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File metadata and controls

258 lines (209 loc) · 12.6 KB


This prototype is sufficient to experiment with ocap-style contract code. However, it is not destined to support production environments. The particular technologies used were selected for quick implementation rather than their sustainability.

Some of these limitations may be fixed by improvements to be made in this repository. However many deeper issues will be addressed in a subsequent prototype, in a different repo, in a non-backwards-compatible fashion.


Each object has a secret "swissnum", and knowledge of the swissnum is what provides the authority to send messages to that object. This is the same approach used by Foolscap and Waterken.

While security on the Internet always depends upon secrets, ideally these secrets can be sequestered into as small a domain as possible. Webkeys are the opposite: they are exercised by delivering them to the target vat (imagine if I asked you to prove that you know a secret by telling me the secret; if I didn't already know the secret, well, I do now). To do this safely, we need a confidential channel that is bound to the target Vat, otherwise a network eavesdropper could learn the swissnums and exercise authority that was not granted to them. A failure in the confidentiality of the channel will enable eavesdroppers to violate integrity.

In Foolscap, Waterken, and E's VatTP layer, channel confidentiality is achieved with a TLS (or TLS-like) secure-transport protocol. Asymmetric public keys are used for Vat identity, a key-agreement protocol is used to establish a symmetric transport key, and an authenticated encryption mode provides both confidentiality and integrity for the actual records.

A better approach would use signing keys as the secret. The sender demonstrates knowledge of the secret by signing the message, and the receiving Vat verifies the signature before accepting the message for delivery. The link might also be encrypted, but a failure of confidentiality will not cause the integrity to be violated.

Webkeys are fundamentally broken, however, in the face of Quorum Vats: each member host learns the webkey of the target object, and it could create a Solo Vat (or share the webkey with someone else who runs a Solo Vat) and unilaterally access the target object. This would violate our intention that the members of a Quorum Vat should not be able to act alone, but only with the cooperation of the other members.

A future design will switch to "c-lists", in which each Vat maintains a table of inbound references. The table is indexed by both sending Vat and a small integer identifier for each object. This table is initially populated by outbound messages that contain object references (the local object is recorded as the value, and a new integer is allocated as the key). It can also be populated by a special "three-party handoff" protocol which is used each time an object in one Vat (A) sends a message to a second Vat (B) which contains a reference to some object living on a third Vat (C). Finally, the table can be populated by exercising special "sturdyref" URI strings, which behave like webkeys and enable references to be bootstrapped from outside the existing reference graph.

Acks are Unimplemented

Each Vat host is obligated to remember outbound messages (and retransmit them each time a new network connection is established) until the target Vat acknowledges receipt, which transfers responsibility for the message to the recipient. This ACK also generally marks the point at which the receiving Vat commits to executing a particular message: deterministic execution requires each Vat to remember their execution history (despite restarts) and never execute messages in a different order.

The ACK enables the sender to safely forget about outbound messages. It also interacts with the ordering properties of three-party handoffs (to implement the WormholeOp).

Since every message will require an ACK, a simplistic approach would double the number of network messages. Optimizing this out is valuable, which requires some careful design work. In addition, Quorum Vats make ACKs complicated: ACKs are a host-to-host message, but they must be sent only when the overall Vat has accepted a vat-to-vat message.

So for expediency, ACKs were removed altogether. The current prototype remembers every outbound message, forever, and re-delivers all of them each time a new network connection is made. The recipient ignores duplicate messages.

SES not limited to deterministic subset of JavaScript

The JavaScript language does not have a deterministic spec, giving implementations some wiggle room in how they implement the language. Currently, SES inherits much of this non-determinism. For example, JavaScript specifies that Array.prototype.sort must use a correct sorting algorithm, but does not specify which one. These differences are observable. Thus, given the same starting state and incoming messages, the same JavaScript program may execute differently on different implementation.

However, JavaScript is deterministic enough that the typical program, not written to provoke these issues, will execute deterministically enough for our present prototyping purposes.

Inefficiently Serialized Checkpoints

The current prototype does not serialize the state of the Vat. Instead, it simply remembers every inbound message by writing them to a file named output-transcript. To pause and resume a Vat, you kill the process, copy the output-transcript file to input-transcript, and then restart the process with vat run. The new process will start by executing every message from input-transcript, and since execution should be deterministic, this should result in exactly the same internal state as existed when the process was killed.

A better approach would persist the state of all objects reachable from sturdyrefs, transparently, in some sort of database checkpoint. The checkpoint would need to include all unacknowledged outbound messages, as well as enough information to reject previously-executed inbound messages. But it should not need to remember all historical input messages, nor should it need to re-process all those messages (i.e. neither the size of the checkpoint nor the runtime of startup should grow without bound).

