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Audience1st was written by Armando Fox with contributions from: Xiao Fu, Jasper Gan CiCi Huang, Xu Huang, Xiaoyu He (Alan), Wayne Leung, Autumn Li Yowsean Li, Anthony Ling, Jason Lum, Sanket Padmanabhan, Andrew Sun, Tanji Saraf-Chavez, Jack Wan, Alex Wang, Kevin Yen Casper Yang, Hang (Arthur) Yin

This information is for developers and deployers

Perhaps you intended to learn about Audience1st features and/or have us install and host it for you?

You only need the information in this repo and its wiki if you are deploying and maintaining Audience1st yourself. If so, this page assumes you are IT-savvy and provides the information needed to help you get this Rails 4/Ruby 2.5 app deployed.

Preparing to develop

In addition to the app, you will need a Stripe account, though you can use just the test-mode keys during development.

Multi-tenant setup

This is important. By default Audience1st is designed to be setup as multi-tenant using the apartment gem, where each theater is a tenant. Audience1st determines the tenant name for a given request fomr the first subdomain in the URI, e.g. if your deployment domain is, then selects my-theater as the tenant for that request.

For development or staging, the recommended approach is to setup a single tenant. In this example we will call it my-tenant-name; you can call it whatever you want, but if you deploy to Heroku for staging, the app name must exist, so choose the name carefully.

  1. Create a file config/application.yml containing the following:
tenant_names: my-tenant-name
session_secret: "exactly 128 random ASCII characters"
attr_encrypted_key: "exactly 32 random characters"
STRIPE_KEY: "Publishable key from a Stripe account in test mode"
STRIPE_SECRET: "Secret key from a Stripe account in test mode"

(In a production setting, you'd have several tenant names separated by commas.) Please don't version this file or include it in pull requests, nor modify the existing config/application.yml.asc. The .gitignore is set to ignore config/application.yml when versioning.

  1. Create a config/database.yml file (and don't version it; it is also git-ignored) containing development: and test: targets:
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/my-tenant-name.sqlite3
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/test.sqlite3

(The production configuration, if any, depends on your deployment environment. Heroku ignores any production configuration because it sets its own using PostgreSQL.)

  1. After running bundle as usual, you can run bundle exec rake db:schema:load to load the database schema into each tenant.

  2. Run rake db:seed on the development database, which creates a few special users, including the administrative user with password admin.

  3. To start the app, say rails server webrick as usual (assuming you want to use the simpler Webrick server locally; the Procfile uses a 2-process Puma server for the production environment currently), but in your browser, do not try to visit localhost:3000; instead visit since the multi-tenant selection relies on the first component of the URI being the tenant name. This uses the free service that always resolves to localhost.

  4. The app should now be able to run and you should be able to login with the administrator password. Later you can designate other users as administrators.

  5. If you want fake-but-realistic data, also run the task TENANT=my-tenant-name bundle exec rake staging:initialize. This creates a bunch of fake users, shows, etc., courtesy of the faker gem.

Deploying to production or staging

These instructions are for Heroku and assume that you have created a Heroku app container and provisioned it with the basic (free) level of Heroku Postgres. You can adapt these instructions for other deployment environments.

  1. Get the code pushed to the deployment environment (git push heroku master usually).

  2. Ensure that the config/application.yml on your development computer contains the correct configuration data.

  3. If using Heroku, figaro heroku:set -e production to make application.yml's environment variables available to Heroku.

  4. In addition, ensure that the environment variable tenant_names in your deployment environment is set to a comma-separated list of all your tenants. For staging-type deployments to Heroku, the correct value is the Heroku appname, so if your app is, the tenant_names environment variable should be set to luminous-coconut. (It's best not to put this in config/application.yml, because you may have different tenant(s) in development than in production/staging.)

  5. If this is the first deployment, heroku run rake db:migrate to create all the tenant schemata, then heroku run rake db:seed to create the basic admin account for each tenant. Only portable SQL features are used, and the schema has been tried with MySQL, Postgres, and SQLite.

  6. If the environment variable EDGE_URL is set on Heroku, config.action_controller.asset_host will be set to that value to serve static assets from a CDN, which you must configure (the current deployment uses the Edge CDN add-on for Heroku, which uses Amazon CloudFront as a CDN). If not set, assets will be served the usual way without CDN. (If you're just deploying a staging server, you should not set this variable.)

  7. The task Customer.notify_upcoming_birthdays emails an administrator or boxoffice manager with information about customers whose birthdays are coming up soon. The threshold for "soon" can be set in Admin > Options.

Integration: Sending transactional email in production

In production, email confirmations are sent for various things. Audience1st is configured to use Sendgrid. If you do nothing, transactional emails will be suppressed in your staging/production environment. If you want to use Sendgrid for real email sending in your staging/production app, do the following:

  1. Provision the Sendgrid add-on for Heroku and obtain a Sendgrid API key.

  2. config/application.yml file should contain a valid Sendgrid API key value for SENDGRID_KEY. You may need to figaro heroku:set -e production to get the key value into Heroku's production environment.

  3. Login to Audience1st as an administrator, go to Options, and enter the Sendgrid domain (i.e. the domain from which transactional emails will appear to come, usually something like for a staging environment).

  4. Be sure that same domain name appears among the "allowed domains" in the Sendgrid settings, which can be accessed via the Resources > Sendgrid control panel in Heroku.

Integration: MailChimp

In production, Audience1st can export customer lists (reports) to Mailchimp to serve as the basis of a targeted email campaign. To enable this, log in to Audience1st as an administrator, go to Options, and enter a Mailchimp key. If left blank, Mailchimp integration is disabled.

To disable or change multi-tenancy

This requires removing a few files. Do not make any PRs that delete those files since we need them in the main/production version.

  1. Remove gem 'apartment' from the Gemfile before running bundle install

  2. Remove the file config/initializers/apartment.rb

  3. Make sure your config/application.yml does not contain any mention of tenant_names

To change the tenant selection scheme

If you decide to use multi-tenancy but change the tenant-selection scheme in config/initializers/apartment.rb (see the apartment gem's documentation for what this means), you'll also need to edit the before-suite logic in features/support/env.rb and spec/support/rails_helper.rb. Those bits of code ensure that testing works properly with multi-tenancy enabled, but they rely on the tenant name being the DNS subdomain. If you don't know what this means, you should probably ask for assistance deploying this software. :-)