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ArezzaNet edited this page Aug 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

Public Transport Walking Biking and Land Use Planning

Transportation Infrastructure is the backbone of our communities. A reduced dependence on the automobile enables land use planning that reduces household transportation costs and frees up space for transit, pedestrian, and bike systems as well as rationalizing the use of existing infrastructure.

Transit Oriented Development transportation is the second-highest household expense; access to transit enhances access to the workplace and schools. TOD not only benefits new and existing residents, but also businesses, transit agencies, local governments, merchants, and developers.

Transit Oriented Devrlopment

Greenhouse Gas Emissions are lower in Dense Urban Areas than the Suburbs

Location Efficiency is defined as communities with walkable streets, access to transit, proximity to jobs, mixed land uses, and concentrations of retail and services achievable with policies like free transit passes and car-sharing as well as planning tools that identify land parcels under development and calculate the benefits of locating in a walkable community near existing transit facilities, allowing Developers and Local Public Officials to identify traffic reduction strategies by location, design and the amount of parking needed in support of smart, well-located developments during the development review process as well as engage residents and contribute to future neighborhood planning.

Philadelphia Waterfront

Walking and Biking nearly 20% of auto-related fatalities involve pedestrians and bicyclists. Walking and bicycling can be made safer at dangerous intersections, streets, sidewalks as well as for wheelchair users by utilizing existing planning tools.

Land Use Planning decisions help determine ways to reduce housing and other costs for families living in places with good public transportation and ameliorate costly and time-consuming commutes.

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