diff --git a/doc/get_started/windows-10-iot-enterprise-ltsb-uk70-c.md b/doc/get_started/windows-10-iot-enterprise-ltsb-uk70-c.md
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+platform: windows 10 iot enterprise ltsb
+device: uk70
+language: c
+Run a simple C sample on UK70 device running Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB
+# Table of Contents
+- [Introduction](#Introduction)
+- [Step 1: Prerequisites](#Prerequisites)
+- [Step 2: Prepare your Device](#PrepareDevice)
+- [Step 3: Build and Run the Sample](#Build)
+# Introduction
+**About this document**
+This document describes how to connect UK70 device running Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSB with Azure IoT SDK. This multi-step process includes:
+- Configuring Azure IoT Hub
+- Registering your IoT device
+- Build and deploy Azure IoT SDK on device
+# Step 1: Prerequisites
+You should have the following items ready before beginning the process:
+- [Prepare your development environment][setup-devbox-windows]
+- [Setup your IoT hub][lnk-setup-iot-hub]
+- [Provision your device and get its credentials][lnk-manage-iot-hub]
+- UK70 device.
+# Step 2: Prepare your Device
+- Turn on your UK70 device and connect to internet
+# Step 3: Build SDK and Run the sample
+- Start a new instance of Visual Studio 2015. Open the **azure_iot_sdks.sln** solution in the **cmake** folder in your home directory.
+- In Visual Studio, in **Solution Explorer**, navigate to **simplesample_amqp** project, open the **simplesample_amqp.c** file.
+- Locate the following code in the file:
+ static const char* connectionString = "HostName=unitech-iothub.azure-devices.net;DeviceId=UK70;...";
+- Replace the above placeholder with device connection string you obtained in [Step 1](#Step-1:-Prerequisites) and save the changes.
+- See [Manage IoT Hub][lnk-manage-iot-hub] to learn how to observe the messages IoT Hub receives from the application.
+- In **Solution Explorer**, right-click the **simplesample_amqp** project, click **Debug**, and then click **Start new instance** to build and run the sample. The console displays messages as the application sends device-to-cloud messages to IoT Hub.
+- See [Manage IoT Hub][lnk-manage-iot-hub] to learn how to send cloud-to-device messages to the application.
+[setup-devbox-windows]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdks/blob/master/c/doc/devbox_setup.md
+[lnk-setup-iot-hub]: ../../setup_iothub.md
+[lnk-manage-iot-hub]: ../../manage_iot_hub.md