All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Fixed some percentages being missing from Donkey stats.
- Output includes Strength stat for Llamas.
- Fixed plugin not working on Trader Llamas.
- Permission nodes for general use and config reloading.
- Option to match a specific item name.
- Updated to Minecraft version 1.14
- Config option to enable/disable showing of tamer.
- Config option to change the triggering item to something other than a stick.
- Config option to enable/disable update checking on load.
/horseinspector reload
command to reload config without restarting server.
- Jump percent now calculated using meters, rather than internal jumpstrength value.
- Mules are now properly recognized
- Shows name of player who tamed the horse (thanks datatags).
- Now also works with Donkeys and Llamas.
- Checks for an updated version on and outputs a console message if one exists.
- Hitting a horse with a stick will do no damage and sends the player the horse's speed, hp, and jump height.