Name | Type | Required | Description |
Id | string | ❌ | Unique identifier of the template |
Name | string | ❌ | Name of the template |
Comment | string | ❌ | Comment for the template |
Pages | long | ❌ | Total number of pages in the template |
LegalityLevel | EnvelopeLegalityLevel | ❌ | Legal level of the envelope (SES is Simple Electronic Signature, QES_EIDAS is Qualified Electronic Signature, QES_ZERTES is Qualified Electronic Signature with Zertes) |
CreatedAt | long | ❌ | Unix timestamp of the creation date |
UpdatedAt | long | ❌ | Unix timestamp of the last modification date |
ExpirationDelay | long | ❌ | Expiration delay added to the current time when an envelope is created from this template |
NumRecipients | long | ❌ | Number of recipients in the envelope |
SigningSteps | List | ❌ | |
Documents | List | ❌ | |
Notification | EnvelopeNotification | ❌ | |
DynamicFields | List | ❌ | List of dynamic fields |