Releases: Akylas/oss-weather
Releases · Akylas/oss-weather
OSS Weather(android): v2.9.4 Build 147
- new Favorites design with more favorite infos (coords,time) and access to a menu for specific favorite actions (ad2c979)
Bug fixes
- crash when showing chart (2c9dcf4)
- show snow legend in weather map (63d9bbd)
- allow to set custom tile url for weather map (006bfbd)
- landscape layout fix (7d85cfc)
- use local db to find location timezone. Will be much faster in most cases. A bit less precise though (42e981a)
- wrong wind gust colors (a55a0bc)
- Translations update
OSS Weather(ios): v2.9.3 Build 125
OSS Weather(android): v2.9.3 Build 146
OSS Weather(ios): v2.9.2 Build 124
Bug fixes
- prevent error if ATMO does not have data for the location (581f909)
- prevent error when switched to eink style but not restarted (6f28a7a)
- prevent error when hourly data shows a mix of snow/rain. A weather data refresh will fix it (7951854)
- prevent too big or too small custom font scale (d721da9)
- Translations update
OSS Weather(android): v2.9.2 Build 145
Bug fixes
- prevent error if ATMO does not have data for the location (581f909)
- unable to pinch-zoom on map (92854f0)
- prevent error when switched to eink style but not restarted (6f28a7a)
- prevent error when hourly data shows a mix of snow/rain. A weather data refresh will fix it (7951854)
- prevent too big or too small custom font scale (d721da9)
- Translations update
OSS Weather(ios): v2.9.1 Build 123
Bug fixes
- align small icons to right in the current weather data. better layout! (76d56c0)
- wind speed not visible in dark mode #259 (515b475)
- menus not beeing scrollable #256 (968958b)
- allow to set font scale with keyboard #249 (3e1a7c8)
- map color style was showing wrong value #245 (728fdac)
- show rain/snow icon in more situations #257 (d813b51)
- improved eink theme (4fe0fe8)
- Translations update
OSS Weather(android): v2.9.1 Build 144
Bug fixes
- align small icons to right in the current weather data. better layout! (76d56c0)
- consider bottom inset in chart views #260 (bf8da61)
- wind speed not visible in dark mode #259 (515b475)
- menus not beeing scrollable #256 (968958b)
- allow to set font scale with keyboard #249 (3e1a7c8)
- map color style was showing wrong value #245 (728fdac)
- show rain/snow icon in more situations #257 (d813b51)
- improved eink theme (4fe0fe8)
- Translations update
OSS Weather(ios): v2.9.0 Build 122
OSS Weather(android): v2.9.0 Build 143
OSS Weather(ios): v2.8.5 Build 121
Bug fixes
- draw using small icons in Daily Page since we dont show minutely forecast (so we have room for it) (8b14fd7)
- ran snow limit was not showing unit (nor was it converted in the correct custom unit) (fbbca25)
- regression fix for true black theme (9b4147b)
- error while exporting settings (a235ae6)
- weather map option menu fix (422cae0)