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[{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"I am Taoni Bao (包涛尼, [tʰāunʲíː pāu]), currently a sophomore in School of Physics, Peking University.\n Download my resumé.\n","date":1607817600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"term","lang":"en","lastmod":1607817600,"objectID":"2525497d367e79493fd32b198b28f040","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/author/taoni-bao/","publishdate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/author/taoni-bao/","section":"authors","summary":"I am Taoni Bao (包涛尼, [tʰāunʲíː pāu]), currently a sophomore","tags":null,"title":"Taoni Bao","type":"authors"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":" Table of Contents What you will learn Program overview Courses in this program Meet your instructor FAQs What you will learn Fundamental Python programming skills Statistical concepts and how to apply them in practice Gain experience with the Scikit, including data visualization with Plotly and data wrangling with Pandas Program overview The demand for skilled data science practitioners is rapidly growing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis posuere tellus ac convallis placerat. Proin tincidunt magna sed ex sollicitudin condimentum. Sed ac faucibus dolor, scelerisque sollicitudin nisi.\nCourses in this program Python basics Build a foundation in Python. Visualization Learn how to visualize data with Plotly. Statistics Introduction to statistics for data science. Meet your instructor Taoni Bao FAQs Are there prerequisites? There are no prerequisites for the first course.\n How often do the courses run? Continuously, at your own pace.\n Begin the course ","date":1611446400,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"section","lang":"en","lastmod":1611446400,"objectID":"59c3ce8e202293146a8a934d37a4070b","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/courses/example/","publishdate":"2021-01-24T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/courses/example/","section":"courses","summary":"An example of using Wowchemy's Book layout for publishing online courses.","tags":null,"title":"📊 Learn Data Science","type":"book"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Build a foundation in Python.\n 1-2 hours per week, for 8 weeks\nLearn Quiz What is the difference between lists and tuples? Lists\n Lists are mutable - they can be changed Slower than tuples Syntax: a_list = [1, 2.0, 'Hello world'] Tuples\n Tuples are immutable - they can\u0026rsquo;t be changed Tuples are faster than lists Syntax: a_tuple = (1, 2.0, 'Hello world') Is Python case-sensitive? Yes\n","date":1609459200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1609459200,"objectID":"17a31b92253d299002593b7491eedeea","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/courses/example/python/","publishdate":"2021-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/courses/example/python/","section":"courses","summary":"Build a foundation in Python.\n","tags":null,"title":"Python basics","type":"book"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Learn how to visualize data with Plotly.\n 1-2 hours per week, for 8 weeks\nLearn Quiz When is a heatmap useful? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.\n Write Plotly code to render a bar chart import plotly.express as px data_canada = px.data.gapminder().query(\u0026quot;country == 'Canada'\u0026quot;) fig = px.bar(data_canada, x='year', y='pop') fig.show() ","date":1609459200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1609459200,"objectID":"1b341b3479c8c6b1f807553b77e21b7c","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/courses/example/visualization/","publishdate":"2021-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/courses/example/visualization/","section":"courses","summary":"Learn how to visualize data with Plotly.\n","tags":null,"title":"Visualization","type":"book"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Introduction to statistics for data science.\n 1-2 hours per week, for 8 weeks\nLearn The general form of the normal probability density function is:\n$$ f(x) = \\frac{1}{\\sigma \\sqrt{2\\pi} } e^{-\\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\frac{x-\\mu}{\\sigma}\\right)^2} $$\n The parameter $\\mu$ is the mean or expectation of the distribution. $\\sigma$ is its standard deviation. The variance of the distribution is $\\sigma^{2}$. Quiz What is the parameter $\\mu$? The parameter $\\mu$ is the mean or expectation of the distribution.\n","date":1609459200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1609459200,"objectID":"6f4078728d71b1b791d39f218bf2bdb1","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/courses/example/stats/","publishdate":"2021-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/courses/example/stats/","section":"courses","summary":"Introduction to statistics for data science.