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Some Notes on Using Machine Learning to Develop Inlining Heuristics

August 2016


This document describes the work done from roughly February to August 2016 to use machine learning techniques to develop improved inlining heuristics for RyuJit.

Based on this work, RyuJit now includes an inlining heuristic that is based on machine learning -- the ModelPolicy. This policy can be enabled by setting COMPlus_JitInlinePolicyModel=1 in environments where the jit generates code. Measurements on various internal benchmarks have shown this new policy gives roughly 2% geomean CQ improvement, 2% geomean CS reduction, and 1% throughput reduction. Measurements on "realistic" applications has just begun and the initial results are not as encouraging, but we are still optimistic that with some more work, the ModelPolicy or something quite similar can be enabled as the default policy going forward.

A number of new measurement techniques were developed to support the modelling process. Even so, the models built so far are not entirely satisfactory. There are significant challenges and open questions in many areas of the work.

The remainder of this aims to describe the work that has been done, present the challenges that remain, and suggest avenues for further investigation. Note this is still a work in progress and some aspects of it are incomplete.


The desirability of a machine-learning approach to the development of inlining heuristics was based on both past experience and some promising results from the literature.

Past experience in manual development of inlining heuristics has shown that it is a complex and challenging endeavor. Typically, the heuristic developer must carefully study some number of examples to try and discern what factors lead to "good" inlines. These factors are then coded as heuristics, and combined via some ad-hoc method (say, via weights) to produce an overall figure of merit. A large number of rounds of experimental tuning on benchmarks are then used to select weight values.

Failure of the heuristic to perform on certain benchmarks can and perhaps should lead to refining existing heuristics or the development of new heuristics, or to the improvement of downstream optimization abilities in the compiler, but often instead is handled by adjusting the various weights to try and obtain the desired outcome. There is inevitable bias in the developer's choice of factors and the expert analysis required to gain insight only scales to relatively small numbers of examples. Rigorous analysis to cross-check the importance of factors is not always done and performance of the model over time is typically not measured. This can lead to misleading confidence in the heuristics, since benchmark program never change, while real applications evolve over time, sometimes quite rapidly.

The recent literature describes some successes in using machine learning to create good inlining heuristics. One example is Automatic Construction of Inlining Heuristics using Machine Learning by Kulkarni, Cavazos, Wimmer, and Simon. Here Kulkarni et. al. treat inline profitability as an unsupervised learning problem, and create a well-performing heuristic black box (neural network) using evolutionary programming techniques. They then turn around and use this black box as an oracle to label inline instances, and from this guide a supervised machine learning algorithm to produce a decision tree that expresses the profitability heuristics in terms sensible to the compiler writer.

It was hoped that machine learning techniques would lead to decent models that could be created relatively quickly, so that new models could be developed as the jit was ported to new architectures and new operating systems. Also as the capabilities of the jit or runtime were extended (say by improving register allocation or optimization) it would be possible to quickly re-tune the inliner to take best advantage of new capabilities, and/or to validate continued good behavior as key applications evolve. These tasks remain within the scope of our ambition, though we have not yet proven that such things are possible.

Our inability (described in more detail below) to easily derive good performance models based on machine learning is most likely an indictment of some aspects of our overall process, though it is also possible that our difficulties simply reflect the degree of challenge inherent in improving heuristics in a mature and complex system with various realistic constraints.

This initial design note -- describing the early views on the project -- may be of interest.


The primary motivation for working on inlining was the potential for improved code quality (CQ) at similar or improved levels of code size (CS) and jit throughput (TP).

This potential had been observed in many manual examples and bug reports, as well as experiments to simply make the inliner more aggressive.

Nominal upside in CQ, given the current optimization capabilities of the jit, is in the range of 3-4% (geomean) across a variety of programs. As is always the case with such measures, the underlying distribution is broad, with some programs speeding up by substantially more, many remaining about the same, an a few slowing down.

CQ generally increases steadily in aggregate with more inlining. For reasonable amounts of inlining, cases where inlining hurts performance are fairly rare. At high enough levels of inlining there may be adverse interactions as optimizer thresholds are tripped, and eventually the impact of the larger code is felt as contention for the limited physical memory resources of the host machine.

CS (and TP) are often thought of as constraint or penalty terms rather than as optimization objectives. It is clear from experiments that inlining of suitably small methods will decrease CS and TP, so obtaining the "minimal" value for these metrics requires some amount of inlining. Too much inlining will increase CS without providing improvements in CQ.

