All of the assignments and work related Boot Camp is posted here.
#Description of Files and Folders:
This folder contains the Hacker Rank problem for finding and removing Alternating characters in a string.
##Assignment This forlder contains the theoratical assignments of week one ->HR-REPORT ->COO_Meeting ->TEAM LEADS MEETING. ##Code Academy Snapshots of my code academy performance ##Coding Assignmets This folder contains all the coding assingments of HackerRank and LeetCode. ##PHP-OOP This folder contains the twitter clone code files. In this code i have tried to perform some basic functionality of twitter such as Posting Tweets,SigningIn, Following other users. ##VagrantFile_SHELL Contains the VagrantFile and the Shell Scripts being run in vagrant files. ##ZshRc_Aliases Contains the .Zshrc file and a separate .aliases file.