* code.c - contains the main file
* command_split_read.c - helps in parsing the commands
* execute_echo.c - Function to execute echo
* execute_nightswatch.c - Function to execute nightswatch
* execute_pwd.c - Function to get the current working directory
* print_home.c - helps in printing the prompt
* shell_loop.c - To continue the prompt after every command
* command_execute.c - Executing a given command
* execute_cd.c - Function to execute cd
* execute_pinfo.c - Function to execute pinfo
* execute_rest.c - Function to execute commands not in the built in commands
* string_fun.c - helps in string operations
* pwd - Get the present working directory
* cd - Change directory
* ls with options -l and -a - List the contents(files/folders/symlinks, etc)
* pinfo - Get the process information
* pinfo <pid> - Get the process information of the given process id
* quit - Exit the shell
* clear - Clear the screen
* nightswatch <dirty/interrupt> with option -n - print the dirty memory/ cpu interrupts from keyboard controller every n seconds (default 2)
* overkill - Kills all background processes
* fg [JobNumber] - Brings a background process to foreground
* bg [JobNumber] - Brings a stopped background process to running background process
* echo, setenv, unsetenv - Normal functioning as in bash
* kjob [jobNumber] [signalNumber] - Sends the given signal to a process
* background processes can be run with & - Get processes running in the background