So, for a given level of CQ, there is a range of CS values that can obtain that CQ. The "ideal" level is then the minimal CS needed; roughly speaking, there is a CS/CQ tradeoff region with a bounding curve at the minimum CQ level. The locus and shape of this curve is unknown and must be discovered empirically. The curve will also vary considerably depending on the benchmarks. Ensemble measures of performance are needed, and (as noted above) when comparing two well-performing heuristics, there will be always be examples where one heuristic outperforms the other.

Various system design goals and runtime capabilities (eg desire for fast startup or good steady-state performance or blend of both, ability to dynamically re-optimize) dictate which regions of the curve is most desirable. The challenge, then, is to develop an inlining heuristic that picks out an appropriate point that lies on or near the tradeoff curve given the design goals. The shape of the tradeoff curve is also of interest.

In our case the ambition is to build a new inlining heuristic that can increase CQ to get at as much of the headroom as practical, while decreasing CS and TP.


The work done so far proceeded in roughly 4 stages, in order: refactoring, size measurements and modelling, time measurements and modelling, and speed measurements and modelling. These are described briefly below and in more detail in subsequent sections.

Refactoring was done to enable the jit to have multiple inlining policies that could exist side by side. For compatibility reasons it was desirable to preserve the existing (legacy) behavior, and allowing other policies side by side facilitates experimentation. The legacy inliner's decision making was intertwined with the observation process, so it was necessary to separate these out to decouple policy from observation.

Size impact of inlining was measured using the "crossgen" feature of the CLR. Here the jit is asked to generate code for most of the methods in an assembly ahead of time. The size impact of each inline was recorded along with the various observational values that were available to feed into a heuristic. This data fed into a size model that produced a size estimating heuristic. The models developed so far seem reasonably accurate, with an R^2 value of around 0.6.

The time impact of inlining was measured by capturing CPU cycles expended in the jit between the time inlining had finished and the time the native code was generated (notably, this omits the time spent inlining, which is more difficult to measure). Modelling showed this time was closely related to the overall emitted size of the method, which was shown to be fairly reliably estimated by the sum of an initial time estimate plus the size impact of each successive inline.

The performance impact of inlines was measured by enabling hardware performance monitoring counters to capture the number of instructions retired as the jitted code ran. Inlines were measured in isolation, one by one, and the difference in instructions retired was attributed to the inline. This data along with observations formed the data set that feed the speed model. Unfortunately, this performance data has proven to be difficult to model accurately.

Constraints and Assumptions

The CoreCLR currently gives its jit one opportunity to generate code for a method. The time it takes the jit to generate native code is a concern (eg it potentially impacts application start-up time), and given the general size-time relationship, this limits the ability of the jit to inline aggressively or to perform deep analysis in an attempt to find an optimal set of inlines for a method. The jit also has very limited ability to convey knowledge from one invocation to the next, so analysis costs cannot effectively be amortized.

Currently the jit walks it is IR in linear fashion deciding whether to inline each time it sees a candidate. If the decision is yes then the inlined code is spliced in place of the call and (because of the order of the walk) immediately scanned for inlining candidates. Thus the inlining is performed "depth first" and is done without much knowledge of the number or location of other candidates in the code stream. Inlining is done very early on before any significant analysis has been done to the IR -- there is a flow graph but no loop nesting, dataflow, or profile estimates are generally available.

Thus the heuristic we have in mind is one that assesses each inline independent of any assessments done before. Factors visible at the immediate call site and some general information about the accumulated IR can be used to influence decisions, so it's possible given a method A with two callsites for to B that one call to B gets inlined and the other doesn't.

Overall Approach to Heuristic Creation

The work history above reflects the initial proposal for heuristic creation -- first build size and speed models, and then combine those to create a heuristic. The general idea was to have an explicit size/speed tradeoff made per inline. The idealized heuristic is:

  if (SizeDelta <= 0) { inline; }
  else if (SpeedDelta > alpha * SizeDelta) { inline; } 

where here SizeDelta represents the increase in code size caused by the inline, SpeedDelta is the decrease in instructions executed, and alpha is a tradeoff factor. So good inlines either decrease size, or justify their size increase with a speed decrease, and alpha describes how willing we are to trade speed for size.

This is roughly the heuristic implemented by the ModelPolicy. SizeDelta and SpeedDelta are computed by models derived from machine learning, alpha is manually chosen by "tuning" to give the desired tradeoff.

However, the implemented model has an additional parameter, one whose presence reflects one of the key challenges present in this work. The size model has natural units of bytes of code (or instructions, if they're fixed size). Size impacts from inlining are typically small, say in the range of a few hundred bytes one way or the other. But the speed impact of an inline can vary over a much wider range. If we measure the actual change in instructions retired on a benchmark given one inline difference, the value may vary from -1e9 to 1e9 with many values clustered closely around zero.

