DAW Upper Grade 2024 Final Project
A web app where you can chat with others, create or join game events and more!
- Frontend
- Backend
- Backend API Documentation Swagger
- Landing Page
- Video
- PDF presentación
- Links may be down. Ask us if you want to locally up the project!
0.0.1 🗓️ (30/04/2024)
- API - BackEnd - Front Structure commited (Base laravel 11 and angular 17 proyects)
0.0.2 🗓️ (04/05/2024)
- Backend: Added security and auth features (personal access token, email verification, unauthorized msgs...)
- Frontend: Added main form to create events with validations using json as database
0.1.2 🗓️ (07/05/2024)
- Backend: Now we can save created events on database
- Frontend: Connected to Backend API Rest to save created events
0.1.3 🗓️ (08/05/2024)
- Backend: Minnor changes
- Frontend: Added security tokes on API requests
0.2.3 🗓️ (09/05/2024)
- Backend: Preparing backend to users relations (followers)
- Frontend: Session control and login/register added
0.2.4 🗓️ (10/05/2024)
- Backend: Finished users relations and events
- Frontend: Added EventCardComponent
0.2.5 🗓️ (13/05/2024)
- Backend: Added 404 error handle and some validations on user realtions
- Frontend: Restyled evewntFeedComponent
0.2.6 🗓️ (13/05/2024)
- Backend: Work on events CRUD
- Frontend: Update profile card layout and add dropdown menu for user actions
0.2.7 🗓️ (10/05/2024)
- Backend: Finished users relations and events
- Frontend: Added EventCardComponent
0.2.8 🗓️ (14/05/2024)
- Backend: Refactor event endpoints to return participants and requirements inside every filter
- Frontend: ProfileCardComponent now connected with backend
0.2.9 🗓️ (16/05/2024)
- Backend: Work on events CRUD, user relations and some refactors on factories
- Frontend: Added auth and unauth interceptors and navbar component
0.2.10 🗓️ (20/05/2024)
- Backend: Added automatic deletion of ended events
- Frontend: Work on eventsFeedComponent
0.2.11 🗓️ (22/05/2024)
- Backend: Finished chat online with websocket server and hystory endpoints.
- Frontend: Work on editEventsForm
0.2.12 🗓️ (24/05/2024)
- Backend: Some refactorization around events endpoints
- Frontend: Refactoriced eventFormComponent to be reusable on event Update
0.3.12/0.3.13/0.3.14 🗓️ (25/05/2024)
- Backend: Added search endpoint for events and refactorized routes for create, detele and update events
- Frontend: Now we can create and update events!
0.4.14 🗓️ (26/05/2024)
- Backend: Minnor changes
- Frontend: Work in GameStatsComponent
0.4.20/0.4.21 🗓️ (27/05/2024)
- Backend: Work on GameStats CRUD
- Frontend: Minnor changes and bug fixes on searchEventComponent
0.5.21/0.5.22 🗓️ (28/05/2024)
- Backend: Added GamemodeStats
- Frontend: Added followers followed and friends data to user profile.
0.6.22 🗓️ (31/05/2024)
- Backend: Some bug fixes and refactorization
- Frontend: Work on GameStats
0.6.23 🗓️ (01/06/2024)
- Backend: Added global chat
- Frontend: Added check token on autoLogin and refactorized authGuard
0.7.23 🗓️ (02/06/2024)
- Backend: Delete user method refactorized
- Frontend: Update setting component to handle credentials updates
0.8.23/0.8.24/0.8.25 🗓️ (03/06/2024)
- Backend: Preparing admin views
- Frontend: Added userSearchComponent and user status managment
0.8.26 🗓️ (04/06/2024)
- Backend: Preparing admin views
- Frontend: Added guard to profile private routes, fixed minnor bug on edition of Socials, refactorized
profileCardComponent and added loged user to the event participants list
0.8.27/0.8.28/0.8.29 🗓️ (07/06/2024)
- Backend: CORS Handle and middlewaes for production
- Frontend: Work con private Chats feature
0.8.30 🗓️ (11/06/2024)
- Backend: Added handler for web unauthorized and post public route for avatars and default avatar
- Frontend: Work on admin views on Laravel
0.8.31 🗓️ (11/06/2024)
- Backend: Start API documentation with Swagger
- Frontend: Global chat and emoji picker added
0.9.31 🗓️ (11/06/2024)
- Backend: Advises feature
- Frontend: Multiple bugs fixed
1.0.0 🗓️ (11/06/2024)
- Laravel 10 Author: Antonio J. Sánchez Bujaldón
- Laravel 11 Documentation
- Email Verification
- Events
- Error Handling
- Render Exceptios
- Middleware
- Unauthorized request JSON response
- Console Kernel
- Laravel Reverb
- Laravel Pulse
- Supervisor Config
- L5 Swagger IO
- Websocket SSL Configuration issues
- Websocket Configuration issues
- Laravel Reeverb Websocket issues