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This project uses the Learner Credential Wallet by The Digital Credentials Consortium.

For development setup, please refer to their README

Note! It is vital to use the correct versions of the dependencies for the wallet to work. We developed using node version 16.13.2, and java version 11.0.20.

NB! No longer using custom wallet, code is deprecated. Use the Learner Credential Wallet instead. The following instructions are kept for reference.


Clone the repository and run npm install to install dependencies.

Create a Json Web Key (JWK) for the wallet to use, and place it in the src/assets folder as jwk.json.

A JWK can be generated in several ways:

  • Using the JWK Generator
    1. Select the EC algorithm with the P-256 curve, key use Encryption, algorithm ECDH-ES+A128KW, and key ID SHA-256.
    2. Copy the public key, and paste it into the jwk.json file.
  • Using the json-web-key-generator:
    1. Clone the repository and run mvn package to compile the project.
    2. Run java -jar target/json-web-key-generator-0.9-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t EC -c P-256 -p -o path/to/directory -P path/to/directory to generate a JWK. Replace path/to/directory with the path to the directory where you want to save the JWK.

Running the wallet

Run npm run dev to start the wallet in development mode.

Building the wallet for production

Run npm run build to build the wallet for production.

The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

The build artifacts can be served using any static file server, or by running npm run preview.