In an attempt to pull these values into a more manageable range for modelling, the value provided by the model is instructions retired per call to the callee. This needs to be multiplied by a "call site weight" beta to reflect the importance of the call site to the caller, and further by some "root method weight" to reflect the importance of the root method to the overall benchmark. We currently use ad-hoc methods to estimate beta and ignore the root method weight, so the full heuristic is:

  if (SizeDelta <= 0) { inline; }
  else if (beta * PerCallSpeedDelta > alpha * SizeDelta) { inline; } 

Here beta can vary depending on call site, and alpha is the fixed size-speed tradeoff.

One might legitimately question this model, even if all of the quantities could be estimated perfectly. More on this subsequently.

Some Terminology

An inline tree is the set of inlines done into a method. The root method is the initial method; the top level inlines are the descendants of the root, and so on.

An inline forest is the set of inline trees that are in effect for a benchmark run. There is one inline tree for each method executed.

An inline tree X is a subtree of an inline tree Y if Y contains all the inlines in X and possibly more. A tree X is a proper parent of Y if Y contains just one extra inline.

Size Modelling and Measurements

Size Measurements

To measure size, the legacy inliner was modified so that in each method, it would stop inlining after some number of inlines, K, where K could be specified externally. The jit would then generate native code for each method and measure the methods' native code size. Since the inlining decisions made in each method jitted are independent, data from many inlining instances can be collected in one run of crossgen, potentially one per "root" method.

The overall process ran from K = 0 up to Kmax. For each run the size of the method was dumped to a file along with various observational values that were available to feed into a heuristic, and various metadata used to identify the root method. For each row of data, the value of K was recorded as the "version" of the inlining experiment.

Given the raw data, the native size impact of each inline can then be determined by a post-processing pass: for each method and each inline into the method, the size change is found by subtracting the method size for case where J-1 inlines were performed from the size when J inlines were performed. Note not all methods will be able to perform the full set of K inlines, so as K increases, the number of methods that do more inlines decrease. So if there are initially N root methods the total number of rows of inline data with a given version decreases as the version increases.

Reliably identifying the root across runs proved nontrivial, since the main values used as identifying keys (token and hash) were not sufficiently unique. These might come from additional stub methods created by the crossgen process or perhaps from multiply instantiated generic methods. Post-processing would thus ignore any data from a method where the key was not unique (eg multiple version 0 rows with the same token and hash).

The data set used to develop the current model is taken from a crossgen of the CoreCLR core library. It has 29854 rows. Given the special role played by this library it is quite possible this is not a good representative set of methods. Considerably more and more diverse data was gathered (upwards of 1M rows using the desktop "SPMI" method) but this data proved unwieldy. The data gathered is also specific to x64 and windows and the behavior of the jit at that time.

Subsequent work on performance measurement has created new data sets that could be used for size modelling, since a similar sort of K-limiting approach was used for performance, and the factor observations for size and speed are common. The most recent such data set is the v12 data.

Size Modelling

The size data is "noise free" in that (absent errors in coding) the sizes in the data set should be completely accurate. Given the relatively simple behavior of the jit it was felt that a linear model should work well.

The model needs to be relatively simple to implement and quick to evaluate, and it is highly desirable that it be interpretable. Based on this the model developed is a penalized linear model using R's 'glmnet'. This script was used to derive the model. It is implemented by DiscretionaryPolicy::EstimateCodeSize in the code base. This model explains about 55% of the variance in the mscorlib size data, and 65% of the variance seen in the v12 data.

Naive use of more sophisticated models (eg random forests, gradient boosting, mars) to see how much the linear model might be leaving behind didn't yield much improvement.

So the belief is that some the remaining unexplained variance comes from missing observations. An exploration of poorly fitting examples would likely prove fruitful. There is likely some nontrivial amount of variation that will never be easily explained -- the jit's code generation can be quite sensitive to the exact details of both root method and callee.

Exactly how close one can come to modelling size is an open question.

The degree to which the inaccuracy of the current size model hurts the overall inline heuristic performance is another. The belief is that the speed and high-level structure of the heuristic are likely larger contributors to poor performance. However, they may also be more difficult to improve.

Size Model Viewed as Classification

Given the form of the idealized heuristic, drawing a clear distinction between size-increasing and non-size-increasing inlines is important. We can view the regression model developed above as a classifier and see how well it performs at this task (here on the V12 data):

Actual Est Decrease Est Increase Total
Size Decrease 2052 776 2828
Size Increase 132 3162 3298
Total 2188 3938 6126

So the model is quite accurate in predicting size increasing cases, getting only 132/3298 wrong (96% accuracy).

