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Art Blocks Smart Contracts


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A collection of smart contracts used by Art Blocks for our flagship product, as well as Artblocks Engine products.

This repository is actively used and maintained by the Art Blocks team. We welcome contributions from the community. Please see our Contributing section more information.

Initial Setup

install packages


set up your environment

Create a .env file by duplicating .env.example and populating all variables.


yarn compile

run the tests

yarn test

generate coverage report

yarn coverage

generate docs

yarn docgen

(docs for main are served at

format your source code

yarn format

Contributing & Design Guidelines

We welcome contributions from the community!

Please read through our Style Guidelines, Solidity Gotchas, and Testing Philosophy sections before contributing.

In addition to meeting our style guidelines, all code must pass all tests and be formatted with prettier before being merged into the main branch. To run the tests, run yarn test. To format the code, run yarn format.


auto-generated contract docs (via NatSpec)

Documentation for contracts is deployed via GitHub pages at:

Documentation for contracts may also be generated via yarn docgen. Most Art Blocks contracts use NatSpec comments to automatically enrich generated documentation. Some contracts use dynamic expressions to improve user experience.

Art Blocks V3 Contract Architecture

For a high-level overview of the Art Blocks V3 contract architecture, refer to the simplified entity relationship diagram below.

    ADMIN_ACL ||--o{ CORE_V3_V3_FLEX : manages
    ADMIN_ACL ||--o{ MINTERFILTER : manages
    CORE_V3_V3_FLEX ||--|| MINTERFILTER : uses
    MINTERFILTER ||--o{ MINTER_1 : uses
    MINTERFILTER ||--o{ MINTER_2 : uses
    MINTERFILTER ||--o{ MINTER_N : uses
    MINTER_1 ||--|| I_SHARED_MINTER : implements
    MINTER_2 ||--|| I_SHARED_MINTER : implements
    MINTER_N ||--|| I_SHARED_MINTER : implements
    RANDOMIZER ||--|| CORE_V3_V3_FLEX : provides_random
    ENGINE_REGISTRY ||--o{ CORE_V3_V3_FLEX : notifies

For a more detailed overview of this architecture, please see the V3 Contract Architecture page.

Minter Suite

Art Blocks has developed a shared Minter Suite that can be used to mint tokens. The Minter Suite is designed to be highly flexible, and can be used to mint tokens in a variety of ways on any V3 Flagship or Art Blocks Engine contract.

A legacy, non-shared minter suite is also currently used by many partners, and is still in use by many partners during migration to the shared minter suite.

For details on the Art Blocks Minter Suite, see the minter suite documentation.


Deploying New Contracts

Art Blocks deploys contracts a variety of ways, depending on the contract or library and its intended use. In general, we use Hardhat for deployments and verification, and have a variety of deployment scripts that can be used to deploy contracts to various networks. Additionally, at times we may use a keyless create2 factory to deploy standard infrastructure contracts to enable permissionless deployments of infrastructure on any network that supports pre-EIP-155 transactions.

A summary of our deployed infrastructure is available on our Infrastructure Documentation.

Keyless Create2 Factory

We use the following keyless create2 factory to deploy standard infrastructure contracts to enable permissionless deployments of infrastructure on any network that supports pre-EIP-155 transactions.

Contracts that are deployed using the keyless create2 factory include the BytecodeStorageReader and V3FlexLib external library contracts.

Name Address
KEYLESS_CREATE2_DEPLOYER_ADDRESS 0x4c8D290a1B368ac4728d83a9e8321fC3af2b39b1
KEYLESS_CREATE2_ADDRESS 0x7A0D94F55792C434d74a40883C6ed8545E406D12
IMMUTABLE_CREATE2_FACTORY_ADDRESS 0x0000000000ffe8b47b3e2130213b802212439497

If you are interested in deploying the create2 factory contracts on a new network, please reference the documentation here:

Hardhat Scripts

IMPORTANT - many scripts rely on typechain-generated factories, so ensure you have run yarn generate:typechain before running any deployment scripts.

