The completion of this module will result in you connecting your Azure Function to a CosmosDB instance running MongoDB and reading the data from there.
- In the portal, create a new Azure Cosmos DB Account. Select MongoDB or SQL API for your account. Create a new database named admin and a collection names Recipes
- In VS Code, go to the extensions panel and install CosmosDB extension. Alternatively, go to the marketplace
- Sign in and explore the account you have just created. Update the Recipes collection to include the two documents from
- Install mongoose npm package
npm i mongoose
Create new folder called shared to place code that's going to be shared in the future:
const mongoose = require('mongoose'); /** * Set to Node.js native promises * Per */ mongoose.Promise = global.Promise; const auth = { user: process.env.user, password: process.env.password }; const mongoUri = `mongodb://${process.env.user}${ process.env.port }/?ssl=true`; let client = null; function connect() { mongoose.set('debug', true); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (client == null) { mongoose .connect( mongoUri, { auth: auth } ) .then(_client => { client = _client; resolve(_client); }) .catch(err => reject(err.status)); } else { resolve(client); } }); } module.exports = { connect, mongoose };
const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const RecipeSchema = new mongoose.Schema( { category: { type: String, enum: [ 'SHELLS', 'BASE_LAYERS', 'MIXINS', 'SEASONINGS', 'CONDIMENTS', 'FULL_TACOS' ] }, title: String, description: String, ingredients: [String], steps: [String], tags: [String] }, { collection: 'Recipes', read: 'nearest' } ); const Recipe = mongoose.model('Recipe', RecipeSchema); module.exports = Recipe;
const Recipe = require('./recipe.model'); const ReadPreference = require('mongodb').ReadPreference; require('./mongo').connect(); function getRecipes() { var countQuery = Recipe.count(); const docQuery = Recipe.find({}).read(ReadPreference.NEAREST); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { docQuery .exec() .then(recipes => { if (recipes.length === 0) resolve('There are no results matching your query.'); else { countQuery.exec().then(count => { resolve({ items: recipes, totalItems: count }); }); } }) .catch(err => { reject(err.status); }); }); } module.exports = { getRecipes };
In index.js import recipe.service and make request to read data:
const recipes = require('../shared/recipe.service'); module.exports = async function(context, req) { context.log('JavaScript HTTP trigger function processed a request.'); await recipes .getRecipes() .then(data => { context.res = { body: data }; }) .catch(err => { context.res = { status: 500, body: err }; }); };
Update local.setting.json to include your database config:
{ "IsEncrypted": false, "Values": { "AzureWebJobsStorage": "<function app storage connection string>", "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME": "node", "user": "<database user>", "password": "<database primary password>", "port": "10255" }, "Host": { "CORS": "*" } }
Run and check that UI still works