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ArezzaNet edited this page Aug 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

Creating Self-Sufficient Communities

Off-grid Neighborhoods with renewable energy capabilities, water management and waste-to-resource systems generate surplus energy, water and food that enable self-reliant and resilient neighborhoods in your community.

Self-sufficient Neighborhoods with indoor vegetable, outdoor seasonal gardens and high-tech vertical farms and composted household waste generate their own energy from using a mixture of geothermal, solar, solar thermal, wind, and biomass distributed by a smart grid as well as a biogas plant will turn any non-compostable household waste into power and water.

Hudson river View

Food Production Energy Efficiency and Resilient Neighborhoods

**Advanced Methods **for Growing Food such as aquaponics, permaculture, food forests, and high-yield organic farming, grow more food with 90% less water. Organic food from vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish, eggs and chicken year-round long as supplementing seasonal gardens fertilized by livestock waste.

Combined Heat and Power involves the recovery of otherwise-wasted thermal energy to produce useful thermal energy or electricity, configured either as a topping or bottoming cycle. It is a form of distributed generation, which is located at or near the energy-consuming facility, whereas conventional generation takes place in large centrally-located power plants. CHP’s inherent higher efficiency and elimination of transmission and distribution losses from the central power plant results in reduced primary energy use and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

CHP can be utilized in a variety of applications that have significant electric and thermal loads. Eighty-eight percent of existing CHP capacity is found in industrial applications, providing electricity and steam to energy-intensive industries such as chemicals, paper, refining, food processing, and metals manufacturing. CHP in commercial and institutional applications is currently 12 percent of existing capacity, providing electricity, steam, and hot water to hospitals, schools, university campuses, hotels, nursing homes, office buildings and apartment complexes.

Galena Ill

Benefits to Your Community CHP reduces emissions of GHGs and other air pollutants by as much as 40 percent or more. It consumes essentially zero water resources in generating electricity and offers a low-cost approach to adding new electricity generation capacity. On-site electric generation reduces grid congestion and improves the reliability of the electricity distribution system and defers the need for investments in new central generating plants, transmission and distribution infrastructure, helping to minimize increases in electricity costs.

Cogeneration for Your Neighborhood Small Town and Business

Cogeneration involves the recovery of otherwise-wasted thermal energy to produce useful thermal energy or electricity. Off-grid neighborhoods, small towns and businesses can harness a combination of renewable energy, household composting, wastewater management agricultural and industrial waste-to-resource systems to generate surplus energy that enable self-reliant and resilient neighborhoods.

Communities benefit from new, scalable and mobile technologies that are personalized to meet the unique requirements to achieve a closed loop system utilizing available local resources. Biogas can be used in cogeneration systems for production of heat to be used on site and other requirements. This technology can treat waste from agricultural farms, livestock farms and milk factories as well as produce green energy that can be sold.

District Energy Networks utilize any combination of fossil, recuperative and renewable fuels to create energy and heat that is then distributed from a central system via a pipeline system to business, institutional and private users resulting in functional, economic and ecological advantages.

**Financing Alternatives **Traditional banking and leasing options are available along with federal, state and local assistance. Also, build, operate and transfer – bot – programs that reduce upfront investment costs.

District Energy Networks Employment and Environmental Benefits

Employment Benefits are achieved with robust training programs designed to turn over management and operations of the plant to local personnel.

Environmental Benefits cogeneration reduces emissions of GHGs and other air pollutants by as much as 40 percent or more. It consumes essentially zero water resources in generating electricity and offers a low-cost approach to adding new electricity generation capacity.

downtown development

Energy Management Open Source Software for Small and Medium-sized Commercial Buildings

Commercial Buildings account for 20% of total energy consumption in the United States. The larger units use management systems or automation systems BAS to improve comfort and reduce energy costs; however, small and medium sized commercial building, which account for half the sector’s energy usage and 95% building stock, lack cost-effective BAS solutions and the resultant savings.

Property Owners are often Unaware of Energy Waste and BAS Savings Opportunities

Load Types there are three major loads in commercial buildings: HVAC, lighting and plug loads. According to the data from EIA published in 2008, electricity use by HVAC equipment accounts for 30% of the total electricity consumption, lighting loads use 38% and plug loads 6%.

Cost and Interoperability BAS systems need to become much more interoperable, scalable, and easy to deploy by utilizing open architectures, plug-and-play and providing local or remote monitoring. Most systems currently use proprietary architectures requiring building owners and controls designers to purchase devices and controllers from a single vendor instead of optimal products, controls, and services from different vendors.

Bemoss is a turn-key solution that reduces installation and maintenance costs. In addition, it is a scalable and broadly interoperable solution with seamless HVAC, lighting, plug load equipment and controller integration from different manufacturers, hence plug-and-play functionality for the many system configurations found in smaller commercial architectures.

System Features Open Source Architecture Cost Effective Interoperability Ease of Deployment Local/Remote Monitoring Manufacturer Friendly Developer Friendly Scalability Plug and Play Secure.

Benefits the system provides small-sized commercial building owners access to flexible, cost-effective building energy management that streamlines operations and optimizes energy usage. Also, the greater interconnection between building systems and a centralized control structure facilitates demand response, providing additional savings and better integration with the electric power grid.

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