It's not as good at predicting size decreasing cases: 776/2828 were misclassified as size increasing (72% accuracy).

To better implement the idealized heuristic, it might make sense to bias the model to increase the accuracy of classifying size decreasing cases. For instance, setting the classification threshold to EstSize - 40 (recall value is in bytes * 10) would give roughly balanced error rates. The downside is that a larger number of size increasing cases are now inlined without further scrutiny.

For inlines classified as size increasing, the magnitude of the size comes into play, so one might also attempt to make more accurate predictions for size increasing inlines and trade off accuracy in predicting the magnitude of size decreases.

Speed Model and Measurements

Speed Measurements

While noise-free size measurements are easy to come by, some degree of noise is inevitable for most approaches to speed measurements. Generally speaking any inline whose impact is of the same magnitude as the ambient noise level will very difficult to measure.

The most common approach is to measure wall-clock or process time or cycle time for a benchmark. It is difficult to get noise levels for these approaches below roughly 1% of the overall runtime of the test. This amount of noise restricts the set of measurable inlines. Aside from interference by other processes running on the host machine, time-based measurements also can fall prey to microarchitectural implementation issues, in particular things like loop alignments, global branch prediction, various security-inspired randomization techniques, power management, and so on. Thus even run-to-run repeatability on an otherwise quiet machine will be impacted. The inliner also operates early enough in the compilation pipeline that machine microarchitecture is of a secondary concern.

To avoid some of these pitfalls we have adopted the instructions retired by the benchmark as our primary performance metric. This is relatively insensitive to microarchitectural detals (with some caveats) and noise levels of 0.01% - 0.1% are not difficult to come by.

Measuring instructions retired on Windows requires elevation since only the kernel can access and program the performance monitoring counters (PMC).

Isolating Inlines

To capture the per-inline impact on performance one must be able to run the benchmark twice, varying just one inline between the two runs. To do this requires some care. The K-limiting approach used during the size data collection does not sufficiently control inlining.

So instead we developed some alternate techniques. One of them is to use K-limiting along with the ability to suppress inlining in all but one root method and a FullPolicy inline heuristic that inlines where possible. This combination allows successive measurements where just one inline differs (with some care taken to handle for force inlines). Note the "context" of the inline is the one that arises from the DFS enumeration. So as K increases we may be inlining deep into the tree.

Because we wanted a greater quantity of samples for shallow inlines we developed a second technique where inline replay is used to carefully control inlining. An inline forest was grown by enabling some an inline policy and collecting up the initial inline forest. Inlining for each root in the forest was then disabled and a new run was done; this collects forests for new roots (methods that were always inlined in the initial run). This process continues until closure, yielding a full forest for that policy.

This full forest is expressed in inline XML. Inline replay can then be used to isolate inlines to just one tree in the forest by measuring the performance of a tree and one of its proper parents. In actuality we measured each tree by growing from the empty tree towards the full tree in a breadth-first fashion. It is probably a good idea to try a greater variety of exploration orders here.

As an aside, using an aggressive policy like the FullPolicy, one can enumerate the "jit-visible" call graph, a graph that shows the range of possible inline trees and hence inline forests.

How to Measure an Inline

The measurement process described below is orchestrated by the PerformanceExplorer.

Benchmarks are set up to run under xunit-performance. Per-benchmark times are roughly normalized to 1 second to try and keep the variance constant in each benchmark.

Xunit-performance runs the benchmark code via reflection. For each attributed method it runs some number of iterations, enabling performance counting via ETW (on windows). It also issues events for the start and end of each benchmark and each iteration of the benchmark. The event stream is post processed to find events attributed to the benchmark process that fall within the iteration span of a particular benchmark method. These events are counted and the total is multiplied by the PMC reload interval (100,000 I believe) to give the overall instruction retired estimate for that iteration. The raw iteration data is then written to an XML file. This data is read by the orchestrating process and an average count is computed from the iterations. This average value is then subtracted from the averaged value measured by in the proper parent run to get the per-inline performance impact.

The overall exploration process repeats the above for each root in each benchmark, growing trees from their noinline version up to the full version seen in the forest. Exploration is short-circuited for a root if the full tree performance for that root does not differ significantly from the noinline version, or if the root has no inlines. Roots are explored in the order of the number of calls (see below).

