Releases: Autodesk/revit-ifc
Release 23.3.0 for Revit 2023
This is the official release of IFC Extension 23.3.0
- Added IFC2x3 Qto sets.
- Added material shared parameters export.
- Added the BarRole attribute when exporting IfcReinforcingBars to IFC.
- Added type entities for rebar and assemblies when exporting to IFC.
- Added support for exporting predefined types when exporting spaces to IFC4+.
- Added support of new measure units.
- Allowed export of rebar with slightly invalid transforms to IFC.
- Implemented exporting user defined parameters of 'Real' type as IfcReal with Revit display values.
- Implemented exporting of IfcRailingType entity.
- Implemented support of all 4 Revit velocity data types on export.
- Improved display of openings when export or linking in IFC files.
- Improved calculation of the linked levels elevation.
- Improved export of IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue.
- Improved export of insulation and lining as anything.
- Improved export of projects to IFC that contained family instances with invalid placements.
- Improved handling entities that don`t have PredefinedType.
- Improved handling of prohibited characters importing IFC file.
- Improved how classifications are viewed in certain older external applications when exporting to IFC.
- Improved linking of IFC files that contained properties with no names.
- Improved linking of IFC files with slightly self-intersecting profile data.
- Improved list/bounded/table user defined properties values export for Instances and Types.
- Improved processing of representation items.
- Improved support for exporting advanced BReps to IFC if the unofficial IFC4 Design Transfer View is used.
- Improved the export of the material layers of some IFC4 files with 0 thickness material layers.
- Improved the export of advanced BReps to the unofficial IFC4 Design Transfer View.
- Improved the behavior for export of elements split by levels.
- Improved user defined property set mapping, especially for IFC2x3 entities that previously had no type entity exported.
- Updated 4x3 enums according to IFC4.3.1.0 Documentation.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected the value for many MEP parameters exported to IFC.
- Fixed colour for exported pipe fitting.
- Fixed inconsistent IfcMaterialConstituent naming.
- Fixed export of a user-defined structural element type.
- Fixed export of IfcFurnitureType.AssemblyPlace attribute.
- Fixed export of IFC properties associated with the top-level IfcProject entity.
- Fixed export of materials from hosted wall sweep.
- Fixed export of material layer parameters of a ceiling element.
- Fixed export of user defined properties for roofs.
- Fixed export of some assemblies to IFC that resulted in orphaned entities.
- Fixed export of stairs layer name.
- Fixed IfcExportType for ceilings.
- Fixed IFC Classification export.
- Fixed log file creation for linking.
- Fixed processing of IFCPostalAddress with empty AddressLine.
- Fixed the calculation of the height parameter for some railings in metric projects when a previous value had been calculated that wasn't applicable to this railing.
- Fixed the issue when IfcCovering sill's body was exported as Brep instead of SweptSolid.
- Fixed the processing of openings when exporting a wall as shape aspects (components).
- Fixed the slope common property set parameter calculation when exporting some stringers to IFC.
- Fixed Revit Data types export.
- Removed the use of several Revit built-in parameters when exporting IFC properties that have the same name but are different.
A number of improvements and optimizations have been made to the export of properties.
After which type properties are not exported in case they are not specified in the user-defined property sets file.
Since 23.3.0, to export type properties for the IFCElement, for example,
a user should include "IFCElementType" in the proper .txt file.
In the following case only instance properties from "testPset" will be exported
"PropertySet: testPset T IfcElement"
In order for the type properties to be exported, the type entity should be specified IFCElementType as follows:
"PropertySet: testPset T IfcElement, IfcElementType"
Release 24.1.0 for Revit 2024
This is the first version of IFC Exporter for Revit 2024.
It contains various improvements and bug fixes for the basic Revit 2024.
- Added IFC2x3 Qto sets.
- Added material shared parameters export
- Added the BarRole attribute when exporting IfcReinforcingBars to IFC.
- Added type entities for rebar and assemblies when exporting to IFC.
- Added support for exporting predefined types when exporting spaces to IFC4+.
- Added support of new measure units.
- Allowed export of rebar with slightly invalid transforms to IFC.
- Implemented exporting user defined parameters of 'Real' type as IfcReal with Revit display values.
- Implemented exporting of IfcRailingType entity.
- Implemented support of all 4 Revit velocity data types on export.
- Improved display of openings when export or linking in IFC files.
- Improved calculation of the linked levels elevation.
- Improved export of IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue.
- Improved export of insulation and lining as anything.
- Improved export of projects to IFC that contained family instances with invalid placements.
- Improved how classifications are viewed in certain older external applications when exporting to IFC.
- Improved list/bounded/table user defined properties values export for Instances and Types.
- Improved placement of federated (and some separate) links.
- Improved processing of representation items.
- Improved support for exporting advanced BReps to IFC if the unofficial IFC4 Design Transfer View is used.
- Improved the behavior for export of elements split by levels.
- Improved user defined property set mapping, especially for IFC2x3 entities that previously had no type entity exported.
- Updated 4x3 enums according to IFC4.3.1.0 Documentation.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected the value for many MEP parameters exported to IFC.
- Fixed colour for exported pipe fitting.
- Fixed inconsistent IfcMaterialConstituent naming.
- Fixed export of a user-defined structural element type.
- Fixed export of IfcFurnitureType.AssemblyPlace attribute.
- Fixed export of IFC properties associated with the top-level IfcProject entity.
- Fixed export of materials from hosted wall sweep.
- Fixed export of material layer parameters of a ceiling element.
- Fixed export of user defined properties for roofs.
