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Quickstart: DAPR with Functions on Azure Container Apps

In this tutorial, a sample Dapr enabled dotnet isolated Functions app on Azure Container App is deployed via Bicep template. This Bicep script will deploy Function on Azure Container App along with DAPR extension, DAPR Components - Redis as state store and Storage Account.

You learn how to:

  • Create an Azure Redis Cache for use as a Dapr state store
  • Deploy a Container Apps environment to host container apps
  • Deploy dapr-enabled Function on container apps: one that invokes the other service which will create an Order, saves it to storage via DAPR statestore.
  • Verify the interaction between the two apps.



After installing Azure CLI, launch the Command window and login to Azure:

az login

Setup your az login with active subscription:

az account set --subscription <subscription-id-or-name>

Clone the Azure function Dapr Extension Repo

git clone

Create resource group

Container Apps support for Functions is currently in preview and is only available in the following regions. Specify the location from this list:

  • Australia East
  • Central US
  • East US
  • East US 2
  • North Europe
  • South Central US
  • UK South
  • West Europe
  • West US 3
az group create --name {resourceGroupName} --location {region}


The Template deploys

  • A Container App Environment
  • A Function App
  • A Blob Storage Account and a default storage container
  • Application Insights
  • Log Analytics WorkSpace
  • Dapr Component for StateManagement
  • .NET Dapr enabled Function : OrderService
  • .NET DAPR enabled function : CreateNewOrder
  • .NET DAPR enabled function: RetrieveOrder

From az CLI run the following command:

cd /azure-functions-dapr-extension/quickstarts/dotnet-isolated/deploy/aca
az deployment group create --resource-group {resourceGroupName} --template-file deploy-quickstart.bicep

Verify the Result

Run the following CURL command to initiate a OrderService Function that will trigger CreateNewOrder process. A new Order is created and stored in the Redis store.

Replace the {quickstart-functionapp-url} value with your actual function app URL ex:

Replace {quickstart-functionapp-name} with your function app name

curl --location 'https://{}/api/invoke/{quickstart-functionapp-name}/CreateNewOrder' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "data": {
        "value": {
            "orderId": "Order22"

View Logs

Data logged via a Function app are stored in the ContainerAppConsoleLogs_CL custom table in the Log Analytics workspace. You can view logs through the Azure portal or from the command line. Wait a few minutes for the analytics to arrive for the first time before you query the logged data.

From Portal: Navigate to your container app environment.

In the left side menu, under Monitoring, select Logs.

Run a query to check the container app console logs to verify your function app is receiving the invoked message from Dapr.

| where RevisionName_s == $revision_name
| where Log_s contains "Order22"
| project Log_s

You can also view the saved state with below curl command.

curl --location 'https://{}/api/retrieveorder'

Clean up resources

Once you're done, run the following command to delete your resource group along with all the resources you created in this tutorial.

az group delete --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP