You can run this HTTP interface using Postman or you can find the documentation here.
Retrieve the current network information from a specific node.
- Method GET
A JSON array containing the network information for the current node.
"network": "arweave.N.1",
"version": "3",
"height": "2956",
"blocks": "3495",
"peers": "12"
var node = '';
var path = '/info';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve a JSON transaction record via the specified ID.
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [transaction_id] : Base64 encoded ID associated with the transaction
A JSON transaction record.
"id": "VvNF3aLS28MXD_o4Lv0lF9_WcxMibFOp166qDqC1Hlw",
"last_tx": "bUfaJN-KKS1LRh_DlJv4ff1gmdbHP4io-J9x7cLY5is",
"owner": "1Q7RfP...J2x0xc",
"tags": [],
"target": "",
"quantity": "0",
"data": "3DduMPkwLkE0LjIxM9o",
"reward": "1966476441",
"signature": "RwBICn...Rxqi54"
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [transaction_id] : base64url encoded ID associated with the transaction
{"block_indep_hash": "KCdtB29b5V0rz2hX_sSGfEd5Fw7iTEiuXp5M34dWPEIdhxPqf3rsNyRFUznAhDzb","block_height":10,"number_of_confirmations":3}
var node = '';
var path = '/tx/VvNF3aLS28MXD_o4Lv0lF9_WcxMibFOp166qDqC1Hlw';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve a string of the requested field for a given transaction.
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [transaction_id] : Base64url encoded ID associated with the transaction [field] : A string containing the name of the data field being requested
- Fields id | last_tx | owner | target | quantity | data | reward | signature
A string containing the requested field.
var node = '';
var path = '/tx/VvNF3aLS28MXD_o4Lv0lF9_WcxMibFOp166qDqC1Hlw/last_tx';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve the data segment of the transaction body decoded from base64url encoding. If the transaction was an archived website then the result will be browser rendererable HTML.
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [transaction_id] : Base64url encoded ID associated with the transaction
A string containing the requested field.
"Hello World"
var node = '';
var path = '/tx/B7j_bkDICQyl_y_hBM68zS6-p8-XiFCUmEBaXRroFTM/data.html'
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Returns an estimated cost for a transaction of the given size. The returned amount is in winston (the smallest division of AR, 1 AR = 1000000000000 winston).
The endpoint is pessimistic, it reports the price as if the network difficulty was smaller by one, to account for the possible difficulty change.
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [byte_size] : The size of the transaction's data field in bytes. For financial transactions without associated data, this should be zero.
A string containing the estimated cost of the transaction in Winston.
var node = '';
var path = '/price/2048';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve a JSON array representing the contents of the block specified via the ID.
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [block_id] : Base64url encoded ID associated with the block
A JSON array detailing the block.
"nonce": "c7V-8dLmmqo",
"previous_block": "yeCiFpWcguWtWRJnJ_XOKhQXw6xtiOHh-rAw-RjX0YE",
"timestamp": 1517563547,
"last_retarget": 1517563547,
"diff": 8,
"height": 30,
"hash": "-3-oyxTcYAgbbNoFyDz8hqs7KCJHI4qb4VdER9Jotbs",
"indep_hash": "oyxTcYAgbbNoFyDz8hqs7KCJHI4qb4VdER9Jotbs",
"txs": [...],
"hash_list": [...],
"wallet_list": [...],
"reward_addr": "unclaimed"
var node = '';
var path = '/block/hash/oyxTcYAgbbNoFyDz8hqs7KCJHI4qb4VdER9Jotbs';//Use "indep_hash" above,not hash
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve a JSON array representing the contents of the block specified via the block height.
- URL `/block/height/[block_height]
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [block_height] : The height at which the block is being requested for
A JSON array detailing the block.
"nonce": "c7V-8dLmmqo",
"previous_block": "yeCiFpWcguWtWRJnJ_XOKhQXw6xtiOHh-rAw-RjX0YE",
"timestamp": 1517563547,
"last_retarget": 1517563547,
"diff": 8,
"height": 30,
"hash": "-3-oyxTcYAgbbNoFyDz8hqs7KCJHI4qb4VdER9Jotbs",
"indep_hash": "oyxTcYAgbbNoFyDz8hqs7KCJHI4qb4VdER9Jotbs",
"txs": [...],
"hash_list": [...],
"wallet_list": [...],
"reward_addr": "unclaimed"
var node = '';
var path = '/block/height/1101';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve a JSON array representing the contents of the current block, the network head.
