v1.0.0 - v1.0.1
- Fixed tooltip text centering
- Fixed response centering when layout set to center
- Fixed spacing between responses and slider
- Changed caption text-alignment to center
- Fixed caption drop on mobile
- Added Touch UI for mobile drag
- Added button to remove responses from slider
- Changed cursor to pointer for handle and responses
- Change image resize to be based on responseItem size or tooltip size
- Added parameters to style base
- Added paramaters to style handle
- show markers
- only show pips (hide marker labels)
- alternating markers esp for single choice question
- highlight chosen number or label MAKE AN OPTION
- fixed pip highlighting
- Added Prefix/Suffix to markers
- Added marker distance
- Added marker text font-size
- Added marker text distance
- Added marker line height
- Fixed vertical position of handle on wide base v1.0.2
- Markers can now be made circular
- Added option to only display tooltip on hover
- Fixed the alt marker bug
- Fixed spacing below markers
- Fixed side padding around slider on mobile
- Added margin to labels
- Fixed the label width for mobile
- Fixed marker still being selected after response is removed
- Fixed responses not reappearing
- Fixed response centering for stacked responses
- Collapsed margin above slider on mobile when tooltip hovering enabled
- Fixed marker text colouring when response placed on slider
- Fixed allowing tooltips to be dragged on mobile
- Fixed z-index issue with tooltips over start area
- Fixed response alignment for stacking
- Force stacked and mobile layout when slider base smaller than 300px
- Removed fixed label widths when greater than available space
- Added labels (read captions from single choice questions)
- Fixed bottom spacing with bigger/longer labels
- Fixed and check use with single question, setting and reading values
- Changed resize detection settings (was being triggered too often)
- Fixed handle vertical placement
- Enabled click to select and click to drop
- Fixed issue with items not returning to start position
- Fixed accuracy of click to drop on mobile
- Added options for active slider handle styling
- Fixed handle border radius- Fixed text padding in tooltip
- Added tooltip paddingv1.0.3
- Fixed tooltip layout when close to edges
- Added in DK
- Fixed show tooltips on hover bug
v1.1.0 - Added the interconnection between sliders property.
This option link all the sliders between each other, so that the sum of the values of each slider within the loop do not go beyond a fixed maximum. A checkbox appears near each slider to fix its value. When a slider is moved, the value of all the other sliders is recalculated to fit the maximum sum defined in the properties. The value of each frozen slider is fixed, and not recalculated, but taken into account to calculate the value of the others.
v1.1.1 -
fixing the handles not showing for interconnected sliders moving the properties for interconnected sliders deleting the maxForInterconnection property, the max value for the sliders will be used instead adding a property to chose the label for the checkbox
v2.0.0 - v2.0.2 - Add alt attribute to img v2.0.3 - Fixed step related bugs v3.0.0 - AvailableAnswers v3.0.3 - Fixed encoding caption v3.0.4 - Changed GUID cause duplicate with Slider v3.0.5 - Fixed value on handle tooltip v3.1.0 - libraries/plugins update, - Share folder removed. v3.1.1 - Fixed - DOF runtime errors