Module used to set up vWAN Connectivity
Parameter name | Required | Description |
parLocation | No | Region in which the resource group was created. |
parCompanyPrefix | No | Prefix value which will be prepended to all resource names. |
parGlobalResourceLock | No | Global Resource Lock Configuration used for all resources deployed in this module. - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parVirtualHubEnabled | No | Switch to enable/disable Virtual Hub deployment. |
parVirtualWanName | No | Prefix Used for Virtual WAN. |
parVirtualWanLock | No | Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN. - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parVirtualWanHubName | No | Prefix Used for Virtual WAN Hub. |
parVirtualWanHubDefaultRouteName | No | The name of the route table that manages routing between the Virtual WAN Hub and the Azure Firewall. |
parVirtualWanHubs | No | Array Used for multiple Virtual WAN Hubs deployment. Each object in the array represents an individual Virtual WAN Hub configuration. Add/remove additional objects in the array to meet the number of Virtual WAN Hubs required. - parVpnGatewayEnabled - Switch to enable/disable VPN Gateway deployment on the respective Virtual WAN Hub. - parExpressRouteGatewayEnabled - Switch to enable/disable ExpressRoute Gateway deployment on the respective Virtual WAN Hub. - parAzFirewallEnabled - Switch to enable/disable Azure Firewall deployment on the respective Virtual WAN Hub. - parVirtualHubAddressPrefix - The IP address range in CIDR notation for the vWAN virtual Hub to use. - parHubLocation - The Virtual WAN Hub location. - parHubRoutingPreference - The Virtual WAN Hub routing preference. The allowed values are ASPath , VpnGateway , ExpressRoute . - parVirtualRouterAutoScaleConfiguration - The Virtual WAN Hub capacity. The value should be between 2 to 50. - parVirtualHubRoutingIntentDestinations - The Virtual WAN Hub routing intent destinations, leave empty if not wanting to enable routing intent. The allowed values are Internet , PrivateTraffic . |
parVpnGatewayLock | No | Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN Hub VPN Gateway. - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parExpressRouteGatewayLock | No | Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN Hub ExpressRoute Gateway. - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parVirtualWanHubsLock | No | Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN Hub. - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parVpnGatewayName | No | VPN Gateway Name. |
parExpressRouteGatewayName | No | ExpressRoute Gateway Name. |
parAzFirewallName | No | Azure Firewall Name. |
parAzFirewallPolicyDeploymentStyle | No | The deployment style of the Azure Firewall Policy. Either one shared firewall policy (SharedGlobal ) or one policy per region (PerRegion ), defaults to SharedGlobal . |
parAzFirewallPoliciesName | No | Azure Firewall Policies Name. This is used to automatically generate a name for the Azure Firewall Policy following concat of the pattern parAzFirewallPoliciesName-hub.parHubLocation if you want to provide a true custom name then specify a value in each object in the array of parVirtualWanHubs.parAzFirewallPolicyCustomName . |
parAzFirewallPoliciesAutoLearn | No | The operation mode for automatically learning private ranges to not be SNAT. |
parAzFirewallPoliciesPrivateRanges | No | Private IP addresses/IP ranges to which traffic will not be SNAT. |
parAzureFirewallLock | No | Resource Lock Configuration for Azure Firewall. - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parVpnGatewayScaleUnit | No | The scale unit for this VPN Gateway. |
parExpressRouteGatewayScaleUnit | No | The scale unit for this ExpressRoute Gateway. |
parDdosEnabled | No | Switch to enable/disable DDoS Network Protection deployment. |
parDdosPlanName | No | DDoS Plan Name. |
parDdosLock | No | Resource Lock Configuration for DDoS Plan. - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parPrivateDnsZonesEnabled | No | Switch to enable/disable Private DNS Zones deployment. |
parPrivateDnsZonesResourceGroup | No | Resource Group Name for Private DNS Zones. |
parPrivateDnsZones | No | Array of DNS Zones to provision in Hub Virtual Network. Default: All known Azure Private DNS Zones, baked into underlying AVM module see: |
parVirtualNetworkResourceIdsToLinkTo | No | Array of Resource IDs of VNets to link to Private DNS Zones. |
parPrivateDNSZonesLock | No | Resource Lock Configuration for Private DNS Zone(s). - kind - The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. - notes - Notes about this lock. |
parTags | No | Tags you would like to be applied to all resources in this module. |
parTelemetryOptOut | No | Set Parameter to true to Opt-out of deployment telemetry |
Region in which the resource group was created.
- Default value:
Prefix value which will be prepended to all resource names.
- Default value:
Global Resource Lock Configuration used for all resources deployed in this module.
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
Switch to enable/disable Virtual Hub deployment.
- Default value:
Prefix Used for Virtual WAN.
- Default value:
[format('{0}-vwan-{1}', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'), parameters('parLocation'))]
Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN.
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
Prefix Used for Virtual WAN Hub.
- Default value:
[format('{0}-vhub', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]
The name of the route table that manages routing between the Virtual WAN Hub and the Azure Firewall.
- Default value:
Array Used for multiple Virtual WAN Hubs deployment. Each object in the array represents an individual Virtual WAN Hub configuration. Add/remove additional objects in the array to meet the number of Virtual WAN Hubs required.
- Switch to enable/disable VPN Gateway deployment on the respective Virtual WAN Hub.parExpressRouteGatewayEnabled
- Switch to enable/disable ExpressRoute Gateway deployment on the respective Virtual WAN Hub.parAzFirewallEnabled
- Switch to enable/disable Azure Firewall deployment on the respective Virtual WAN Hub.parVirtualHubAddressPrefix
- The IP address range in CIDR notation for the vWAN virtual Hub to use.parHubLocation
- The Virtual WAN Hub location.parHubRoutingPreference
- The Virtual WAN Hub routing preference. The allowed values areASPath
- The Virtual WAN Hub capacity. The value should be between 2 to 50.parVirtualHubRoutingIntentDestinations
- The Virtual WAN Hub routing intent destinations, leave empty if not wanting to enable routing intent. The allowed values areInternet
Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN Hub VPN Gateway.
