Next stable release of theUnixManager python version.
sudo and doas support.
7 init systems support (systemd, sysvinit, init, s6, runit, launchd, openrc).
52 GNU/Linux and BSD UNIX distributions support (and beyond!).
16 package managers support (apt, aptitude, dpkg, portage, dnf, yum, zypper, apk, xpbs, qi, slackpkg, guix, pacman, pkg, pkg_add, pkgin).
Nothing left to say here anymore, its just first stable release.
"cloc ." statistics:
14 text files.
13 unique files.
2 files ignored. v 1.96 T=0.02 s (706.5 files/s, 190803.3 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Bourne Shell 2 501 356 2230
Markdown 10 154 0 269
Text 1 0 0 1
SUM: 13 655 356 2500