Additional Data Measured

Along with the measured change in instructions retired, it seemed important to also get some idea about how the call counts were changing in the program -- in particular how often the root being explored was called, and how frequently it called the method being inlined. To do this a special instrumentation mode was developed that hijacks the IBC mechanism present in the CoreCLR. each jitted method's entry was instrumented with a counter to count the number of calls. These counts are dumped on jit shutdown. The root method count is directly available; the callee count can be deduced by knowing its value in the noinline run and accounting for any other inlines of that callee made along the way.

One failing of this method is that if the callee comes from a prejitted image it will never run in instrumented form. To work around this the use of prejitted images can be disabled. This creates its own set of complications because every benchmark contains a sizeable amount of startup code that might be repeatedly explored. So optionally the explorer maintains a list of already explored methods and tries to avoid re-exploration.

Another failing is that the call counts are captured by running the benchmark tests normally and not by running them under xunit-performance. The benchmarks have been set up so that key portions behave identically under both scenarios, but the real possibility exists that the call counts measure this way diverge from the counts running under the performance harness.

It would probably be better to capture the call count data via the normal profiling API so that a special build of the jit with this capability is not needed (though note a special build is still needed to get at the inline data).

Coping with Noise

The impact of specific inlines can be elevated above the noise by iteration -- repeatedly invoking methods in loops. This elevation generally a manual process and so restricts the set of inlines that can be studied. But some degree of this is probably necessary.

Adoption of a benchmarking framework like xunit-perf allows for the iteration strategy to be determined after the benchmark is authored.

Runs can be repeated with the well-known result that if the noise is uncorrelated, the noise level will fall of with the square root of the number of runs. However on windows at least we have seen that the ambient noise level can vary over periods of minutes to hours. So some kind of adaptive iteration strategy might be required where the benchmarking harness periodically runs some known-effort workload to assess the ambient noise, and then either records the noise level or tries to adjust (or perhaps defer) data gathering to compensate for higher noise levels.

There is also some inherent sampling noise. Consider this simple model of how PMC sampling works. The per-CPU PMC is programmed with some count-down value N. The OS then schedules processes to this CPU. Instructions are executed and the counter counts down. When it hits zero, the entire allotment of counts is "charged" to the current process. Suppose during this time the process being benchmarked ran for most of the time but for some fraction of instructions alpha, other processes ran on the CPU. Then the expected instruction charge to the benchmark process for this interval is:

   E = alpha * 0 + (1-alpha) * N

which reflects that on some of the PMC rollovers the process is not charged even though it made progress, and on others it is charged but made somewhat less progress then the charge would indicate.

The actual progress towards completion is given by the same formula. If the entire benchmark runs for K instructions then on average during the benchmark's execution the number of charges will be K/E, and hence the expected value for the total charge is K, which equals the actual total charge. So the added noise here does not apparently bias the estimated mean. It does however, create variance.

The existence of this variance is readily observable. Unfortunately the exact nature of this variance is not well characterized. See for instance the discussions in Flater. However it seems reasonable to assume that the variance increases, perhaps nonlinearly, with increasing alpha, and also increases if alpha itself is subject to variation, and that the variance does not go to zero as the benchmark is run for longer intervals.

Speed Model -- Idealized

The idealized speed model for the change in instructions retired for a single isolated line into root at some site is:

  InstRetiredDelta = RootCallCount * InstRetiredPerRootCallDelta
  InstRetiredPerRootCallDelta = Overhead + CallDelta * InstRetiredPerCallDelta
  InstRetiredPerCallDelta = F(...)

See table below for explanation of these terms. InstRetiredDelta, RootCallCount, InstRetiredPerRootCallDelta, Overhead, CallDelta, and InstRetiredPerCallDelta measured after the fact.

For predictive purposes they must be derived from modelling.

Speed Model -- Modelling

Attempts to coax workable performance models out of the data gathered above have largely fallen flat.

The first challenge is to figure out what to model. With the current data set, there are several viable options:

  • InstRetiredDelta
  • InstRetiredPct
  • InstrRetiredPerRootCallDelta
  • InstrRetiredPerCallDelta

The first two measures reflect the realized potential of the inline in some benchmark setting. They seem somewhat arbitrary -- if the benchmark was run for twice as long, the overall change in instructions would double as well. And the percentage value likewise seems off -- consider a test like the CscBench that has two timed sub-benchmarks. If an inline benefits one and not the other, the percentage change in instructions retired depends on the relative number of instructions run for the two sub-benchmarks. In terms of the idealized model, RootCallCount is thus something we can't easily characterize.

So some sort of relative measure seems more appropriate. Because the jit generally has no notion of the overall importance of the root method in the ongoing processing (with some exceptions: the .cctor is known to run rarely, and when/if there's profile feedback, the jit might know something from past observations), it must presume that the root method might be called frequently. So a plausible figure of merit for inline benefit is the change in instructions retired per call to the root method: InstRetiredPerRootCallDelta.