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN Hub ExpressRoute Gateway.
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
Resource Lock Configuration for Virtual WAN Hub.
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
VPN Gateway Name.
- Default value:
[format('{0}-vpngw', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]
ExpressRoute Gateway Name.
- Default value:
[format('{0}-ergw', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]
Azure Firewall Name.
- Default value:
[format('{0}-fw', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]
The deployment style of the Azure Firewall Policy. Either one shared firewall policy (SharedGlobal
) or one policy per region (PerRegion
), defaults to SharedGlobal
- Default value:
Azure Firewall Policies Name. This is used to automatically generate a name for the Azure Firewall Policy following concat of the pattern parAzFirewallPoliciesName-hub.parHubLocation
if you want to provide a true custom name then specify a value in each object in the array of parVirtualWanHubs.parAzFirewallPolicyCustomName
- Default value:
[format('{0}-azfwpolicy', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]
The operation mode for automatically learning private ranges to not be SNAT.
- Default value:
Private IP addresses/IP ranges to which traffic will not be SNAT.
- Allowed values:
Resource Lock Configuration for Azure Firewall.
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
The scale unit for this VPN Gateway.
- Default value:
The scale unit for this ExpressRoute Gateway.
- Default value:
Switch to enable/disable DDoS Network Protection deployment.
- Default value:
DDoS Plan Name.
- Default value:
[format('{0}-ddos-plan', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]
Resource Lock Configuration for DDoS Plan.
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
Switch to enable/disable Private DNS Zones deployment.
- Default value:
Resource Group Name for Private DNS Zones.
- Default value:
Array of DNS Zones to provision in Hub Virtual Network. Default: All known Azure Private DNS Zones, baked into underlying AVM module see:
Array of Resource IDs of VNets to link to Private DNS Zones.
Resource Lock Configuration for Private DNS Zone(s).
- The lock settings of the service which can be CanNotDelete, ReadOnly, or None. -
- Notes about this lock. -
Default value:
@{kind=None; notes=This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module.}
Tags you would like to be applied to all resources in this module.
Set Parameter to true to Opt-out of deployment telemetry
- Default value:
Name | Type | Description |
outVirtualWanName | string | |
outVirtualWanId | string | |
outVirtualHubName | array | |
outVirtualHubId | array | |
outDdosPlanResourceId | string | |
outPrivateDnsZones | array | |
outPrivateDnsZonesNames | array | |
outAzFwPrivateIps | array |
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"metadata": {
"template": "infra-as-code/bicep/modules/vwanConnectivity/vwanConnectivity.json"
"parameters": {
"parLocation": {
"value": "[resourceGroup().location]"
"parCompanyPrefix": {
"value": "alz"
"parGlobalResourceLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parVirtualHubEnabled": {
"value": true
"parVirtualWanName": {
"value": "[format('{0}-vwan-{1}', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'), parameters('parLocation'))]"
"parVirtualWanLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parVirtualWanHubName": {
"value": "[format('{0}-vhub', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]"
"parVirtualWanHubDefaultRouteName": {
"value": "default-to-azfw"
"parVirtualWanHubs": {
"value": [
"parVpnGatewayEnabled": true,
"parExpressRouteGatewayEnabled": true,
"parAzFirewallEnabled": true,
"parVirtualHubAddressPrefix": "",
"parHubLocation": "[parameters('parLocation')]",
"parHubRoutingPreference": "ExpressRoute",
"parVirtualRouterAutoScaleConfiguration": 2,
"parVirtualHubRoutingIntentDestinations": [],
"parAzFirewallDnsProxyEnabled": true,
"parAzFirewallDnsServers": [],
"parAzFirewallIntelMode": "Alert",
"parAzFirewallTier": "Standard",
"parAzFirewallAvailabilityZones": []
"parVpnGatewayLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parExpressRouteGatewayLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parVirtualWanHubsLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parVpnGatewayName": {
"value": "[format('{0}-vpngw', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]"
"parExpressRouteGatewayName": {
"value": "[format('{0}-ergw', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]"
"parAzFirewallName": {
"value": "[format('{0}-fw', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]"
"parAzFirewallPolicyDeploymentStyle": {
"value": "SharedGlobal"
"parAzFirewallPoliciesName": {
"value": "[format('{0}-azfwpolicy', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]"
"parAzFirewallPoliciesAutoLearn": {
"value": "Disabled"
"parAzFirewallPoliciesPrivateRanges": {
"value": []
"parAzureFirewallLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parVpnGatewayScaleUnit": {
"value": 1
"parExpressRouteGatewayScaleUnit": {
"value": 1
"parDdosEnabled": {
"value": true
"parDdosPlanName": {
"value": "[format('{0}-ddos-plan', parameters('parCompanyPrefix'))]"
"parDdosLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parPrivateDnsZonesEnabled": {
"value": true
"parPrivateDnsZonesResourceGroup": {
"value": "[resourceGroup().name]"
"parPrivateDnsZones": {
"value": []
"parVirtualNetworkResourceIdsToLinkTo": {
"value": []
"parPrivateDNSZonesLock": {
"value": {
"kind": "None",
"notes": "This lock was created by the ALZ Bicep vWAN Connectivity Module."
"parTags": {
"value": {}
"parTelemetryOptOut": {
"value": false