- Fixed export of some assemblies to IFC that resulted in orphaned entities.
- Fixed export of stairs layer name.
- Fixed IFC Classification export.
- Fixed log file creation for linking.
- Fixed the calculation of the height parameter for some railings in metric projects when a previous value had been calculated that wasn't applicable to this railing.
- Fixed the issue when IfcCovering sill's body was exported as Brep instead of SweptSolid.
- Fixed the processing of openings when exporting a wall as shape aspects (components).
- Fixed the slope common property set parameter calculation when exporting some stringers to IFC.
- Fixed issue with IfcCountMeasure value in IFC4x3.
- Fixed Revit Data types export.
- Fixed window opening misalignment.
- Removed the use of several Revit built-in parameters when exporting IFC properties that have the same name but are different.
A number of improvements and optimizations have been made to the export of properties.
After which type properties are not exported in case they are not specified in the user-defined property sets file.
Since 24.1.0, to export type properties for the IFCElement, for example,
a user should include "IFCElementType" in the proper .txt file.
In the following case only instance properties from "testPset" will be exported
"PropertySet: testPset T IfcElement"
In order for the type properties to be exported, the type entity should be specified IFCElementType as follows:
"PropertySet: testPset T IfcElement, IfcElementType"
Release for Revit 2023
This is the official release of IFC Extension 23.2.5
- Improved upgrading of IFC user configuration when upgrading a Revit document to a higher version of Revit.
Release for Revit 2022
This is the official release of IFC Extension 22.6.2
- Improved upgrading of IFC user configuration when upgrading a Revit document to a higher version of Revit.
Fixed issue #585 in Release
This is an update of the earlier pre-released version Please uninstall manually the previous if already installed.
Release for Revit 2023
Fix issue related to export classification.
Release for Revit 2022
This is the official release of IFC Extension 22.6.0
It contains a various improvements and bug fixes for the previous 22.5.2 version.
- Added information in the IFC Header description for the selected CoordinateReference on export following this format: 'CoordinateReference [CoordinateBase: <coord. base selected>, ProjectSite: ]'. ProjectSite may not be present if it is not specified.
- Added new parameters to support IFC certification for various types of data that are needed to map into Revit
- Implemented import of IfcGroup assignment information
- Implemented mapping specific built-in material properties to the right place in IFC
- Implemented support of IfcBuildingElementProxy.COMPLEX in link IFC
- Improved creation of classifications
- Improved the IFC entity selection UI
- Material properties export implemented
- Optimized LinearForce and PlanarForce unit import/export
- Various improvements for GUID consistency in exported entities
Bug Fixes:
- Added IfcDoorType support on import
- Added support of IfcAdvancedFace in IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel
- Added support for IfcGeometricSet entities when reading Axis representations of non-standard IFC files
- Improved link of IFC files with unrecognized coordinate systems
- Fixed export of slab with separate pieces that exported as one object to IFC
- Fixed exporting parts in assembly with the wrong elevation
- Fixed duplicated DerivedUnitElements
- Fixed linking of profiles with tiny gaps/segments between arcs
- Fixed missing properties of structural framing elements exported to IFC as base quantities
- Fixed the overall height and width values when exporting certain door families with voids instead of host openings to IFC
- Fixed steel connections export issues
- Provide user visible warning when exporting to IFC4 DTV
- Removed "IFC override -" prefix in export dialogs
Release for Revit 2023
This is the official release of IFC Extension 23.2.3
It contains various improvements and bug fixes for the previous 23.1.1 version.
- Added known IFC MVDs in the Entity selection UI
- Added information in the IFC Header description for the selected CoordinateReference on export following this format: 'CoordinateReference [CoordinateBase: , ProjectSite: ]'. ProjectSite may not be present if it is not specified.
- Added new parameters to support IFC certification for various types of data that are needed to map into Revit
- Added Revit Version Identifiers to IFC export
- Implemented mapping specific built-in material properties to the right place in IFC
- Implemented support of IfcBuildingElementProxy.COMPLEX in link IFC
- Implemented import of IfcGroup assignment information
- Improved export of levels marked as building stories to IFC, regardless of whether they contained elements based on them or not.
- Improved creation of classifications
- Material properties export implemented.
- Optimized LinearForce and PlanarForce unit import/export
- Various improvements for IFC4 RV Import Certification
- Various improvements for GUID consistency in exported entities.
Bug Fixes:
- Added IfcDoorType support on import
- Added support of IfcAdvancedFace in IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel
- Added support for IfcGeometricSet entities when reading Axis representations of non-standard IFC files.
- Improved link of IFC files with unrecognized coordinate systems.
- Fixed preserving of original entity information when opening IFC file to preserve entity type on re-export.
- Fixed Navisworks IFC import positioning issue.
- Fixed linking of profiles with tiny gaps/segments between arcs.
- Fixed exporting parts in assembly with the wrong elevation.
- Fixed the overall height and width values when exporting certain door families with voids instead of host openings to IFC.
- Fixed missing properties of structural framing elements exported to IFC as base quantities.
- Fixed duplicated DerivedUnitElements
- Fixed "There has been an unrecoverable error during export Revit." when exporting certain files to IFC containing classification codes.
- Fixed export of slab with separate pieces that exported as one object to IFC
- Modified some button sizes to fix GLOB truncation issue
- Provide user visible warning when exporting to IFC4 DTV
- Removed "IFC override -" prefix in export dialogs
Release for Revit 2022
Fix issue related to missing Pset on Openings on Slabs.
Release for Revit 2023
Fixed some issues that may cause export to fail