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390 lines (274 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (274 loc) · 11 KB

Option reference

Options are sourced from the following locations, in descending order of priority:

  1. Command-line arguments
  2. .mocharc.js
  3. .mocharc.ya?ml
  4. .mocharc.json
  5. .mocharc.jsonc
  6. package.json (mocha property of top-level object)
  7. mocha.opts


.mocharc.js only
Lifecycle hooks that behave similarly to Mocha's beforeEach() and afterEach() hooks, but are guaranteed to run before any other hook. onFail and onPass are called for every test which fails or passes, respectively, and run before afterTest().

Handlers are called with two parameters: the Mocha.Runnable instance (test object), and the exception which triggered its failure (if any).

// .mocharc.js
module.exports = {
	onFail(test, error){

package.json only
Allows different configurations to target different environments.

For instance, perhaps you'd like headless tests to use Mocha's landing reporter:

"atom-mocha": {
	"headless": {
		"mocha": {"reporter": "landing"}

Anything that's valid for atom-mocha is also valid for headless or interactive.

mocha (package.json only)


Mocha v6 introduced support for package.json hosted configuration, but reads properties from the "mocha" key of the top-level JSON object. Having options for Mocha pulled from "atom‑mocha": "mocha" is now confusing and redundant, and we strongly recommend moving any Mocha settings you had to the mocha property of your package.json file.

This and many more changes are due to be made to the package's configuration in the next major release. See Alhadis/Atom-Mocha#3 for discussion and details.

An object containing Mocha configuration settings. For example:

"mocha": {
	"bail": true,
	"grep": "/(^tokenises|strings)\\b/i",
	"reporter": "landing",
	"retries": 1

The reporter option defaults to whatever makes sense for the running environment. Headless tests use Mocha's spec reporter, while interactive tests use the bespoke TTY-styled reporter. These defaults are also used if an environment doesn't support a reporter's output (such as HTML in terminal, or monospaced/SGR-coloured patterns in interactive mode).

Note that requesting the dot reporter will implicitly enable the minimal setting of the default HTML reporter.


Disables the loading of extensions.js. Consult the extensions reference for details of what this entails.


An array of paths pointing to mocha.opts files to load. Only needed if your mocha.opts file is located in a different directory to your specs.

Note: This package is currently limited to loading one mocha.opts at once. This limitation may be fixed in future to permit directory-specific configurations.


A directory in which to store screen-captures taken automatically after failed tests. If the path does not exist, it will be created. Moreover, setting this option enables the aforementioned auto-capture feature, with each individual snapshot saved to:


For example, given a snapshotDir of /tmp/atom-tests, the second failed test will be saved to:


The HTML file saved with the screen-capture image is a scrape of the DOM following the respective test failure (specifically, document.documentElement.outerHTML). The JSON file contains metadata identifying the failed test and the stack trace of the relevant error:

	"test": [
		"Suite title",
		"it breaks something"
	"file": "/Users/Alhadis/Labs/Atom-Mocha/spec/basic-spec.js",
	"error": "ReferenceError: something is not defined\n    at Context.<anonymous> (…)",
	"snapshot": {
		"img": "/tmp/atom-tests/2021-08-08T03-06-05.811Z/2.png",
		"dom": "/tmp/atom-tests/2021-08-08T03-06-05.811Z/2.html"

This feature exists mainly to facilitate cross-platform testing in headless environments, especially in CI environments. Note that snapshots will (usually) not be retained by most CI providers: remember to tailor your configuration appropriately. For example, using AppVeyor:

# .mocharc.yml
snapshotDir: .atom-mocha

# appveyor.yml
  - ps: |
      if(Get-ChildItem '.atom-mocha/**/*.json' -ErrorAction Ignore){
          7z a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on screenshots.7z .atom-mocha
          Push-AppveyorArtifact screenshots.7z -FileName "$env:APPVEYOR_JOB_ID-screenshots.7z"

If finer control is desired, call AtomMocha.snapshot() directly:

const pathBase = require("os").homedir() + "/workspace";
const format   = "jpg";
const quality  = 100;

const {
	img, // ~/workspace.jpg
	dom, // ~/workspace.html
} = await AtomMocha.snapshot(pathBase, format, quality);


Default: png
File format used when generating screen-captures via snapshotDir. May be one of png, pdf, or jpg/jpeg.


A regular expression that determines which files are loaded as specs. Default pattern:


Which matches any of the following filenames:



package.json only
An array of additional specs to load. These may be directories or individual files.

"atom-mocha": {
	"tests": [

Paths are relative to the package's root directory.


The following options are specific to the default reporter only; they do nothing for other reporters (such as Mocha's HTML reporter).


Default: Enabled (since v2.2.0)
Prepend It to the name of every test. See mocha-when for details.

it("runs a test", () => {});

autoIt comparison

Only applicable when Mocha's ui setting is set to bdd.


Default: Enabled
Automatically scroll to tests when they finish.

To disable this in a mocha.opts file, use --no-auto-scroll.


Default: Enabled
Make stack traces less noisy by removing the package's base directory:

clipPaths comparison

To disable this in a mocha.opts file, use --no-clip-paths.

Paths to extra stylesheets or scripts to attach to the spec-runner.

"atom-mocha": {
	"css": "spec/assets/some custom counter.less",
	"js": [

This provides an extension point for authors wishing to extend or modify the default reporter.

Paths are relative to whatever file defines them. So to write the above example in mocha.opts, you'd write this:

--css assets/some%20custom%20counter.less
--js node_modules/less/dist/less.min.js node_modules/annoying-nyan-cat/nyan.js

Note the use of %20 to encode spaces in the first filename.


Default: Enabled
Escape < > & in failed assertion titles.

Generally, this is desired and expected behaviour. Depending on what you're testing, however, it may be cleaner to show embedded HTML:

escapeHTML comparison

To disable this setting in a mocha.opts file, use --no-escape-html.


Print stack traces in reverse order, placing more recent calls at the bottom.


Default: Enabled
Prettify the contents of embedded JavaScript snippets.

formatCode comparison

The specific effects of this option are:

  • Removal of containing function headers
  • Normalised indentation
  • Syntax highlighting (using Atom's JavaScript grammar)

To disable this option in a mocha.opts file, use --no-format-code.


Hide all mention of pending tests in Mocha's output.


Hide the statbar at the bottom of the window.


Default: Enabled
Link sources in stack-traces to their offending lines of code when clicked on.

To disable this option in a mocha.opts file, use --no-link-paths.


Use dots to represent each test, highlighting failures.

Minimal Mocha


Default: 0.8
Set the translucency of the feedback layer. This probably only matters if you're attaching elements with attachToDOM.


Default: true
Allow the feedback layer to be toggled away, exposing anything added underneath (such as workspaces added with attachToDOM).

603 KBs of unapologetic bandwidth drain

This is intended to help debug failed tests by making the DOM easier to examine. Works well with Mocha's --bail.

To restrict sliding to certain edges, pass any combination of up, down, left and right. Passing false disables sliding completely.

To disable sliding in a mocha.opts file, use --no-slide.


Default: /node_modules([\\\/])mocha(?:\1|\.js|[:\)])/
RegExp to filter unwanted lines from stack traces.


Title of the spec-runner window. Defaults to "Mocha".