\n","tags":null,"title":"Statistics","type":"book"},{"authors":[],"categories":null,"content":" Click on the Slides button above to view the built-in slides feature. Slides can be added in a few ways:\n Create slides using Wowchemy\u0026rsquo;s Slides feature and link using slides parameter in the front matter of the talk file Upload an existing slide deck to static/ and link using url_slides parameter in the front matter of the talk file Embed your slides (e.g. Google Slides) or presentation video on this page using shortcodes. Further event details, including page elements such as image galleries, can be added to the body of this page.\n","date":1906549200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1906549200,"objectID":"a8edef490afe42206247b6ac05657af0","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/talk/example-talk/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/talk/example-talk/","section":"event","summary":"An example talk using Wowchemy's Markdown slides feature.","tags":[],"title":"Example Talk","type":"event"},{"authors":["Taoni Bao","吳恩達"],"categories":["Demo","教程"],"content":"Overview The Wowchemy website builder for Hugo, along with its starter templates, is designed for professional creators, educators, and teams/organizations - although it can be used to create any kind of site The template can be modified and customised to suit your needs. It\u0026rsquo;s a good platform for anyone looking to take control of their data and online identity whilst having the convenience to start off with a no-code solution (write in Markdown and customize with YAML parameters) and having flexibility to later add even deeper personalization with HTML and CSS You can work with all your favourite tools and apps with hundreds of plugins and integrations to speed up your workflows, interact with your readers, and much more The template is mobile first with a responsive design to ensure that your site looks stunning on every device. Get Started 👉 Create a new site 📚 Personalize your site 💬 Chat with the Wowchemy community or Hugo community 🐦 Twitter: @wowchemy @GeorgeCushen #MadeWithWowchemy 💡 Request a feature or report a bug for Wowchemy ⬆️ Updating Wowchemy? View the Update Guide and Release Notes Crowd-funded open-source software To help us develop this template and software sustainably under the MIT license, we ask all individuals and businesses that use it to help support its ongoing maintenance and development via sponsorship.\n❤️ Click here to become a sponsor and help support Wowchemy\u0026rsquo;s future ❤️ As a token of appreciation for sponsoring, you can unlock these awesome rewards and extra features 🦄✨\nEcosystem Hugo Academic CLI: Automatically import publications from BibTeX Inspiration Check out the latest demo of what you\u0026rsquo;ll get in less than 10 minutes, or view the showcase of personal, project, and business sites.\nFeatures Page builder - Create anything with widgets and elements Edit any type of content - Blog posts, publications, talks, slides, projects, and more! Create content in Markdown, Jupyter, or RStudio Plugin System - Fully customizable color and font themes Display Code and Math - Code highlighting and LaTeX math supported Integrations - Google Analytics, Disqus commenting, Maps, Contact Forms, and more! Beautiful Site - Simple and refreshing one page design Industry-Leading SEO - Help get your website found on search engines and social media Media Galleries - Display your images and videos with captions in a customizable gallery Mobile Friendly - Look amazing on every screen with a mobile friendly version of your site Multi-language - 34+ language packs including English, 中文, and Português Multi-user - Each author gets their own profile page Privacy Pack - Assists with GDPR Stand Out - Bring your site to life with animation, parallax backgrounds, and scroll effects One-Click Deployment - No servers. No databases. Only files. Themes Wowchemy and its templates come with automatic day (light) and night (dark) mode built-in. Alternatively, visitors can choose their preferred mode - click the moon icon in the top right of the Demo to see it in action! Day/night mode can also be disabled by the site admin in params.toml.\nChoose a stunning theme and font for your site. Themes are fully customizable.\nLicense Copyright 2016-present George Cushen.\nReleased under the MIT license.\n","date":1607817600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1607817600,"objectID":"279b9966ca9cf3121ce924dca452bb1c","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/post/getting-started/","publishdate":"2020-12-13T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/post/getting-started/","section":"post","summary":"Welcome 👋 We know that first impressions are important, so we've populated your new site with some initial content to help you get familiar with everything in no time.","tags":["Academic","开源"],"title":"Welcome to Wowchemy, the website builder for Hugo","type":"post"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Academic is designed to give technical content creators a seamless experience. You can focus on the content and Academic handles the rest.\nHighlight your code snippets, take notes on math classes, and draw diagrams from textual representation.\nOn this page, you\u0026rsquo;ll find some examples of the types of technical content that can be rendered with Academic.\nExamples Code Academic supports a Markdown extension for highlighting code syntax. You can enable this feature by toggling the highlight option in your config/_default/params.toml file.\n```python import pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv(\u0026quot;data.csv\u0026quot;) data.head() ``` renders as\nimport pandas as pd data = pd.read_csv(\u0026quot;data.csv\u0026quot;) data.head() Charts Academic supports the popular Plotly chart format.\nSave your Plotly JSON in your page folder, for example chart.json, and then add the {{\u0026lt; chart data=\u0026quot;chart\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} shortcode where you would like the chart to appear.\nDemo:\n (function() { let a = setInterval( function() { if ( typeof window.Plotly === 'undefined' ) { return; } clearInterval( a ); Plotly.d3.json(\"./line-chart.json\", function(chart) { Plotly.plot('chart-946273185', chart.data, chart.layout, {responsive: true}); }); }, 500 ); })(); You might also find the Plotly JSON Editor useful.\nMath Academic supports a Markdown extension for $\\LaTeX$ math. You can enable this feature by toggling the math option in your config/_default/params.toml file.\nTo render inline or block math, wrap your LaTeX math with $...$ or $$...$$, respectively.\nExample math block:\n$$\\gamma_{n} = \\frac{ \\left | \\left (\\mathbf x_{n} - \\mathbf x_{n-1} \\right )^T \\left [\\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n}) - \\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n-1}) \\right ] \\right |} {\\left \\|\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n}) - \\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n-1}) \\right \\|^2}$$ renders as\n$$\\gamma_{n} = \\frac{ \\left | \\left (\\mathbf x_{n} - \\mathbf x_{n-1} \\right )^T \\left [\\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n}) - \\nabla F (\\mathbf x_{n-1}) \\right ] \\right |}{\\left |\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n}) - \\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n-1}) \\right |^2}$$\nExample inline math $\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n})$ renders as $\\nabla F(\\mathbf{x}_{n})$.\nExample multi-line math using the \\\\\\\\ math linebreak:\n$$f(k;p_{0}^{*}) = \\begin{cases}p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=1, \\\\\\\\ 1-p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=0.\\end{cases}$$ renders as\n$$f(k;p_{0}^{*}) = \\begin{cases}p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=1, \\\\\n1-p_{0}^{*} \u0026amp; \\text{if }k=0.\\end{cases}$$\nDiagrams Academic supports a Markdown extension for diagrams. You can enable this feature by toggling the diagram option in your config/_default/params.toml file or by adding diagram: true to your page front matter.\nAn example flowchart:\n```mermaid graph TD A[Hard] --\u0026gt;|Text| B(Round) B --\u0026gt; C{Decision} C --\u0026gt;|One| D[Result 1] C --\u0026gt;|Two| E[Result 2] ``` renders as\ngraph TD A[Hard] --\u0026gt;|Text| B(Round) B --\u0026gt; C{Decision} C --\u0026gt;|One| D[Result 1] C --\u0026gt;|Two| E[Result 2] An example sequence diagram:\n```mermaid sequenceDiagram Alice-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Alice: Great! John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Bob: How about you? Bob--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Jolly good! ``` renders as\nsequenceDiagram Alice-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Hello John, how are you? loop Healthcheck John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts! John--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Alice: Great! John-\u0026gt;\u0026gt;Bob: How about you? Bob--\u0026gt;\u0026gt;John: Jolly good! An example Gantt diagram:\n```mermaid gantt section Section Completed :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active :active, des2, 2014-01-07, 3d Parallel 1 : des3, after des1, 1d Parallel 2 : des4, after des1, 1d Parallel 3 : des5, after des3, 1d Parallel 4 : des6, after des4, 1d ``` renders as\ngantt section Section Completed :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08 Active :active, des2, 2014-01-07, 3d Parallel 1 : des3, after des1, 1d Parallel 2 : des4, after des1, 1d Parallel 3 : des5, after des3, 1d Parallel 4 : des6, after des4, 1d An example class diagram:\n```mermaid classDiagram Class01 \u0026lt;|-- AveryLongClass : Cool \u0026lt;\u0026lt;interface\u0026gt;\u0026gt; Class01 Class09 --\u0026gt; C2 : Where am i? Class09 --* C3 Class09 --|\u0026gt; Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : size() Class01 : int chimp Class01 : int gorilla class Class10 { \u0026lt;\u0026lt;service\u0026gt;\u0026gt; int id size() } ``` renders as\nclassDiagram Class01 \u0026lt;|-- AveryLongClass : Cool \u0026lt;\u0026lt;interface\u0026gt;\u0026gt; Class01 Class09 --\u0026gt; C2 : Where am i? Class09 --* C3 Class09 --|\u0026gt; Class07 Class07 : equals() Class07 : Object[] elementData Class01 : size() Class01 : int chimp Class01 : int gorilla class Class10 { \u0026lt;\u0026lt;service\u0026gt;\u0026gt; int id size() } An example state diagram:\n```mermaid stateDiagram [*] --\u0026gt; Still Still --\u0026gt; [*] Still --\u0026gt; Moving Moving --\u0026gt; Still Moving --\u0026gt; Crash Crash --\u0026gt; [*] ``` renders as\nstateDiagram [*] --\u0026gt; Still Still --\u0026gt; [*] Still --\u0026gt; Moving Moving --\u0026gt; Still Moving --\u0026gt; Crash Crash --\u0026gt; [*] Todo lists You can even write your todo lists in Academic too:\n- [x] Write math example - [x] Write diagram example - [ ] Do something else renders as\n Write math example Write diagram example Do something else Tables Represent your data in tables:\n| First Header | Second Header | | ------------- | ------------- | | Content Cell | Content Cell | | Content Cell | Content Cell | renders as\n First Header Second Header Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell Callouts Academic supports a shortcode for callouts, also referred to as asides, hints, or alerts. By wrapping a paragraph in {{% callout note %}} ... {{% /callout %}}, it will render as an aside.\n{{% callout note %}} A Markdown aside is useful for displaying notices, hints, or definitions to your readers. {{% /callout %}} renders as\n A Markdown aside is useful for displaying notices, hints, or definitions to your readers. Spoilers Add a spoiler to a page to reveal text, such as an answer to a question, after a button is clicked.\n{{\u0026lt; spoiler text=\u0026quot;Click to view the spoiler\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} You found me! {{\u0026lt; /spoiler \u0026gt;}} renders as\nClick to view the spoiler You found me!\n Icons Academic enables you to use a wide range of icons from Font Awesome and Academicons in addition to emojis.\nHere are some examples using the icon shortcode to render icons:\n{{\u0026lt; icon name=\u0026quot;terminal\u0026quot; pack=\u0026quot;fas\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} Terminal {{\u0026lt; icon name=\u0026quot;python\u0026quot; pack=\u0026quot;fab\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} Python {{\u0026lt; icon name=\u0026quot;r-project\u0026quot; pack=\u0026quot;fab\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} R renders as\n Terminal\n Python\n R\nDid you find this page helpful? Consider sharing it 🙌 ","date":1562889600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1562889600,"objectID":"07e02bccc368a192a0c76c44918396c3","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/post/writing-technical-content/","publishdate":"2019-07-12T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/post/writing-technical-content/","section":"post","summary":"Academic is designed to give technical content creators a seamless experience. You can focus on the content and Academic handles the rest.\nHighlight your code snippets, take notes on math classes, and draw diagrams from textual representation.","tags":null,"title":"Writing technical content in Academic","type":"post"},{"authors":["Taoni Bao"],"categories":null,"content":" Create your slides in Markdown - click the Slides button to check out the example. Supplementary notes can be added here, including code, math, and images.\n","date":1554595200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1554595200,"objectID":"557dc08fd4b672a0c08e0a8cf0c9ff7d","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/publication/preprint/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/preprint/","section":"publication","summary":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis posuere tellus ac convallis placerat. Proin tincidunt magna sed ex sollicitudin condimentum.","tags":["Source Themes"],"title":"An example preprint / working paper","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Taoni Bao"],"categories":[],"content":"from IPython.core.display import Image Image('https://www.python.org/static/community_logos/python-logo-master-v3-TM-flattened.png') print(\u0026quot;Welcome to Academic!\u0026quot;) Welcome to Academic! Install Python and JupyterLab Install Anaconda which includes Python 3 and JupyterLab.\nAlternatively, install JupyterLab with pip3 install jupyterlab.\nCreate or upload a Jupyter notebook Run the following commands in your Terminal, substituting \u0026lt;MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER\u0026gt; and \u0026lt;SHORT-POST-TITLE\u0026gt; with the file path to your Academic website folder and a short title for your blog post (use hyphens instead of spaces), respectively:\nmkdir -p \u0026lt;MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER\u0026gt;/content/post/\u0026lt;SHORT-POST-TITLE\u0026gt;/ cd \u0026lt;MY-WEBSITE-FOLDER\u0026gt;/content/post/\u0026lt;SHORT-POST-TITLE\u0026gt;/ jupyter lab index.ipynb The jupyter command above will launch the JupyterLab editor, allowing us to add Academic metadata and write the content.