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GitHub Actions / Android Test Results succeeded Feb 22, 2024 in 0s

47 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ examples/cordovatestapp/testResults/android/junitresults-cordovapluginappsflyersdktests.tests.xml

47 tests were completed in 14s with 47 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
cordova-plugin-appsflyer-sdk-tests.tests >> 9s
cordova-plugin-appsflyer-sdk-tests.tests >>.AppsFlyer 38✅ 4s
cordova-plugin-appsflyer-sdk-tests.tests >>.AppsFlyer -> initSdk 9✅ 1s

✅ cordova-plugin-appsflyer-sdk-tests.tests >>.AppsFlyer

✅ appsflyer.spec.1 should exist
✅ appsFlyer.initSdk method
✅ appsFlyer.registerDeepLink method
✅ appsFlyer.registerOnAppOpenAttribution method
✅ appsFlyer.setCurrencyCode method
✅ appsFlyer.setAppUserId method
✅ appsFlyer.getAppsFlyerUID method
✅ appsFlyer.anonymizeUser method
✅ appsFlyer.Stop method
✅ appsFlyer.logEvent method
✅ appsFlyer.updateServerUninstallToken method
✅ appsFlyer.setAppInviteOneLinkID method
✅ appsFlyer.generateInviteLink method
✅ appsFlyer.logCrossPromotionImpression method
✅ appsFlyer.logCrossPromotionAndOpenStore method
✅ appsFlyer.handleOpenUrl method
✅ appsFlyer.registerUninstall method
✅ appsFlyer.getSdkVersion method
✅ appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForPartners method
✅ appsFlyer.setSharingFilter method
✅ appsFlyer.setSharingFilterForAllPartners method
✅ appsFlyer.validateAndLogInAppPurchase method
✅ appsFlyer.setUseReceiptValidationSandbox method
✅ appsFlyer.disableCollectASA method
✅ appsFlyer.setDisableAdvertisingIdentifier method
✅ appsFlyer.setOneLinkCustomDomains method
✅ appsFlyer.enableFacebookDeferredApplinks method
✅ appsFlyer.setPhoneNumber method
✅ appsFlyer.setUserEmails method
✅ appsFlyer.setHost method
✅ appsFlyer.addPushNotificationDeepLinkPath method
✅ appsFlyer.setResolveDeepLinkURLs method
✅ appsFlyer.disableSKAD method
✅ appsFlyer.setCurrentDeviceLanguage method
✅ appsFlyer.setAdditionalData method
✅ appsFlyer.setPartnerData method
✅ appsFlyer.sendPushNotificationData method
✅ appsFlyer.setDisableNetworkData method

✅ cordova-plugin-appsflyer-sdk-tests.tests >>.AppsFlyer -> initSdk

✅ appsflyer.init success callback devKey and app id are defined
✅ appsflyer.init success callback devKey and AppId and isDebug is defined
✅ appsflyer.init success callback devKey is defined in android
✅ appsflyer.init error callback devKey is undefined
✅ appsflyer.init error callback devKey is Empty
✅ appsflyer.init error callback devkey defined as Integer
✅ appsflyer.init error callback appId is undefined
✅ appsflyer.init error callback appId defined as Integer
✅ appsflyer.init error callback appId and devkey are not defined iOS