System's Overview:
System's Flowchart:
VehicleModule has code related to the our car simulator part with various sensors -> All pin connections are mentioned in the code
-> Install LiquidCrystal_I2C library from Arduino IDE for interfacing the LCD -
HeadKitModule has code related to the wearable head kit designed by us. -> All pin connections are mentioned in the code.
-> Install TMRpcm,SD,SPI,SoftwareSerial library from Arduino IDE or from github for interfacing with SD card module for audio messages, for Text Messaging/Calling using SIM800L V2 module. -
Circuit Photo -> Contains demo circuit diagram, the extact pin connections are not used in the project and in the code.
-> Its aim is just to show the hardware connection layout for our project. -
Alert message is the audio message used to alert the driver
DHT_Library is for interfacing with the Temperature sensor
is the final report of my system. -
Live Project Demonstration: https://youtu.be/lGitoWjo3aw