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Project Introduction

With the rise of Spotify, iTune, Youtube, etc, streaming services have contributed majority of music industry revenues. And understanding what makes streaming music popular could hugely impact decision-making for music business.

In this project, we conducted data mining for 200000 tracks extracted by Spotify API, in order to analyze the trend of music industry development, and produce a predictive model for track popularity.

Project Goals

Analyze the trend of music development over past 20 years.

Establish models to predict track popularity by machine learning algorithms.

Data Extraction and Transformation

Spotify has provided amazing API resources:

Spotify API link

We randomly extracted data for 10000 tracks per year for the past 20 years.

url = ''+ keywords +'&type=' + search_type +'&offset='+ off +'&limit=' + lim

Then acquire audio feature data by track_id; Access_token is required for this.

url = '' + track_ids
requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": access_token})

Get items from complicated nested list For example,

str = j['tracks']['items']['popularity']

Vectorization of text (e.g. genres or name) by bag-of-words model.

vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer='word',max_features=100)
WordVec = vectorizer.fit_transform(dicname[name]).toarray().tolist()

Then merge into Pandas Dataframe and start feature engineering.

Examples of feature engineering:

## Remove NaN
df = df.dropna()

## Convert categorical features into numeric
df['explicit'] = df['explicit'].map( {True: 1, False: 0} ).astype(int) 

## New 'year' feature 
df['year'] = [x.split('-')[0] for x in df['album_release_date']]

## Simplify genre names by choosing the most common word
def reduce_genres(gen):
    genre = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]"," ",gen).lower().split()
    mode1 = str(stats.mode(genre)).split('[')[1].split(']')[0]
    return mode1

Final cleaned data include:

⋅⋅⋅1. General numeric features (e.g. release time, track popularity, artist popularity)

⋅⋅⋅2. Numeric physical properties (e.g. loudness, duration)

⋅⋅⋅3. Vectorized Non-numeric ones (e.g. genres, album name, artist name)

Critical features include:

⋅⋅⋅A. Track Popularity

Major indicator of song popularity and later used for correlation and data training in this project. It reflects "hotness" by today's music listeners, calculated by total number of plays.

⋅⋅⋅B. Year

Used extensively for time-series analysis to demonstrate the trend of music evolution in the project.

Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualization

1.General trend of numeric features of songs over past 20 years

Time-series boxplot for 16 different numeric features. (Purple lines reflect mean)

We could easily find recent tracks, album and artists are favored by today's listeners.

Loudness and energy have slightly increased; while valence and acousticness decreased.

Track number has been lower in recent 10 years, indicating album is smaller nowadays.

2.Popularity Analysis by Genres

We define "popular songs" as those with track popularity score ranking at top 20% of all tracks.

2a.What genres of tracks are prefered by listeners today?

Barplot for number of different genres of tracks, either popular or unpopular.

Easily we can see pop music dominate music industry; followed by rock, country, metal, hip, etc.

These genres are produced in large quantity with certain proportion at top 20%.

Some genres have very small percentage that would become popular, like classical, soul, punk and jazz.

2b.When were these popular tracks of different genres released?

We generated year-by-year streamplot for popular tracks, which illustrates time-dependent trend.

Clearly we could see house is brandnew genre, not exploading until 2010; followed by indie, which started to expand around 2005. Mexican music has been always there but only became popular from 2012.

For rock, the whole market has dramatically shrinked.

Predictive Modeling by Gradient Boosting

Before machine learning step, chord diagram generated for correlation between numeric features.

We could see some strong pair correlations, such as loudness and energy, loudness and acousticness, speechiness and explicit.

We dropped all non-numeric features, and our final dataframe is (215868 tracks X 419 features) for data training.

Various machine learning algorithms have been tried and gradient boosting classifier by XGBoost show the best accuracy score.

Algorithms CV Accu Test Accu
SVM 0.8254 0.7911
Random Forest 0.8534 0.8379
XGBClassifier 0.8901 0.8812

(Accu = Accuracy)

We also tuned our parameters for XGBClassifier, with optimal as below:

clf  =  XGBClassifier(
        eval_metric = 'accuracy',
        learning_rate = 0.1,
        n_estimators = 100,
        max_depth = 3,
        subsample = 0.9,
        colsample_bytree = 0.9,
        silent = False )

Which features are most predictive?

We converted the importance-weight list into wordle.

We could see album popularity dominates all other features, followed by track number, year and duration.

importance = clf.feature_importances_

Since album popularity is quite similar and highly correlated to track popularity, we removed this feature and trained data again, our model still could achieve a high accuracy around 0.85.

Summary and Discussion

Here's the insight we've learned about music trend based on big data analysis:

1.Recent music is still largely favored, indicating customers' music "psychology" leaning towards trying novel tracks.

2.Some physical features of music with high popularity have slightly changed, including energy/loudness slightly increased, and valence slightly decreased. It'll be interesting to see if such small trend will continue.

Also, track number has been lower, indicating smaller album in music industry nowadays.

3.Pop music undoubtedly dominates the music market, in both production quantity and popularity quantity; while some other genres like soul and classical have almost zero percentage of being top 20% popular, most probably because they are minority music favored by a small population.

4.Important change: indie and house are brandnew genres and novel trend! While rock, which used to be prosperous, has now shrinked dramatically.

5.There's basically NO correlation between track popularity and numeric physical features; yet, there's strong correlation among track, album and artist popularity, which is not suprising; and there's also slight correlation between track popularity and track number, which is also not surprising, as most popular songs are usually the first in the album.

6.We established a machine learning model, which could successfully predict track popularity. Ensemble methods are extremely good for analyzing multi-feature data with non-linear relationship, plus XGBoost has recently dominated data science field with extreme superiority, so we choose XGBClassifier to train our data, and achieved very excellent accuracy score for both cross-validated and test data. The best predictive feature is album popularity.

In general, we've analyzed Spotify API data, and have discovered some very interesting trends for today's music market, and also provide a high-quality model for track popularity prediction. Hopefully this could provide some insight into today and future's music market and industry.