- Method GET
A JSON array detailing the block.
"nonce": "rihlezm7XAc",
"previous_block": "pc-0MvV6lQOWt0O2L3VcSheOfIdymntOBVcloERVbQQ",
"timestamp": 1517564276,
"last_retarget": 1517564044,
"diff": 24,
"height": 166,
"hash": "mGe34a3DcT8HLE0BfaME38XUelENSjPQA-vcYJG6PGs",
"indep_hash": "ntoWN8DMFSuxPsdF8CelZqP03Gr4GahMBXX8ZkyPA3U",
"txs": [...],
"hash_list": [...],
"wallet_list": [...],
"reward_addr": "unclaimed"
var node = '';
var path = '/current_block';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve the balance of the wallet specified via the address. The returned amount is in winston (the smallest division of AR, 1 AR = 1000000000000 winston).
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [wallet_address] : A base64url encoded SHA256 hash of the raw RSA modulus.
A string containing the balance of the wallet.
var node = '';
var path = '/wallet/VukPk7P3qXAS2Q76ejTwC6Y_U_bMl_z6mgLvgSUJIzE/balance';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve the ID of the last transaction made by the given address.
- Method GET
- URL Parameters [wallet_address] : A Base64 encoded SHA256 hash of the public key.
A string containing the ID of the last transaction made by the given address.
var node = '';
var path = '/wallet/VukPk7P3qXAS2Q76ejTwC6Y_U_bMl_z6mgLvgSUJIzE/last_tx';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve identifiers of transactions made by the given wallet.
Method GET
URL Parameters
- [wallet_address] : A Base64 encoded SHA256 hash of the public key.
- [earliest_tx] (optional) : A Base64 encoded ID of the earliest transaction to fetch. If not specified, all transactions made by the given wallet are returned.
A JSON list of base64url encoded transaction identifiers.
var node = '';
var path = '/wallet/VukPk7P3qXAS2Q76ejTwC6Y_U_bMl_z6mgLvgSUJIzE/txs/bUfaJN-KKS1LRh_DlJv4ff1gmdbHP4io-J9x7cLY5is';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Retrieve identifiers of transfer transactions depositing to the given wallet. The index is partial - only transactions known by the given node are returned.
Method GET
URL Parameters
- [wallet_address] : A Base64 encoded SHA256 hash of the public key.
- [earliest_deposit] (optional) : A Base64 encoded ID of the earliest transaction to fetch. If not specified, all deposits known by the node are fetched.
A JSON list of base64url encoded transaction identifiers.
Retrieve the list of peers held by the contacted node.
- Method GET
A list containing the IP addresses of all of the nodes peers.
var node = '';
var path = '/peers';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Post a transaction to the network.
Method POST
"last_tx": "", // Base64 encoded ID of the last transaction made by this wallet. Empty if this is the first transaction.
"owner": "", // The public key making this transaction.
"target": "", // Base64 encoded SHA256 hash of recipient's public key. Empty for data transactions.
"quantity": "", // Decimal string representation of the amount of sent AR in winston. Empty for data transactions.
"data": "", // The Base64 encoded data being store in the transaction. Empty for transfer transactions.
"reward": "", // Decimal string representation of the mining reward AR amount in winston.
"signature": "" // Base64 encoded signature of the transaction
var node = '';
var path = '/tx';
var url = node + path;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var post =
"id": "VvNF3aLS28MXD_o4Lv0lF9_WcxMibFOp166qDqC1Hlw",
"last_tx": "bUfaJN-KKS1LRh_DlJv4ff1gmdbHP4io-J9x7cLY5is",
"owner": "1Q7RfP...J2x0xc",
"tags": [],
"target": "",
"quantity": "0",
"data": "3DduMPkwLkE0LjIxM9o",
"reward": "1966476441",
"signature": "RwBICn...Rxqi54"
};'POST', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
// Do something.
Please note that in the JSON transaction records all winston value fields (quantity and reward) are strings. This is to allow for interoperability between environments that do not accommodate arbitrary-precision arithmetic. JavaScript for instance stores all numbers as double precision floating point values and as such cannot natively express the integer number of winston. Providing these values as strings allows them to be directly loaded into most 'bignum' libraries.
If you have questions or comments on the Arweave HTTP interface you can get in touch by finding us on Twitter, Reddit, Discord or by emailing us at
The Arweave project is released under GNU General Public License v2.0. See LICENSE for full license conditions.