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Alasql Options

Mathias Rangel Wulff edited this page Mar 11, 2017 · 9 revisions

AlaSQL Options

You can find all AlaSQL options in the alasql.options variable. The options are global for all databases - also if you create them with new.

You can change these options directly from JavaScript:

    alasql.options.autocommit = true;

or from SQL with the SET statement:


Setting them via the SET statement is the only option when running from the console or if you run as a webworker and want to change options during executions.

List of AlaSQL options

  • alasql.options.valueof (true/false) – convert all values with .valueOf() function before comparing
  • alasql.options.angularjs (true/false) – remove $$hashKey from result arrays if angular.js library loaded
  • alasql.options.errorlog = false; // Log or throw error
  • alasql.options.valueof = false; // Use valueof in orderfn
  • alasql.options.dropifnotexists = false; // DROP database in any case
  • alasql.options.datetimeformat = 'sql'; // How to handle DATE and DATETIME types
  • alasql.options.casesensitive = true; // Table and column names are case sensitive and converted to lower-case
  • alasql.options.logtarget = 'output'; // target for log. Values: 'console', 'output', 'id' of html tag
  • alasql.options.logprompt = true; // Print SQL at log
  • alasql.options.modifier = undefined; // values: RECORDSET, VALUE, ROW, COLUMN, MATRIX, TEXTSTRING, INDEX
  • alasql.options.columnlookup = 10; // How many rows to lookup to define columns
  • alasql.options.autovertex = true;// Create vertex if not found
  • alasql.options.usedbo = true; // Use dbo as current database (for partial T-SQL comaptibility)
  • alasql.options.autocommit = true; // AUTOCOMMIT ON | OFF
  • alasql.options.cache = true; // Use cache
  • alasql.options.nocount = false;// for SET NOCOUNT OFF
  • alasql.options.nan = false;// Check for NaN and convert it to undefined

Compatibility flags (not in use at the moment)

  • alasql.options.tsql = true;
  • alasql.options.mysql = true;
  • alasql.options.postgres = true;
  • = true;
  • alasql.options.sqlite = true;
  • alasql.options.orientdb = true;
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