Multilayer Networks Illustrated
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How to cite : Figure from Manlio De Domenico, "Multilayer Networks Illustrated" (2020) DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/GY53K
Last update : Sep 2020
Figure: schematic illustration of a multilayer model for multiscale analysis and visualization
Fundamental models for empirical systems
Multilayer representation can be used to model a variety of empirical systems. In the following we show a few examples.
Visualization of multilayer networks: different approaches
Multiscale and multiplex model of a social system, from the molecular to the population layers
Multiplex model of a physical and virtual relationships in a social system
Multiscale and multiplex model of a physical transportation system
Multiscale and multiplex model of an ecological system
The math of multilayer networks
Distinct classes of multilayer models: non-interconnected vs interconnected
The basic ingredients of a multilayer network are: state nodes, physical nodes, layers and interactions
The mathematical representation of complex objects can be understood in terms of tensors of different rank
Operatively, rank-4 tensors can be mapped into rank-2 supra-adjacency matrices to facilitate operations (with care)
This is achieved by means of matricization/flattening
Macroscopically, multilayer networks can be characterized also by the way its layers are interdependent with each other
In some cases, a poor representation of a multilayer network can be its aggregate
Dynamics on the top of multilayer networks (single vs coupled)
Dynamics on the top of multilayer networks (Random walk)
Dynamics of multilayer networks (classical vs multilayer)
Structural analysis of multilayer networks: paths
Structural analysis of multilayer networks: connected components
Structural analysis of multilayer networks: centrality/versatility
Structural analysis of multilayer networks: motifs and triadic closure
Structural analysis of multilayer networks: dimensionality reduction
Empirical systems: coauthorship network of physicists
Empirical systems: Game of thrones saga
Empirical systems: Star wars saga