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File metadata and controls

164 lines (110 loc) · 3.88 KB

Included Middleware

Some additional middleware provided are:

And part of tg-clj-server.defaults we have:


Logs the request & response for every request, useful for debugging.

Optionally takes a name which is prepended to the log line.

(-> handler

; In a `defaults` app:
(defaults/make-app routes {:middleware [log/middleware]})

; Optionally supply a name
(-> handler
    (log/middleware "pre-middleware1"))

; In a `defaults` app:
(defaults/make-app routes {:middleware [[log/middleware "pre-middleware1"]]})

; Log outputs look something like:
; INFO: Request(pre-middleware1): {<the request>}
; ... some other log lines
; INFO: Response(pre-middleware1): {<the response>}

Global Admin

There are a few ways to control access to routes/commands on a bot:

  • Manually checking the :status of a user (be careful of users messaging the bot in other chats)
  • Set the :scope of commands when setting them up (same warning as above)
  • Have a pool of users who are admins for the bot regardless of chat
  • Something else

This middleware helps with the third option by having a global pool of admins.

By including :admin-only true in the route data for a route you can ensure that only admins in the global list will be allowed to use that route:

(defn public-handler [_]

(defn secret-handler [_]

(def routes
  {"/public" #'public-handler
   "/secret" {:handler #'secret-handler
              :admin-only true}})

(defaults/make-app routes {:middleware [admin/middleware]})

The admin list is split into two parts: base admins and stored admins.

Base admins are provided statically a set on the middleware and can only be removed by changing this list and restarting the app:

(defaults/make-app routes {:middleware [[admin/middleware #{"me" 1234}]]})

And stored admins are stored at [:store :admins]. Use the simple store to persist this list of admins.

A set of routes is provided at tg-clj-server.middleware.middleware/routes:

(def routes
  (merge {...} admin/routes))

; For a list of routes:
(def routes
  (concat [...] admin/routes))

These commands are:

  • /admin_list - List the stored admins (not the base admins)
  • /admin_add - Add an admin to the stored admins
  • /admin_remove - Remove and admin from the stored admins

NOTE: These routes make use of the invoke middleware to reply to users, but other than the /admin_list command this isn't required

See /examples/with_admin.clj for a complete example.


See the defaults docs for a description.

Usage of the raw middleware:

(defn handler [_]
  {:op :sendMessage
   :request {:chat_id 1234
             :text "hi"}})

(-> handler

; Optionally supply a retry function
; Retries on client errors, not telegram api errors
; Defaults to retrying 3 times every 100ms
(-> handler
    (invoke/middleware {:retry #(u/retry % {:max-retries 4})}))

Simple Store

See the defaults docs for a description.

Usage of the raw middleware:

(defn handler [{:keys [store]}]
  (println store)
  {:set-store (assoc store :a 1)})

(-> handler

; Optionally supply a path
(-> handler
    (store/middleware {:path "/tmp/file.edn"}))

; Optionally supply an atom
(def my-store (atom nil))
(def app
  (-> handler
      (store/middleware {:atom my-store})))

(app {})
@my-store ; => {:a 1}


See the defaults docs for a description.

Usage of the raw middleware:

(defn handler [{:keys [me]}]

(-> handler