Fluid and smooth rolling animation for Vue.js
Try out here with your own text!
npm (Vue.js 2)
npm i vue-roller@1.12.7
import Roller from "vue-roller";
export default {
import Roller from "vue-roller";
components: { Roller }
<Roller text="1234"></Roller>
Displays text.
<Roller :transition="1"></Roller>
Sets the time for the animation to complete in second(s). 0.5
by default.
<Roller :isNumberFormat="true"></Roller>
Can be set to true
if you want to display commas as thousands separators. false
by default.
<Roller :isStatic="true"></Roller>
default : false Used for disposable animation. (Performance improvement)
<Roller :charList="['a', 'b', 'c']"></Roller>
Sets the list of characters used for the animation.
Default: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
<Roller defaultChar="0"></Roller>
Sets the text to display when the page is first loaded (before the animation actually starts).
Must be included in charList.
by default.
<Roller :wordWrap="20"></Roller>
Sets the number of line break characters (word-break: keep-all)
by default. (word-break: break-all)
<Roller @animationend="event"></Roller>
Call the event at the end of the animation.
<Roller class="roller"></Roller>
.roller .rollerBlock {
font-family: ~~~;
margin: 20px;