- feat(cicd): Delete publish-package.json from spkz-sdk
- feat(moon): add moon blockchain rpc
- feat(walletConnect): add wallet connect for metamask
- feat(network): add networks
- feat(opensea): opensea api key
- feat(poap): strategy poap
- feat(cicd): Make spkz test run every 1H
- feat(websocket): improve websocket stability
- feat(signature): change signature to be readable on metamask
- feat(strategy): is-exact-address improvement
- feat(messages): on new message, increment count
- feat(loungeowner): enriched Information
- feat(message): reset message count of a section
- feat(strategy): Improve amounts
- feat(strategy): native crypto balance of
- feat(messages): message count
- feat(publish): update package publish
- feat(redux): add redux
- feat(messages): remove sectionId
- feat(messages): limit in sdk to 50
- feat(messages): get message from sdk
- feat(messages): get not read messages
- feat(messages): add fromTimestamp/toTimestamp at message read
- feat(lastViewed): rpc last viewed method
- feat(strategy): add strategy opensea collection balanceOf
- feat(erc1155): implement erc155 balance of
- feat(erc721): balance of issued by strategy
- feat(ens): manage symbol name fallback
- fix(lastViewed): return last viewed and previous
- fix(walletConnect): add dependencies walletconnect
- fix(messages): new message count
- fix(updateStatus): fetch status is not undefined
- fix(message): fix observable return nothing if no message in section
- fix(redux): fix subscribe interop
- fix(messages): remove typo
- fix(logo): logo
- fix(erc20): if erc20 symbol is bytes instead of string
- fix(ownerOf): pass token id to check strategies
- refactor(services): refacto services
- test(refacto): refacto test
- release(version): Increase next develop version of v1.4.0
- fix(erc721): details balance
- release(version): Increase next develop version of v1.3.0
- feat(logo): erc20 custom logo
- release(version): Increase next develop version of v1.2.0
- fix(cicd): Release
- release(version): Increase next develop version of v1.1.0
- feat(verify): add rule to verify json
- feat(jwt): add iat in jwt
- feat(cache): improve cache
- feat(nft): validate nft room
- feat(abbreviate): format 0
- feat(abbreviate): create helper for abbreviate and minBalance
- feat(abbreviate): abbrevite token number erc20
- feat(contract): set contract address 137
- feat(rpc): rights are sent back by rpc
- feat(token): add name
- feat(link): create auth link
- feat(assets): logo attribute for non erc-20 token
- feat(erc20): readable sum
- feat(metamask): add method to get metamask installation link
- feat(dry): pass dry
- feat(metamask): add signature v4
- feat(typing): update user profile interface
- feat(verified): rooms Id
- feat(room): check room type
- feat(localstorage): scope local storage keys
- feat(cache): create cache for strategies
- feat(cache): add cache on profile and user room
- feat(verified): add verified in model
- feat(typing): update roomSection typing
- feat(typing): add logo in typing
- feat(erc721): add erc721 enriched information
- feat(strategies): get enriched informations
- feat(profile): change typing userProfile
- feat(rights): join room check join room
- feat(uat): modify uat env
- feat(rights): on join section check read and write
- feat(cache): expose fetch room service to be able to set cache
- feat(room): add cache on rooms
- feat(websocket): handle multi websocket
- feat(room): update recommended and feature rooms
- feat(error): rpc return error with details
- feat(websocket): add eventemitter for websocket
- feat(roomDetails): change model
- feat(env): create env service
- feat(bouncer): change bouncer url in client
- feat(rpc): rpc try catch properly errors
- feat(room): expose fetchRoomService in utils
- feat(env): for rooms
- feat(room): fetch nft room
- feat(bouncer): create method to fetch recommened rooms and featured rooms
- feat(rpc): all params to string
- feat(websocket): add websocket
- feat(rpc): update room rpc
- feat(bouncer): bouncer and user rpc
- feat(roomOwner): add roomOwner strategy (+env)
- feat(strategy): is-exact-adress
- feat(erc721): manage erc721 balanceOf strategies
- feat(strategy): get rpc from remote
- feat(metamask): simple metamask implementation
- feat(strategy): update strategy
- feat(rpc): pass right parameters to read and write
- feat(npm): expose in index
- feat(proxy): method to check if authorizations jwt are still valid
- feat(utils): create utils services
- feat(init): init project
- fix(cache): inverse then and catch
- fix(abbreviate): abbreviate small number
- fix(dependecy): add dependency
- fix(logotoken): logo token in json
- fix(service): catch error at getroom
- fix(logo): erc20 tolowercase for zapper picture
- fix(strategy): check is exact address lowercase
- fix(assets): add logo when needed
- fix(metamask): fix unavailable method in mm-mobile
- fix(profile): return empty object if no profile
- fix(dependencies): add object-hash in publish-package.json
- fix(profile): expose interface
- fix(error): fix missing error
- fix(cicd): package
- fix(env): fix fetchRoomService as singleton
- fix(join): fix join room
- fix(env): fix env issues
- fix(bouncer): fix bouncer user query model
- fix(room): fix recommended room typinh
- fix(room): fix recommended room typinh
- fix(ci): Node 14
- fix(rpc): rpc write message return a json
- fix(models): rename models name
- fix(websocket): fix websocket
- fix(package): fix package lock
- fix(websocket): add dependencies
- fix(nodejs): some fixes to make it works on nodejs
- fix(rpc): fix async web3provider
- fix(ci): Dependencies
- fix(ci): Persist dist
- chore(contract): add polygon smart contract address
- chore(contract): update contract address
- chore(node): change node url matic
- chore(ci): Disable unpublish
- chore(ci): Switch to spkz-sdk
- chore(naming): change naming to match conventions
- test(test): fix test
- release(version): Increase next develop version of v1.0.0
- fix(ci): Persist dist
- fix(ci): Release-ci
- feat(ci): add ci
- feat(boilerplate): add test and lint
- feat(readme): add how to change remote url
- feat(express): install express and dependencies
- chore(archi): create folder architectures