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[User Guide] Quick Start Phase 2

github-actions edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 2 revisions

Phase 2 of the accelerator is to run the bootstrap. Follow the steps below to do that.

2.1 Install the ALZ PowerShell module

The ALZ PowerShell module is used to run the bootstrap phase. It is available on the PowerShell Gallery. You can install it using the following steps:

  1. Open a PowerShell Core (pwsh) terminal.
  2. Check if you already have the ALZ module installed by runnung Get-InstalledModule -Name ALZ. You'll see something like this if it is already installed:
Version    Name                                Repository           Description
-------    ----                                ----------           -----------
1.0.0      ALZ                                 PSGallery            Azure Landing Zones Powershell Module
  1. If the module is already installed, run Update-Module -Name ALZ to ensure you have the latest version.
  2. If the module is not installed, run Install-Module -Name ALZ.

2.2 Run the Bootstrap

You are now ready to run the bootstrap and setup your environment. If you want to use custom names for your resources or automate the bootstrap, please refer to our FAQs section.

The inputs differ depending on the version control system and infrastructure as code tooling you have chosen. Click through to the relevant page for detailed instructions:

Next Steps

Once the steps in the VCS specific section are completed, head to Phase 3.

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