\nEdit your post metadata The first cell of your Jupter notebook will contain your post metadata (front matter).\nIn Jupter, choose Markdown as the type of the first cell and wrap your Academic metadata in three dashes, indicating that it is YAML front matter:\n--- title: My post's title date: 2019-09-01 # Put any other Academic metadata here... --- Edit the metadata of your post, using the documentation as a guide to the available options.\nTo set a featured image, place an image named featured into your post\u0026rsquo;s folder.\nFor other tips, such as using math, see the guide on writing content with Academic.\nConvert notebook to Markdown jupyter nbconvert index.ipynb --to markdown --NbConvertApp.output_files_dir=. Example This post was created with Jupyter. The orginal files can be found at https://github.com/gcushen/hugo-academic/tree/master/exampleSite/content/post/jupyter\n","date":1549324800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1567641600,"objectID":"6e929dc84ed3ef80467b02e64cd2ed64","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/post/jupyter/","publishdate":"2019-02-05T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/post/jupyter/","section":"post","summary":"Learn how to blog in Academic using Jupyter notebooks","tags":[],"title":"Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic","type":"post"},{"authors":[],"categories":[],"content":"Create slides in Markdown with Wowchemy Wowchemy | Documentation\n Features Efficiently write slides in Markdown 3-in-1: Create, Present, and Publish your slides Supports speaker notes Mobile friendly slides Controls Next: Right Arrow or Space Previous: Left Arrow Start: Home Finish: End Overview: Esc Speaker notes: S Fullscreen: F Zoom: Alt + Click PDF Export: E Code Highlighting Inline code: variable\nCode block:\nporridge = \u0026quot;blueberry\u0026quot; if porridge == \u0026quot;blueberry\u0026quot;: print(\u0026quot;Eating...\u0026quot;) Math In-line math: $x + y = z$\nBlock math:\n$$ f\\left( x \\right) = ;\\frac{{2\\left( {x + 4} \\right)\\left( {x - 4} \\right)}}{{\\left( {x + 4} \\right)\\left( {x + 1} \\right)}} $$\n Fragments Make content appear incrementally\n{{% fragment %}} One {{% /fragment %}} {{% fragment %}} **Two** {{% /fragment %}} {{% fragment %}} Three {{% /fragment %}} Press Space to play!\nOne Two Three \n A fragment can accept two optional parameters:\n class: use a custom style (requires definition in custom CSS) weight: sets the order in which a fragment appears Speaker Notes Add speaker notes to your presentation\n{{% speaker_note %}} - Only the speaker can read these notes - Press `S` key to view {{% /speaker_note %}} Press the S key to view the speaker notes!\n Only the speaker can read these notes Press S key to view Themes black: Black background, white text, blue links (default) white: White background, black text, blue links league: Gray background, white text, blue links beige: Beige background, dark text, brown links sky: Blue background, thin dark text, blue links night: Black background, thick white text, orange links serif: Cappuccino background, gray text, brown links simple: White background, black text, blue links solarized: Cream-colored background, dark green text, blue links Custom Slide Customize the slide style and background\n{{\u0026lt; slide background-image=\u0026quot;/media/boards.jpg\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} {{\u0026lt; slide background-color=\u0026quot;#0000FF\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} {{\u0026lt; slide class=\u0026quot;my-style\u0026quot; \u0026gt;}} Custom CSS Example Let\u0026rsquo;s make headers navy colored.\nCreate assets/css/reveal_custom.css with:\n.reveal section h1, .reveal section h2, .reveal section h3 { color: navy; } Questions? Ask\nDocumentation\n","date":1549324800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1549324800,"objectID":"0e6de1a61aa83269ff13324f3167c1a9","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/slides/example/","publishdate":"2019-02-05T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/slides/example/","section":"slides","summary":"An introduction to using Wowchemy's Slides feature.","tags":[],"title":"Slides","type":"slides"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"","date":1461715200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1461715200,"objectID":"d1311ddf745551c9e117aa4bb7e28516","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/project/external-project/","publishdate":"2016-04-27T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/external-project/","section":"project","summary":"An example of linking directly to an external project website using `external_link`.","tags":["Demo"],"title":"External Project","type":"project"},{"authors":null,"categories":null,"content":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis posuere tellus ac convallis placerat. Proin tincidunt magna sed ex sollicitudin condimentum. Sed ac faucibus dolor, scelerisque sollicitudin nisi. Cras purus urna, suscipit quis sapien eu, pulvinar tempor diam. Quisque risus orci, mollis id ante sit amet, gravida egestas nisl. Sed ac tempus magna. Proin in dui enim. Donec condimentum, sem id dapibus fringilla, tellus enim condimentum arcu, nec volutpat est felis vel metus. Vestibulum sit amet erat at nulla eleifend gravida.