One could likewise argue that the right figure of merit for speed is InstRetiredPerCallDelta -- the change in instructions retired per call to the inlinee. This could be multiplied by a local estimate for call site frequency to arrive at a projected per call benefit. The jit computes block frequency estimates for other purposes and it would be good if all such estimates agreed. So instead of having this be implicit in the inline profit model, it could be made explicit.

With either of these relative measures there is still potential for wide dynamic range as instruction retirement counts can be amplified by loops in the root or in the callee.

Measurement of either of these requires that RootCallCount and CallDelta be captured. This is currently done with the special instrumentation mentioned above.

Note also that CallDelta may well be zero, in which case the InstRetiredPerRootCall reflects just the Overhead term. This term represents changes in the root that are not "in the vicinity" of the inline site -- eg extra register saves in the prolog or epilog, or improved or pessimized code in other parts of the root method.

Also, the number of times CallDelta is observed to be zero is overstated in the V12 data set because before call count values are not always available (see note above about additional data in the presence of crossgen). This should be fixed in the forthcoming V13 data set.

Unfortunately, it is proving difficult to find good models for any of the measures above. Some potential explanations:

  • High noise levels. Typical noise of 0.01% - 0.1% still means variations on the order of 5M instructions. Many inlines will have absolute impact below this level.
  • Missing key observations
  • Errors in measurement or in post-processing
  • Poor selection of benchmarks
  • Varying noise levels

Speed Model -- Modelling Attempts

Various approaches that have been tried, without success, for performance models:

  • Find some subset of the data that is predictable. For instance cases with high CallDelta
  • General linear modelling with nonlinear terms and interaction terms
  • Nonlinear models like mars
  • Quantile an robust regressions
  • Trying to classify rather than regress, classify as "improvement" or "regression", or some multinomial sense of "goodness".
  • Transforming the response to reduce the dynamic range (~ predict log of delta)
  • Temporarily allowing some output terms (eg RootCallCount, CallDelta) in models
  • Ensemble models (random forest, gradient boosting). While we might not want to implement such a model, if they're unable to predict results well, then there is not much hope for simpler implementable models
  • Weighted models, where the weight is used to
    • Cope with potential heteroscedastic results
    • Ignore impact of outliers
    • Emphasize instances felt to be above the noise level

Very few models can explain more than a few percent of the variation.

Speed Model -- Implemented Model

The model currently implemented in the ModelPolicy came from an early V3 data set, and relies on just 210 observations. It predicts InstRetiredPerCallDelta. It is a penalized linear model that can explain only about 24% of the variation. This is the script used to derive the model

For use in the heuristic, the speed estimate from the model is multiplied by a local estimate of CallDelta to give an estimate of InstRetiredPerRootCallDelta. This local estimate is ad-hoc and was chosen to give some boost to call sites believed to be in loops in the root method.

This version of the model was intended to be preliminary so that a trial implementation of the ModelPolicy and idealized heuristic could be assessed. However, no better model has emerged in the time since.

Current Heuristic

The current ModelPolicy heuristic follows the form of the idealized heuristic. It uses the size model and speed model, along with a local call site weight and a size-speed tradeoff parameter. The weight and tradeoff parameters were set based on benchmark runs and size assessments.

Results show about a 2% geomean improvement in the CoreCLR benchmarks, with around a 2% size decrease in the core library crossgen size, and about a 1% throughput improvement.

Evaluation of this heuristic on other benchmarks is just beginning. Some tests on parts of RavenDB show a possible 2% CQ improvement, though there were some interactions with force inline directives. Measurements on ASP.Net Techempower plaintext show about at 2% regression.

Viewed as a classifier, here's how well the implemented model does at implementing the idealized heuristic (V12 data):

Actual Est Size Decrease Est Profitable Est Don't Inline Total
Size Decrease 2052 86 690 2828
Profitable 25 7 384 416
Don't Inline 111 39 2732 2882
Total 2188 132 3806 6126

Accuracy is 78% overall. The largest errors come from inlines that actually decrease size, but are estimated to increase size, and then judged as unprofitable (690), and from inlines that are correctly estimated to increase size but are then assessed as unprofitable.

Note that there may be substantial labelling error for the size-increasing cases, given the high noise levels in profitability measurements and the low impact of many inline instances.


Full-on Classification Model

One might legitimately ask if it would be better to try and learn the idealized heuristic directly. Such a model would incorporate aspects of the size and speed models, though they might no longer be distinguishable as such.

