs cannot get access is, we use a lock to protect the cache file, but it only works on the thread level, while PowerShell jobs are process-based.

I'm trying to figure out a solution. Will keep updating.

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Yes, I agree that it's probably related to locks. I was able to develop a workaround that seems to always work using a mutex before making any calls to Azure in each thread - the code is below. This tells me that as long as no jobs access the token cache at the same time they don't fail...

$scriptBlock = {

    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock {

            # WORKAROUND:
            $Mutex = New-Object -TypeName System.Threading.Mutex -ArgumentList $false, "Global\AzDtlLibrary"
            $Mutex.WaitOne() | Out-Null
            Enable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null
            $rg = Get-AzResourceGroup | Out-Null
            $Mutex.ReleaseMutex() | Out-Null

            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

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arpparker commented Jun 30, 2020

I believe this might be related to locks. Some of the jobs cannot get access to the token cache file, so they fall back to in-memory mode, which of course is empty and contains no access tokens, hence the error.
And the reason why some jobs cannot get access is, we use a lock to protect the cache file, but it only works on the thread level, while PowerShell jobs are process-based.

I'm trying to figure out a solution. Will keep updating.

@isra-fel Thanks for the update! Looking forward to what you find.

Yes, I agree that it's probably related to locks. I was able to develop a workaround that seems to always work using a mutex before making any calls to Azure in each thread - the code is below. This tells me that as long as no jobs access the token cache at the same time they don't fail...

$scriptBlock = {

    $jobs = @()
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
        $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock {

            # WORKAROUND:
            $Mutex = New-Object -TypeName System.Threading.Mutex -ArgumentList $false, "Global\AzDtlLibrary"
            $Mutex.WaitOne() | Out-Null
            Enable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process | Out-Null
            $rg = Get-AzResourceGroup | Out-Null
            $Mutex.ReleaseMutex() | Out-Null

            $rg = $(Get-AzResourceGroup).Count
            if (-not $rg) {
                Write-Error "Hit an issue..."
            else {
                Write-Output "No problem..."

    if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
        Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
        foreach ($job in $jobs){
            $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
            Write-Output $result
        Remove-Job -Job $jobs

$jobs = @()

for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
    $jobs += Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if($jobs.Count -ne 0)
    Write-Output "Waiting for $($jobs.Count) test runner jobs to complete"
    foreach ($job in $jobs){
        $result = Receive-Job $job -Wait
        Write-Output $result
    Remove-Job -Job $jobs

@petehauge This sounds very promising, but this might extend beyond my level of expertise. Can you explain what exactly this is doing, I'm not sure I'm following. How would I (if possible) incorporate into my initial reproduction script in the original post considering I'm passing the Azure context as a parameter to the script block?

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@arpparker - sure! Basically, the code is insuring that the first line of code that needs to get a context is doing so only one at a time via using a single mutex. IE: you could incorporate this into your code this way:

$context = Connect-AzAccount -Subscription "My Subscription" -Tenant xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-yyyyy
$job = Start-Job -ArgumentList $context -ScriptBlock {
      $Mutex = New-Object -TypeName System.Threading.Mutex -ArgumentList $false, "Global\MyCustomMutex"
      $Mutex.WaitOne() | Out-Null
      # Put only the first line of AZ powershell code here
      # this ensures that the first time on the thread we check tokens only one at a time
      $vms = Get-AzVm -AzContext $AzContext
      $Mutex.ReleaseMutex() | Out-Null
      # Additional code goes here

NOTE: I didn't test the code, but this is about what you would need... The first Az command in a script block needs to be guarded by a mutex so it executes only one at a time across all the threads.

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Hi all,
We've released Az.Accounts 1.9.1 fixing this issue. Could you update and try it? Thank you 😀

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This is such a relief! I ran through my repro above and it works, the issue looks like it's fixed! I really appreciate getting this fixed, I'm going to go throw away all my workaround code... :-) Thanks!

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Allright I'll close the issue.
Thanks to everyone providing information to help resolve the issue. Really appreciate that!

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I can also confirm this appears to be fixed for me as well.

@petehauge thanks for the explanation of the workaround a few weeks ago, I never even got a chance to try it. This is even better! :)

Thanks everyone!

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This issue re-appeared since yesterday (23rd of July 2020). Upgrading Az.Accounts to 1.9.1 doesn't help

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@PavelPikat , many reason may lead to this error. Could you raise a new issue and we will continue following up? If you can clarify further about your steps, it will be great.

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It seems to be Azure DevOps pipeline specific, so I raised microsoft/azure-pipelines-tasks#13348 with them

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When im deploying the resource using ARM i encountered the similar issue.
and has been resolved using command
Clear-AzContext -Force

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