- Title: 3D-PRNN: Generating Shape Primitives with Recurrent Neural Networks
- Author: Chuhang Zou, Ersin Yumer, Jimei Yang, Duygu Ceylan, Derek Hoiem
- Affiliation: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Adobe Research
- Publication status:
- Short name: 3D-PRNN
- Year: 2017
- Idea: 5
- Usability: 5
- Presentation: 4
- Overall: 4
- Robotics and graphics application require 3D interpretations of sensory data.
- Challenge to represent 3D object geometry so that:
- Noisy and partial observations can be predicted.
- It is useful for reasoning about extent, contact and support etc.
- Use of 3D primitves instead voxels as it is more compact.
- Primitives are also holistic, representing an object in few parts, which simplifies reasoning about stability, connectedness and other properties.
- Contribution is to learn 3D primitives representations of objects from unannotated 3D meshes.
- Method to fit primitves from point clouds.
- Autoencoder architecture.
- RNN to encode an implicit shape representation and then decode into a sequence of generated primitives to approximate the shape.
- Ground truth data acquired by method based on Gaussian Fields and energy minimization to iteratively parse shapes into primitive components.
- Optimise a differentiable loss function using robust techniques (L-BFGS).
- The network is trained jointly with a single depth image and a sequence of primitives configurations (shape, translation and rotation) that form the complete shape.
- Utilised symmetry of man-made objects to speed up primitive parsing procedure.
- Predicts shapes with aggregations of primitives that has the benefit for lower computational and storage costs.
- Network predicts for each primitive, its shape (height, length, width), position (i.e. translation) and orientation (i.e. rotation).
- Additionally, at each step, a binary end of generation signal is predicted which indicates no more primitive should be generated.
- 3 classes containing models of chairs, tables and drawers from ModelNet.
- NYU Depth V2.
- To produce parameterised 3D primitives (oriented cuboids), the RNN was customised to encode explicit geometric constraints of symmetry and rotation.
- Separately predicting whether a primitive should rotate along each axis and by how much improves results over more simply predicting rotation values, since many objects consist of several (unrotated) cuboids.
- For optimisation, during each iteration they randomly initialise 10 primitives, optimise for each of these primitives and add the best fitting primitives to the primitive collection.
- RNN = LSTM with Leaky Relu.
- To avoid overfitting, 15% of training samples were held to choose the number of training epochs. The network is then retrained using the entire training set.
- Pre-sort primitives based on the height of each shape center in a decreasing fashion, to reduce randomness that make training harder.
- ADAM optimiser.
- IOU and surface-to-surface distance (computed using 5,000 points sampled on the primitive and ground truth surfaces amd the distance is normalised by the diameter of a sheere tightly fit to the ground truth mesh) used for accuracy.
- By enforcing rotation axis contraints ("3D-PRNN + rot loss"), achieves better performance.
- 3D-PRNN outperforms kNN Baseline.
- Wu et al performs similarly on IoU measure and better on surface distance, which is less sensitive to alignment, but more sensitive to details in structures.
- Was also able to be used in shape segmentation.
- Capable of modelling shapes with fewer training examples available.
- Higher degree of freedom representations can be achieved.
- IoU ≈ 0.26
- Primitive configurations beyond cuboids (i.e. cylinders or spheres).
- Encoding explicit joints and spatial relationship.
- Use same method of loss and primitive decription for adding rotations to CSGNet.
- Look into method's code for using point cloud.
- Primitives