Learning from Inline Forests

Instead of measuring inlines in isolation, one might attempt to infer value by studying performance changes for entire inline forests. This seems to match (in spirit) the approach taken in Kulkarni, et. al. A randomized heuristic is used, and this creates a collection of forests and performance results. Results are projected back onto individual inlines in the forest and, for each inline, the projected results are aggregated into some kind of label for that inline.

For instance, one could track three numbers (possibly weighted by magnitude of the change) for each instance: the number of times it appears in a run that increases performance, the number of times in appears in a run that decreases performance, and the number of times it does not appear at all. The objective would be to then learn how to identify inlines whose appearance is correlated with improved performance.

Finding Ideal Forests

Along these lines one might also use randomness or a genetic approach to try and identify the "optimal" inline forest for each benchmark, and then attempt to generalize from there to a good overall inline heuristic.

Inline Data Files

The files have a header row with column names (meanings below), and then data rows, one per inline instance.

Column Type Meaning Use in Heuristic?
input observation available for heuristic Yes
estimate value internally derived from inputs Maybe
meta metadata about the instance No
output measured result No

The table below describes the V12 (and forthcoming V13) data sets. Older files may have a subset of this data, and may contain a Version0 row for each method giving method information without any inlines.

Column Name Type Meaning
Benchmark meta Name of benchmark program
SubBenchmark meta none (all sub-benchmark data now aggregated)
Method meta Token value of the root method
Version meta Ordinal number of this inline
HotSize output Hot code size of method after this inline (bytes)
ColdSize output Cold code size of method after this inline (bytes)
JitTime output Time spent in code gen after inlining (microseconds)
SizeEstimate estimate Estimated code size for this method (hot + cold)
TimeEstmate estimate Estimated jit time for this method (microseconds)
ILSize input Size of callee method IL buffer (bytes)
CallsiteFrequency estimate Importance of the call site (factor)
InstructionCount input Number of MSIL instructions in the callee IL
LoadStoreCount input Number of "load-store" MSIL instructions in callee IL
Depth input Depth of this call site (1 == top-level)
BlockCount input Number of basic blocks in the callee
Maxstack input Maxstack value from callee method header
ArgCount input Number of arguments to callee (from signature)
ArgNType input Type of Nth argument (factor, CorInfoType)
ArgNSize input Size of Nth argument (bytes)
LocalCount input Number of locals in callee (from signature)
ReturnType input Type of return value (factor, CorInfoType)
ReturnSize input Size of return value (bytes)
ArgAccessCount input Number of LDARG/STARG opcodes in callee IL
LocalAccessCount input Number of LDLOC/STLOC opcodes in callee IL
IntConstantCount input number of LDC_I and LDNULLopcodes in callee IL
FloatConstantCount input number of LDC_R opcodes in callee IL
IntLoadCount input number of LDIND_I/U opcodes in callee IL
FloatLoadCount input number of LDIND_R opcodes in callee IL
IntStoreCount input number of STIND_I opcodes in callee IL
FloatStoreCount input number of STIND_R opcodes in callee IL
SimpleMathCount input number of ADD/SUB/.../CONV_I/U opcodes in callee IL
ComplexMathCount input number of MUL/DIV/REM/CONV_R opcodes in callee IL
OverflowMathCount input number of CONV_OVF and math_OVF opcodes in callee IL
IntArrayLoadCount input number of LDELEM_I/U opcodes in callee IL
FloatArrayLoadCount input number of LDELEM_R opcodes in callee IL
RefArrayLoadCount input number of LDELEM_REF opcodes in callee IL
StructArrayLoadCount input number of LDELEM opcodes in callee IL
IntArrayStoreCount input number of STELEM_I/U opcodes in callee IL
FloatArrayStoreCount input number of STELEM_R opcodes in callee IL
RefArrayStoreCount input number of STELEM_REF opcodes in callee IL
StructArrayStoreCount input number of STELEM opcodes in callee IL
StructOperationCount input number of *OBJ and *BLK opcodes in callee IL
ObjectModelCount input number of CASTCLASS/BOX/etc opcodes in callee IL
FieldLoadCount input number of LDLEN/LDFLD/REFANY* in callee IL
FieldStoreCount input number of STFLD in callee IL
StaticFieldLoadCount input number of LDSFLD in callee IL
StaticFieldStoreCount input number of STSFLD in callee IL
LoadAddressCount input number of LDLOCA/LDARGA/LD*A in callee IL
ThrowCount input number of THROW/RETHROW in callee IL
ReturnCount input number of RET in callee IL (new in V13)
CallCount input number of CALL*/NEW*/JMP in callee IL
CallSiteWeight estimate numeric weight of call site
IsForceInline input true if callee is force inline
IsInstanceCtor input true if callee is an .ctor
IsFromPromotableValueClass input true if callee is from promotable value class
HasSimd input true if callee has simd args/locals
LooksLikeWrapperMethod input true if callee simply wraps another call
ArgFeedsConstantTest input number of times an arg reaches compare vs constant
IsMostlyLoadStore input true if loadstore count is large fraction of instruction count
ArgFeedsRangeCheck input number of times an arg reaces compare vs ldlen
ConstantArgFeedsConstantTest input number of times a constant arg reaches a compare vs constant
CalleeNativeSizeEstimate estimate LegacyPolicy's size estimate for callee (bytes * 10)
CallsiteNativeSizeEstimate estimate LegacyPolicy's size estimate for "savings" from inlining (bytes * 10)
ModelCodeSizeEstimate estimate ModelPolicy's size estimate (bytes * 10)
ModelPerCallInstructionEstimate estimate ModelPolicy's speed estimate (inst retired per call to callee)
IsClassCtor input True if callee is a .cctor (v13)
IsSameThis input True if callee and root are both instances with same this pointer (v13)
CallerHasNewArray input True if caller contains NEWARR operation (v13)
CallerHasNewObj input True if caller contains NEWOBJ operation (v13)
HotSizeDelta output Change in hot size because of this inline (bytes)
ColdSizeDelta output Change in cold size because of this inline (bytes)
JitTimeDelta output Change in jit time because of this inline (microseconds)
InstRetiredDelta output Change in instructions retired because of ths inline (millions)
InstRetiredSD estimate Estimated standard deviation of InstRetiredDelta (millions)
InstRetiredPct output Percent change in instructions retired
CallDelta output Change in number of calls to the callee because of this inline
InstRetiredPerCallDelta output InstRetiredDelta/CallDelta or 0 if CallDelta is 0
RootCallCount output Number of calls to root method
InstRetiredPerRootCallDelta output InstRetiredDelta/RootCallCount
Confidence meta Bootstrap confidence that this inline caused instructions retired to change

