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Aerodynamic models of 3D wings using the Vortex Step Method

The Vortex Step Method (VSM) is an enhanced lifting line method that improves upon the classic approach by solving the circulation system at the three-quarter chord position, among the most important details. This adjustment allows for more accurate calculations of lift and drag forces, particularly addressing the shortcomings in induced drag prediction. VSM is further refined by coupling it with 2D viscous airfoil polars, making it well-suited for complex geometries, including low aspect ratio wings, as well as configurations with sweep, dihedral, and anhedral angles.

The software presented here includes a couple of examples: a rectangular wing, a leading-edge inflatable kite and a ram-air kite.

This package was translated from the Python code version 1.0.0 available at with some extensions as documented in


Install Julia 1.10 or later, if you haven't already. On Linux, make sure that Python3, Matplotlib and LaTeX are installed:

sudo apt install python3-matplotlib
sudo apt install texlive-full texlive-fonts-extra cm-super

Furthermore, the package TestEnv must be installed globally:

julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("TestEnv")'

Before installing this software it is suggested to create a new project, for example like this:

mkdir test
cd test
julia --project=.

Then add VortexStepMethod from Julia's package manager, by typing:

using Pkg

at the Julia prompt. You can run the unit tests with the command:

pkg"test VortexStepMethod"

Running the examples

If you have git installed, check out this repo because it makes it easier to understand the code:

mkdir repos
cd repos
git clone
cd VortexStepMethod.jl

You can launch Julia with:

julia --project

or with:


In Julia, first update the packages:

using Pkg

and then you can display a menu with the available examples:

using VortexStepMethod

To browse the code, it is suggested to use VSCode with the Julia plugin.


Three kinds of input data is needed:

  • The wing geometry, defined by section:

    • for the rectangualar wing two sections, two points in CAD reference frame + polars
      (three different options to provide them) per section
    • kite wing: model of polars included, n sections to define
  • The airflow and turn rate:

    • v_app vector and omega (turn rate) vector in Kite Body (KB) reference frame
  • The configuration:

    • how many panels
      --> two sections make a panel.

Apart from the wing geometry there is no input file yet, the input has to be defined in the code.

Example for defining the required input:

# Step 1: Define wing parameters
n_panels = 20          # Number of panels
span = 20.0            # Wing span [m]
chord = 1.0            # Chord length [m]
v_a = 20.0             # Magnitude of inflow velocity [m/s]
density = 1.225        # Air density [kg/m³]
alpha_deg = 30.0       # Angle of attack [degrees]
alpha = deg2rad(alpha_deg)

# Step 2: Create wing geometry with linear panel distribution
wing = Wing(n_panels, spanwise_panel_distribution=LINEAR)

# Add wing sections - defining only tip sections with inviscid airfoil model
    [0.0, span/2, 0.0],    # Left tip LE 
    [chord, span/2, 0.0],  # Left tip TE
    [0.0, -span/2, 0.0],   # Right tip LE
    [chord, -span/2, 0.0], # Right tip TE

# Step 3: Initialize aerodynamics
wa = BodyAerodynamics([wing])

# Set inflow conditions
vel_app = [cos(alpha), 0.0, sin(alpha)] .* v_a
set_va!(wa, vel_app)

It is possible to import the wing geometry using an .obj file as shown in the example ram_air_kite.jl.

Surfplan files can be converted to an input for VortexStepMethod.jl using the SurfplanAdapter.


  • CL, CD, CS (side force coefficient)
  • the spanwise distribution of forces
    --> moment coefficients (will be implemented in release 1.1)


If you use this project in your research, please consider citing it. Citation details can be found in the CITATION.cff file included in this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Technische Universiteit Delft hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the package “VortexStepMethod.jl” written by the Author(s).

Prof.dr. H.G.C. (Henri) Werij, Dean of Aerospace Engineering


Copyright (c) 2022 Oriol Cayon

Copyright (c) 2024 Oriol Cayon, Jelle Poland, TU Delft

Copyright (c) 2025 Oriol Cayon, Jelle Poland, Bart van de Lint, Uwe Fechner