nginx docker container that automatically has good* TLS configuration and Let's Encrypt client.
- good means: rated A by Qualys SSL Server Test as of July 2023; see their rating guide
With nginx-auto-acme you are getting:
- HTTP/2 web server with automatic HTTPS by Let's Encrypt
- good defaults
- the full power of nginx
You put docker-compose.yml file to some directory on the server:
image: andrianbdn/nginx-auto-acme
restart: unless-stopped
- QUIC=1
- "443:443/udp"
- "443:443"
- "80:80"
- ./persist:/persist
- ./conf.body:/etc/nginx/conf.body:ro
driver: json-file
max-size: "10m"
max-file: "3"
- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
Do not change 443 and 80 port mappings, otherwise this letsencrypt won't be able to issue TLS certificate.
You can optionally specify SLACK_CH_URL to Incoming Slack WebHook. If some domain could not be resolved, the error message will be posted to that channel.
Now you create conf.body directory and put nginx configs there.
- You should name them as hostname.conf. For example, if you want to serve, you should create file in conf.body directory.
- Of course, you should have DNS record for that hostname pointing to your server.
- The config does not need to contain
server {
blocks orserver_name
directives — it all will be added automatically. Just writes parts of nginx config that describe what you want to serve.
Now run docker compose up -d
and you are done.
First time you run it, it will take some time to generate Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Remember, to add a hostname, just create hostname.conf file in conf.body. For, that would be
return 301;
This is a basic example of proxing traffic to some other port on the host (golang binary or other published port of a Docker container):
location / {
proxy_pass http://host.docker.internal:8088;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
You can use host.docker.internal
to refer to the host machine from inside the container. Replace 8088 with the port you want to proxy to.
location / {
autoindex on;
root /mnt/data-bin/shared;
auth_basic "Protected Area";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/conf.body/htpasswd;
This is the htpasswd
file, referred in the config above (also put it in conf.body directory):
Note: nginx discourage using {PLAIN}, because the password will be stored on the server in the plain text. For some cases, this is an acceptable risk.
During the start, container sets worker_processes, worker_connections, keepalive_timeout nginx root config values to environment variables with the same name, in uppercase (WORKER_PROCESSES, WORKER_CONNECTIONS, KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT)
nginx-auto-acme supports wildcard certificates, which would require using DNS challenge.
- Add ACME_DNS variable to docker-compose.yml. Set its value to the DNS API you want to use.
See DNS API. For Cloudflare, it would be
. - Add environment variables necessary for to modify your DNS zone. For example, if you use Cloudflare, you would need to add
Example, environment section of docker-compose.yml (for Cloudflare):
- ACME_DNS=dns_cf
- CF_Token=<replace with cloudflare token, which can edit your zone(s)>
Now inside conf.body
create file _wildcard.domain.gtld.conf
For example, if you want to serve *
, you should create
file in conf.body directory.
Read in conf.body folder to enable older TLS.
nginx-auto-acme automatically adds strict-transport-security header.
strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains
Mentioning 'strict-transport-security' anywhere (in comments) inside a nginx-auto-acme config will result the header not being added automatically.
Mentioning 'nginx-auto-acme-sts-preload' in comments of nginx-auto-acme config will make the STS header contain 'preload' directive.
strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
Set env QUIC=1 (enables for all hosts) or mention `nginx-auto-acme-quic' in comments of server config to enable QUIC and HTTP3. Don't forget to forward UDP ports in docker-compose.