1.- Check if you have Terraform installed by running terraform --version
, if you have terraform installed you should see the version you have as a result, ideally you should have Terraform version 0.13
or later, the lab was developed on version 0.14.X
2.- To test the entire lab just run make lab
and check step by step what occurs.
If you want to run the steps individually, here they are:
- terraform plan
- terraform apply -auto-approve
- terraform workspace list
- terraform workspace show
- terraform workspace new test_workspace_1
- terraform workspace list
- terraform workspace show
- terraform plan
- terraform apply -auto-approve
- terraform workspace select default
- terraform workspace new prod_workspace_1
- terraform plan
- terraform apply -auto-approve
- terraform destroy -auto-approve
- terraform workspace select test_workspace_1
- terraform workspace list
- terraform workspace delete prod_workspace_1
- terraform workspace list
- terraform destroy -auto-approve
- terraform workspace select default
- terraform workspace delete test_workspace_1
- terraform destroy -auto-approve
- terraform workspace list
Note that when creating resources in several workspaces, your state files for the multiple workspaces will be saved in a directory called terraform.tfstate.d
And that the state that is handled by the default
workspace is saved in the current directory under the following name: terraform.tfstate