\nNullam vel molestie justo. Curabitur vitae efficitur leo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed pulvinar mauris dui, eget varius purus congue ac. Nulla euismod, lorem vel elementum dapibus, nunc justo porta mi, sed tempus est est vel tellus. Nam et enim eleifend, laoreet sem sit amet, elementum sem. Morbi ut leo congue, maximus velit ut, finibus arcu. In et libero cursus, rutrum risus non, molestie leo. Nullam congue quam et volutpat malesuada. Sed risus tortor, pulvinar et dictum nec, sodales non mi. Phasellus lacinia commodo laoreet. Nam mollis, erat in feugiat consectetur, purus eros egestas tellus, in auctor urna odio at nibh. Mauris imperdiet nisi ac magna convallis, at rhoncus ligula cursus.\nCras aliquam rhoncus ipsum, in hendrerit nunc mattis vitae. Duis vitae efficitur metus, ac tempus leo. Cras nec fringilla lacus. Quisque sit amet risus at ipsum pharetra commodo. Sed aliquam mauris at consequat eleifend. Praesent porta, augue sed viverra bibendum, neque ante euismod ante, in vehicula justo lorem ac eros. Suspendisse augue libero, venenatis eget tincidunt ut, malesuada at lorem. Donec vitae bibendum arcu. Aenean maximus nulla non pretium iaculis. Quisque imperdiet, nulla in pulvinar aliquet, velit quam ultrices quam, sit amet fringilla leo sem vel nunc. Mauris in lacinia lacus.\nSuspendisse a tincidunt lacus. Curabitur at urna sagittis, dictum ante sit amet, euismod magna. Sed rutrum massa id tortor commodo, vitae elementum turpis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean purus turpis, venenatis a ullamcorper nec, tincidunt et massa. Integer posuere quam rutrum arcu vehicula imperdiet. Mauris ullamcorper quam vitae purus congue, quis euismod magna eleifend. Vestibulum semper vel augue eget tincidunt. Fusce eget justo sodales, dapibus odio eu, ultrices lorem. Duis condimentum lorem id eros commodo, in facilisis mauris scelerisque. Morbi sed auctor leo. Nullam volutpat a lacus quis pharetra. Nulla congue rutrum magna a ornare.\nAliquam in turpis accumsan, malesuada nibh ut, hendrerit justo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque sed erat nec justo posuere suscipit. Donec ut efficitur arcu, in malesuada neque. Nunc dignissim nisl massa, id vulputate nunc pretium nec. Quisque eget urna in risus suscipit ultricies. Pellentesque odio odio, tincidunt in eleifend sed, posuere a diam. Nam gravida nisl convallis semper elementum. Morbi vitae felis faucibus, vulputate orci placerat, aliquet nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas sagittis pulvinar purus, sed porta quam laoreet at.\n","date":1461715200,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1461715200,"objectID":"8f66d660a9a2edc2d08e68cc30f701f7","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/project/internal-project/","publishdate":"2016-04-27T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/project/internal-project/","section":"project","summary":"An example of using the in-built project page.","tags":["Deep Learning"],"title":"Internal Project","type":"project"},{"authors":["Taoni Bao","Robert Ford"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to demo the feature to enable visitors to import publication metadata into their reference management software. Create your slides in Markdown - click the Slides button to check out the example. Supplementary notes can be added here, including code, math, and images.\n","date":1441065600,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1441065600,"objectID":"966884cc0d8ac9e31fab966c4534e973","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/publication/journal-article/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/journal-article/","section":"publication","summary":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis posuere tellus ac convallis placerat. Proin tincidunt magna sed ex sollicitudin condimentum.","tags":["Source Themes"],"title":"An example journal article","type":"publication"},{"authors":["Taoni Bao","Robert Ford"],"categories":null,"content":" Click the Cite button above to demo the feature to enable visitors to import publication metadata into their reference management software. Create your slides in Markdown - click the Slides button to check out the example. Supplementary notes can be added here, including code, math, and images.\n","date":1372636800,"expirydate":-62135596800,"kind":"page","lang":"en","lastmod":1372636800,"objectID":"69425fb10d4db090cfbd46854715582c","permalink":"https://AsTonyshment.github.io/publication/conference-paper/","publishdate":"2017-01-01T00:00:00Z","relpermalink":"/publication/conference-paper/","section":"publication","summary":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis posuere tellus ac convallis placerat. 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