Incomplete Promise Pipelining

Our current Flow and messaging implementation does not enable as much pipelining as we would like. Messages sent to the target of an remote invocation will be pipelined to that remote Vat, but if that target forwards its Vow to a third Vat, the messages do not flow through to the third Vat. Instead, they sit queued on the second Vat until the target has fully resolved.

In addition, these messages are likely to be delivered in the wrong order (specifically, messages sent through the original "long" path might arrive after messages sent later through the "short" path). The ordering properties of Flows that span Vat boundaries are still being developed, as well as wire protocols that enable efficient enforcement of those properties. The protocol must also protect "liveness": one Vat should not be able to prevent progress of messages in a Flow that is not depending upon that Vat, even when three-party handoffs are involved.

Awkward Message-Send Syntax

Code run in this Vat has access to a Flow constructor, which augments Promises with some new useful delivery-ordering properties. Flows provide Vows rather than built-in Promises, and these Vows have a new feature that enables messages to be sent to their target (both local and remote).

If you know that fooP is a Vow, you can send a message bar() with some arguments to its target like this:

const resultVow =, arg2)

If and when fooP eventually resolves to some object foo, this will cause bar to be invoked:

const result =, arg2)

The special .e property is a specialized Proxy that records .bar as a method name, along with the arguments. This enables normal Javascript method-invocation syntax to be used (vs something awkward that requires the method name to be provided as a string, e.g. fooP.invoke('bar', arg1, arg2)).

Invocation of this proxy returns a Vow for the result. This Vow can be used as the target of another method invocation, without waiting for it to resolve:

const directoryP = fsP.e.getDir('music');
const fileP = directoryP.e.getFile('never-gonna-give-you-up.mp3');;

This proxy syntax is not perfect: there is no particular reason to use e other than it is short. The proposed syntax for SES is to use an exclamation point (pronounced "bang"), which will require a parser or source-to-source transformation function:

const resultVow = fooP!bar(arg1, arg2)

The motivation for ! is that fooP!bar() is like, but the "bang" brings the readers attention to the asynchronous nature of its execution.

(The E language, from which this originates, used a left-arrow: fooP <- bar(args). However in Javascript this syntax would collide with comparison and negation: fooP < -bar(args). Many message passing languages and formalisms, from CSP to Pi Calculus to Erlang, use infix ! to send its right operand as a message to the destination designated by its left operand.)

Incomplete SES Implementation

This Vat uses the SES library to get a object-capability-safe execution environment. SES does not yet fully freeze the primordials, which permits several communication channels that should be forbidden.

No Resource controls

We currently have nothing like a gas model, nor any clean way to handle out-of-memory conditions. Rather, for purposes of the prototype, we assume SES programs only use "reasonable" amounts of resources.

Incomplete libp2p-js

We use libp2p for networking, specifically the js-libp2p Javascript implementation. HostIDs are libp2p node identifiers (a base58 hash of an RSA public key). Libp2p gives us transport-layer encryption with strong identifiers for the other end of each connection (inbound and outbound), which is critical for the security of our VatTP message-passing protocol.

However js-libp2p is missing a lot of features that the flagship Go implementation provides. One feature we would like is the DHT that disseminates host addresses. With that in place, knowledge of a HostID would be sufficient to reach that host. Since we don't have it, we need a way to learn a host's multiaddresses before we can connect to it. Our prototype does this automatically if and only if the Vats are all running in sibling directories. When running Vats on separate computers, you must manually copy the address information into each new Vat (somewhat like an /etc/hosts file).

We might address this with embedded address hints, "redirectories", and/or by running a central server that can distribute address information.

Closely related to this is the NAT-bypassing relay behavior that allows IPFS servers to work behind firewalls. The consequence of this being absent from the JS port is that Vat nodes behind a firewall will not be able to accept connections from other Vats outside that firewall. Once a connection is made, it is used for messages in both directions, so certain topologies will work anyways.

js-libp2p defaults to using (2048-bit) RSA keys for the node identities, which is adequate, but I'd prefer Ed25519 elliptic-curve keys, which are smaller and much faster. We may rewrite VatTP to use an entirely different wire protocol, in which messages are individually encrypted and then signed (so the signatures could be checked by third parties). In that case, the transport-layer encryption would be redundant, and we wouldn't care so much about the details.

The networking code currently brings up connections on demand: the TCP connection for each target host is initiated as soon as the first outbound message is generated for that host. An additional one-second loop is used to retry any failed connections. This is a bit too aggressive, and should be changed to use an exponential backoff algorithm, with random jitter to avoid the "thundering herd" problem. In addition, until we have ACKs, we will try to make a connection even after all the messages have been delivered. Status messages are displayed to stdout each time the loop runs, making the console somewhat noisy (but we should display at least one message when the connection fails, to help diagnose problems).