We have two types of deployment scripts: Generic and Specific. In general, most new deployments now use generic scripts.

Generic deployment scripts are located in the ./scripts directory. These scripts are used to deploy contracts that are not specific to a particular deployment. Generic deployment scripts are used to deploy contracts that are used by multiple partners or core contracts, such as the Art Blocks Engine contracts, or minters. Generic scripts take an input json file, located in the /deployents/ directory, and execute the deployment as defined in the input file. In general, there are scripts prepared to run generic deployments for all networks and environments. For example, the following can be used to deploy the Art Blocks Engine contracts to the goerli test network (note that an input configuration is also required for all generic deployments.):

yarn deploy:dev:v3-engine

Specific deployments are used less frequently, and are located in the /scripts directory as well. These scripts are used to deploy contracts that are specific to a particular deployment. They are not easily reusable, and are generally only used once. An example to run a specific deployment is:

yarn hardhat run --network <your-network> scripts/deploy.ts

where <your network> is any network configured in hardhat.config.js.

For additional deployment details, see hardhat docs:

Deployed Contract Details

Core Contract Versions

This is the Smart contract that controls the artwork created by the artist. No financial transactions occur on this Smart contract.

Core contracts use the versioning schema below:

Description Version Project Range Mainnet Address
AB Core V0 V0 0-2 0x059EDD72Cd353dF5106D2B9cC5ab83a52287aC3a
AB Core V1 V1 3-373 0xa7d8d9ef8D8Ce8992Df33D8b8CF4Aebabd5bD270
AB Core V3 V3 374-493 0x99a9B7c1116f9ceEB1652de04d5969CcE509B069
AB Core V3.2 (current) V3.2 494+ 0xAB0000000000aa06f89B268D604a9c1C41524Ac6
Engine Cores (V2) V2_PBAB All V2 Engine Various - see deployments/engine/ directory files
Engine Partner Cores (V2) V2_PRTNR All V2 PRTNR Various - see deployments/engine/ directory files
Engine_V3, Engine_V3_Flex Engine_V3, Engine_V3_Flex All V3 Engine Various - see deployments/engine/V3/ directory files

Art Blocks Engine Core Contracts

For deployed core contracts, see the deployment details in the /deployments/engine/[V2|V3]/<engine-partner>/ directories. For V2 core contracts, archived source code is available in the /posterity/engine/ directory.


BytecodeStorageReader is public library for reading from storage contracts. This library is intended to be deployed as a standalone contract, and provides all read functionality by being used as an externally linked library within the Art Blocks ecosystem contracts that use contract bytecode for writes.

Versioned deployments of the BytecodeStorageReader library, as well as a UniversalBytecodeStorageReader contract maintained by Art Blocks, are summarized on the Infrastructure Documentation page.

Shared Randomizers

Art Blocks has developed a shared Randomizer contract that is used to generate pseudo-random numbers for all Art Blocks Engine V3 tokens. The Randomizer contract is designed to handle all globally approved shared minters, including minters that may assign token hashes directly such as the Polyptych minter.

Note that this is an area of active development, and legacy randomizer contracts will continue to be used by many contracts as they migrate to the shared randomizer and shared minter suite. Previous versions of the Randomizer contract are recorded on each V3 core contract itself, able to be queried via the getHistoricalRandomizerAt() function.

The most recent version of the Shared Randomizer contract is deployed at the following addresses:

  • Mainnet: 0x13178A7a8A1A9460dBE39f7eCcEbD91B31752b91
  • Goerli Staging: 0xC91CFC2062D8B4Ff53A7c8836CAEf925a7C78c81
  • Arbitrum One: 0x6a5976391E708fBf918c3786cd1FcbB88732fbc1
  • Arbitrum Sepolia: 0x28f2D3805652FB5d359486dFfb7D08320D403240


The DependencyRegistry is an upgradeable contract that manages the dependencies for projects on the Art Blocks platform. It maintains a registry of dependencies, licenses, supported core contracts, and project dependency overrides.

