Following are some examples in which you can use the ARM action.
Different scopes:
Resource group (Default group)
scope: resourcegroup
subscriptionId: c01d26c9-****-****-****-************
resourceGroupName**: demoGroup
template: examples/template/template.json
There are a lot of sample templates available which can be used for deployment.
scope: subscription
subscriptionId: c01d26c9-****-****-****-************
region: centralus
parameters: rgName=demoResourceGroup rgLocation=centralus
More Sample templates can be found here.
Management group
scope: managementgroup
managementGroupId: demoId
region: centralus
template: https://teststorage.blob/template.json
parameters: https://teststorage.blob/parameters.json
Sample templates can be found here. Note: Parameter value specified in parameter file can be overridden by specifying it along with parameter file name. Example: parameters: https://teststorage.blob/parameters.json parameterName=parameterValue
Things to keep in mind:
- For all scenarios, you can either paste the template in your repo and provide its location or can use the URI of the template directly. Same thing applies to providing parameters.
- Authorization issue can be due to lack of proper access to the secret AZURE_CREDENTIALS. So, ensure that the secret has proper rights.
- DeploymentMode is a parameter required only in case of Resource group deployments. It can either be incremental(default) or complete.