Options for Changing Inliner Behavior

Build a release jit with -DINLINE_DATA=1. This enables the following COMPlus settings:

Setting Effect
JitInlineDumpData dumps inline data
JitInlineDumpXml dumps inlines in xml format
JitInlinePolicyReplay enable replay from replay file
JitInlineReplayFile name of the replay file to read from
JitInlinePolicyFull enable FullPolicy heuristic
JitInlinePolicyModel enable ModelPolicy heuristic
JitInlineLimit enable K-limiting
JitNoInlineRange disable inlines in a subset of methods

List of Areas for Investigation

  • Improvements to Size data collection
    • Modify collection process to walk inline trees in various orders
  • Improvements to the Size models
    • Analyze cases where existing size model makes poor predictions
    • Look for correlated inputs
    • Look for inputs columns with zero variance and/or low variance, and either remove them or add cases to boost their relevance
    • See if there is a better way to account for the operations done by the inlinee
  • Improvements to the Speed data collection
    • Reduce noise levels (thread affinity, priority, more frequent sampling, etc)
    • Identify noisy runs and retry if warranted
    • Round-robin execution to "sample" benchmarks at different times
    • More iterations, more reruns
    • Eliminate noise entirely using instrumentation or a tool like PIN
    • Understand possible divergence between xunit-perf and regular runs
    • Get rid of need for instrumented build, use CLR profiler API instead
    • Get rid of split modelling where sometimes the program is run under the perf harness and other times it is run normally
    • Directly measure call site frequency rather than infer it
    • Modify collection process to walk inline trees in various orders
    • Generalize collection to work with any test program
    • Wider variety of measurements
    • Develop techniques to measure and attribute performance to inline ensembles to speed up collection
  • Improvements to the Speed model
    • Settle on proper figure of merit: Instructions or Instructions per XXX
    • Deal with potential heteroscedasticity
  • Improvements to the idealized heuristic
    • Randomized studies looking for good inlining patterns
    • Manual tuning to do likewise
    • Find way to code up oracular inliner and benchmark the heuristics that way
  • Improvements to the actual heuristic
    • If local call site weight estimate needed, find good way to create one
    • If root method importance estimate needed, find good way to create one
    • Build full-model classifiers that incorporate tradeoffs
    • Automate process of tuning parameters
  • Other
    • Impact of instrumented counts (IBC) on heuristics
    • Are different heuristics warranted for prejit and jit?
    • Investigate stability of models over time
    • Investigate variability of models for different OSs or ISAs