Each dependency is identified by a unique name and version (in the format "name@version"), and is associated with a specific license type (e.g., MIT, GPL). The DependencyRegistry also stores additional information for each dependency, such as the preferred Content Delivery Network (CDN), repository, and website.

The contract allows for the overriding of project dependencies. This means that specific projects can use different versions of dependencies than what's stored on the core contract. The override is defined by the address of the core contract, the project ID, and the bytes32 representation of the dependency name and version.


The GenArt721GeneratorV0 is an upgradeable contract that generates the HTML required to display Art Blocks artworks. It combines dependency scripts, project scripts, and token data to create the complete HTML for each token. The contract works in conjunction with the DependencyRegistry to retrieve project dependencies and ScriptyBuilder to generate the final HTML output.

Each token's HTML includes the necessary JavaScript dependencies (either loaded from a CDN or stored on-chain), a canvas element if required by the dependency, the project's core script, and token-specific data like the token ID and hash. The contract supports both base64-encoded data URIs and plain HTML output formats.

The contract handles backwards compatibility with different core contract versions and provides flexibility in how dependencies are loaded. It can retrieve scripts stored directly in contract bytecode using the UniversalBytecodeStorageReader, or load them from preferred CDN sources when available.

The contract currently supports most Art Blocks Flagship projects on mainnet.

Splitter Factories

In some instances, splitter contracts may be used by projects to split revenue between multiple parties. For flagship, sometimes splitter contracts deployed using a factory contract are used. The factory contracts deployed for flagship are listed below:

Network Environment Factory Address Implementation Address
Sepolia Dev 0x39D9580445A3Fcf486c6AD0d06F66fe0d42230eC 0xDaf4BB19982927aBEACd9bCd1cE070f188ddb26E
Sepolia Staging 0xe3D5373D2dc56948737E79244C8C6C856336BF1A 0xc673EdD8c29Fbb6462Ff48ce61803fa6d7f4d7A3
Mainnet Prod 0xb26aaD97B0e1d250dB131CD4133c11629EBB4ef7 0x853a03Ec9CCbf8203DF0C40926398B959d81AFd2

Contract Source Code Verification

All mainnet deployments of contracts developed in this repository are verified on Etherscan. To protect against centralized source code verification failures (for example, if Etherscan were to disappear), the PR history of this repository may be used to determine the commit at which a given deployment was performed, and source code verification may be submitted by anyone to a different source code verification service. Deployment details are recorded in the deployments/ directory.


Art Blocks supports on-chain royalty lookups for all Flagship and Engine tokens on Manifold's Royalty Registry. This enables royalty revenue streams for artists and other creators.

For information about on-chain royalties, please see the royalties documentation.

Source Code Archival

An NPM package is published that includes all contracts in the /contracts/ directory. The /contracts/archive/ directory contains contracts that were previously published, but are no longer actively developed, but should still be included in our published npm package. For example, the original Art Blocks core contracts are included in the /contracts/archive/ directory so they may be actively integrated with subgraphs and frontends, even though they are no longer actively developed.


Running Gas Reports for Solidity Methods & Deployments

Your .env file should contain a COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY param in order to calculate ethereum gas costs. The key value can be found in the Engineering team's shared 1Password account. Additionally, you'll need to add the following object within the module.exports key in hardhat.config.ts:

  gasReporter: {
    currency: "USD",
    gasPrice: 100,
    enabled: true,
    coinmarketcap: process.env.COINMARKETCAP_API_KEY

After this config is finished, you'll notice a usd (avg) column in the auto-generated table that's printed when you run unit tests with yarn test. (note: gasPrice is a variable param that reflects the gwei/gas cost of a tx)

Old contracts/addresses:

Other Useful References - An interactive guide to EVM op-code costs.